Hey pallies, likes as we close outta the month of May here at our humble little Dino-conclave ilovedinomartin we want to share with youse what we consider a magnificant pose of our magnficant man....one that we never ever have seen before.....makin' us ponder just how many billions of pixs were snapped of our most beloved Dino and just how many are still out their in cyberspace just waitin' to be discovered.....pure pure Dino-treasure just waitin' to be mined! So, enjoys this newest Dino-discovery.
And likes we wanna remind all youse Dino-holics that our special month of celebration all the month of June of "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" accentin' the anniversary of our Dino's birth, June 7, 1917 is just waitin' to commence tomorrow. We here at ilovedinomartin woulda loves to invite any and all of youse who name the name of our Dino to consider sharin' your own post of personal Dino-devotion to this very very special month of honorin' the life, times, and teachin's of our King of Cool.
Perhaps you woulda likes to share a special Dino-pix with some patter, or perhaps a fav youtube clip with words of homage to our Dino....or anythin' else your Dino-heart so so desires. How cool woulda it be to have a ton of Dino-holics each sharin' some personal passion for our Dino and to the blog readership?!?!?!?! Simply writes us at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com to lets us know that you wants in on this Dino-action. Dino-anticipatin', DMP
I'll see if I can contribute something this month, DMP. You know me! I always have something to say about our Dino.
I've been quite ill with a nasty virus -- a virus with complications. I haven't been up to doing much at all for over a week now.
Can you believe it is June already!? We have had a great Month of so many wonderful Dino postings by you my friend and we eagerly wait whats to come in the month of June.
Keep up the great work and i look forward to every single up coming post!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we woulda be likes mighty proud to share any Dino-devotion that your little ol' Dino-heart desires...we are sorry to hear of your illness, but we do trust that you are takin' in massive quantities of our Dino for healin' purposes! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty dude, likes do ya remember that we were first introduced through your first Dino-honorin' post on the anniversary of his entrance onto our planet last June? Thanks for your massive massive words of encouragement in the cause of our Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps postin' our Dino!
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