Hey pallies, likes we simply simply felt so Dino-led to goes on over to our greatest of great Dino-addicted pallie Scotty's beau-ti-ful blog, "BlueisKewl" 'cause we had a hunch that he was up to some Dino-good. And, likes indeed when we arrived there we discovered that he had likes shared 'nother great Dino-feature with his readership.
This time 'round, Scotty has shared a new art form of Dino-devotion a series of 4----count 'em----4 gifs of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis performing at the Paramount Theatre in New York City in July 1951. These are really really fun remembrances of this greatest of greatest comedic team at the peak of their careers together! Likes digs those crazy crazy moves o'pallies of ours!
ilovedinomartin thanks and salutes our Dino-delighted pallie Scotty for continuin' to share this passion for our great great man at his great great blog. Scotty continues to do his part to fuel the fires of the Dino-revolution that is takin' place all 'round the globe! To check this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Performing at the Paramount Theatre in New York City July 1951
Hey man...our pal, Blueiskewl, is DEF I NATE LY a cool & savy fella! Great great job pal! Lovin' these clips of Dino & The Jer!
Thank your so much everyone for your kind words. When i spotted these little gif's i thought of all the Dean and Jerry fans out there. I am glad you enjoyed them as much as i did.
Keep up all the great work you contribute!
Hey pallies, likes we can't wait to likes see what new Dino-devotion you are goin' to share over at your beau-ti-ful blog "BlueisKewl." Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
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