Hey pallies, likes just remembered that in January 0f '09, ilovedinomartin ran a feature on our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie Dino Jr.'s arrest, so am sharin' that again, givin' you a couple of fan mag articles that were published givin' all the details of what supposedly happened. Keeps lovin' and honorin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-rememberin', DMP
The kid made a mistake. He committed the offense out of sheer ignorance. There's a difference between buying, trading and selling an old Civil War piece and buying, trading or selling an automatic AK-47 machine gun! A FEDERAL OFFENSE! You need Federal Firearms Licenses to possess and/or sell a machine gun in the US of A!! Apparently he was ignorant of this fact and made a sale without the necessary documentation! Whoops! All in all though it worked out in the kid's favor because if he had a federal conviction he would've done some time no matter who his father was and he never would've been commissioned an officer in the Air National Guard! Back then it WAS a big story though!
Hey pallie, likes exactly Mr. Matty, but 'cause Dino Jr. was the boypallie of our Dino...they made this into a huge story...just glad that Dino Jr. didn't have to pay a heavier price for his mistake...thanks again for takin' the time to share your Dino-insights....and, as ever, keeps lovin' our Dino!
Right-o DMP. The "vultures" definitely sensationalized the story because it SELLS! If Dino Jr. had been just the average "Joe Shmoe" this story would have been one paragraph in the back pages of the LA Times. The same thing goes on today as you know. Sensationalistic and voyeuristic "journalism".
Hey pallie, likes Andy thanks so much for thinkin' of me with those newspaper articles..can't wait to delve deeply into 'em....likes I never ever heard of that Dino-connection before with Singapore...very cool stuff indeed!Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Hey pallie, yeah Matty, but in the end, I thinks this situation simply added to the mystery and coolness of our Dino and fam Martin...woulda you 'gree? Keeps sharin' dem Dino-thoughts, and likes most of all...keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
The kid made a mistake. He committed the offense out of sheer ignorance. There's a difference between buying, trading and selling an old Civil War piece and buying, trading or selling an automatic AK-47 machine gun! A FEDERAL OFFENSE! You need Federal Firearms Licenses to possess and/or sell a machine gun in the US of A!! Apparently he was ignorant of this fact and made a sale without the necessary documentation! Whoops! All in all though it worked out in the kid's favor because if he had a federal conviction he would've done some time no matter who his father was and he never would've been commissioned an officer in the Air National Guard! Back then it WAS a big story though!
Hey pallie, likes exactly Mr. Matty, but 'cause Dino Jr. was the boypallie of our Dino...they made this into a huge story...just glad that Dino Jr. didn't have to pay a heavier price for his mistake...thanks again for takin' the time to share your Dino-insights....and, as ever, keeps lovin' our Dino!
I lost your email address. Please write to me on my blog (I shall not publish it) and leave me your email connection.
I have some newspaper articles about Dino that may interest you. Did you know that he was once asked to promote Singapore?
Right-o DMP. The "vultures" definitely sensationalized the story because it SELLS! If Dino Jr. had been just the average "Joe Shmoe" this story would have been one paragraph in the back pages of the LA Times. The same thing goes on today as you know. Sensationalistic and voyeuristic "journalism".
Hey pallie, likes Andy thanks so much for thinkin' of me with those newspaper articles..can't wait to delve deeply into 'em....likes I never ever heard of that Dino-connection before with Singapore...very cool stuff indeed!Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Hey pallie, yeah Matty, but in the end, I thinks this situation simply added to the mystery and coolness of our Dino and fam Martin...woulda you 'gree? Keeps sharin' dem Dino-thoughts, and likes most of all...keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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