Faithful ilovedinomartin readers will remember that Mr. Elejalde is the greatest of great Dino-holics who shared a trilogy of great Dino-hearted posts at his Spanish blog, "Deep Roots" that we gratefully shared here last week (see May 19, 20, and 21 Dino-entries). Each of his three impeccably researched and magnificently scribed posts showed us just how pure and how deep Jose's devotion is to our most beloved Dino and we were awe struck by the time, energy, and resources he obviously poured into this labor of immense love for our great great man.
Well, likes when we read Jose's personal epistle to us, he directed us to his Facebook wall where he had written the kindest of kind Dino-honorin' words of appreciato for ilovedinomartin which we just had to share with all youse Dino-holics. His thoughts are shared below in both his original Spanish words as well as an English translation. BTW, you know how kind Jose is? When he wrote us ilovedinomartin dudes, he used google translation to make sure we coulda read it in English....that is how grand this grand Dino-devotee is dudes!
ilovedinomartin wants to share our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato with Mr. Jose Luis Alcaide Elejalde and his associate Miss Mabel P. Vadillo for writin' so so beau-ti-fully 'bout ilovedinomartin and sharin' the link with his Facebook pallies. Jose know that we stand ready to share any and all scribin's you create in the cause of Dino with our ever growin' family of Dino-addicts! To checks out Jose's Facebook page, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. With mucho Dino-gratitude, DMP

STATEMENT in relation to the BLOG "Deep roots" Although we are aware of the tracking we are having outside of our borders... We were surprised, an American gentleman, "Dino Martin Peters", who has a blog dedicated to the figure of our admired DEAN MARTIN, called "ILOVEDINOMARTIN", we have welcomed the trilogy that we have dedicated to the great Crocetti, and the surprise has been even greater, to see who has published on his blog, our biographical manuscript about the same... Taking the trouble of translating it into English, compartiendola in both versions, "Spanish and English"... all a Mr detail which moves us deeply, and that is very appreciated!
DEEP roots, is a blog of American music, in Spain, i.e., a drop in the ocean... But it's a drop that just cross the Atlantic, to win more hearts... This gesture spontaneous, generosity, by a stranger on the other side of the Atlantic, feel that it is not trivial, and makes us rethink many things... thank you, MR DINO MARTIN PETERS...!
MABEL P.VADILLO and José LUIS warden (Translated by Bing
Jose Luis Alcaide Elejalde shared a link.
May 22 · Edited
Aunque somos conscientes del seguimiento que estamos teniendo fuera de nuestras fronteras… Nos ha sorprendido, que un caballero norteamericano, “Dino Martin Peters”, que tiene un blog dedicado a la figura de nuestro admirado DEAN MARTIN, denominado “ILOVDINOMARTIN”, nos haya felicitado por la trilogía que hemos dedicado al Gran Crocetti, y la sorpresa ha sido aún mayor, al comprobar que ha publicado en su blog, nuestro manuscrito biográfico sobre el mismo…. Tomándose la molestia de traducirla al Inglés, compartiendola en ambas versiones, “Española e Inglesa”… ¡Todo un señor detalle que nos conmueve profundamente, y que es muy de agradecer!
RAÍCES PROFUNDAS, es un blog de música americana, en España, es decir, una gota en el océano… Pero, es una gota que acaba de cruzar el Atlántico, para conquistar más corazones… Esto gesto espontáneo, de gran generosidad, por parte de un desconocido al otro lado del Atlántico, sentimos que no es baladí, y nos hace replantearnos muchas cosas…
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