From his memorable blog, "A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE," our Dino-diggin' pallie Mr. David Lobosco, whose Dino-prose has often appeared on the pages of ilovedinomartin, has just this day created the red letter post (literally!), "THE WIT OF DEAN MARTIN," whose openin' sentence proudly proclaims, "Dean Martin was the Buddha of cool." Likes gotta 'fess up pallies that likes we coulda 'gree more with our pallie David evocative Dino-image.
To prove his point Lobosco has assembled 15----count 'em-----15 quintessential quips from our most beloved Dino....and added a few Dino-poses for good measure. We here at ilovedinomartin have often referred to the life, times, and teachings of our Dino. Today's post from our Dino-devoted pallie David accents some of the funny, but as Lobosco states "insightful" teachings of our cool cool man! And, we are totally totally thrilled to be able to share 'em with all youse Dino-philes.
How absolutely awesome of David to be so incredibly insightful to bring this new Dino-image to light: "Dean Martin was the Buddha of cool." Our most beloved Dino is the truest of true knower of the coolest of cool truth! We salute our pallie David Lobosco for sharin' his both provocative and evocative homage of our Dino for the whole Dino-world to digs. To checks this out in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-studyin', DMP
Dean Martin was the Buddha of cool. Maybe Frank Sinatra used his voice more as an instrument, and maybe Bing Crosby was the more prolific of a singer, but Dean Martin was the coolest crooner out there. Through his career Dino said some funny quotes and even insightful at times. Here's a few of them...

"If people want to think I get drunk and stay out all night, let 'em. That's how I got here, you know."
"I've got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are 'hello,' 'goodbye,' and 'I'm pregnant."
To those who felt he joked his way through songs during concert and nightclub appearences: "You wanna hear it straight, buy the album."
Upon filing for divorce from his second wife: "I know it's the gentlemanly thing to let the wife file. But, then, everybody knows I'm no gentleman."
On Joey Bishop: "Most people think of Joey Bishop as just a replacement for Johnny Carson. That's NOT true. We in show business know better: we don't think of him at ALL."
On Phyllis Diller: Phyllis is the women of about whom Picasso once said, "Somebody throw a drop cloth over that."

On Frank Sinatra: "In high school, Frank never participated in extra-curricular activities, like nature study, paintings or ceramics. Frank's hobby was a most interesting one: he was an amateur gynecologist."
On James Stewart: "There's a statue of Jimmy Stewart in the Hollywood Wax Museum, and the statue talks better than he does."
On Bob Hope: "As a young boy, Bob didn't have much to say. He couldn't afford writers then."

On Johnny Carson: "Johnny Carson is a comedian who is seen every night in millions of bedrooms all over America...and that's why his last wife left him."
"I'd hate to be a teetotaler. Imagine getting up in the morning and knowing that's as good as you're going to feel all day."
"I can't stand an actor or actress who tells me acting is hard work. It's easy work. Anyone who says it isn't never had to stand on his feet all day dealing blackjack."
On Shirley MacLaine: "Shirley, I love her, but her oars aren't touching the water these days."
[in 1964, upon introducing The Rolling Stones on ABC TVs' "Hollywood Palace"] "I've been rolled when I was stoned."
On Jerry Lewis: "At some point, he said to himself, "I'm extraordinary, like Charles Chaplin". From then on, nobody could tell him anything. He knew it all."

Whether Dean's bein' "wise" or a "wiseguy"...I can ALWAYS learn a thin' or two from the Buddha of Cool!!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, what a wondrously wise Dino-notion! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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