Mod of this new Dinosite is none other that Ralph Baker known as draaiorgelfan to his pallies, who also runs the yahoo Dinogroup the "Dean Martin TV Show." To checks this out, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
We certainly wish Mr. Baker all the best in this extemely important Dinomission. Dinoreportin', DMP

Wanted – The Dean Martin Show!
Will America's #1 variety program find its way to the Public Domain?
(1) Welcome!
To all of my readers, to all fans of Dean Martin,…and to all of the wonderfully talented ladies who were Dean’s Girls, The Golddiggers and The Ding-A-Ling Sisters:
There is something definitely missing from our daily/weekly entertainment on the small screen. The current state of television programming requires a form of high-voltage activity that is appreciated by only the most hyper-active members of the younger generation. For the rest of us, the extra decibels and jarring visuals do nothing but rattle our nerves and upset our sense of peace. What passes for entertainment now will only worsen as time goes by.
In answer to this sad state of affairs, we scream – ”Enough, already! Turn the TV set off until they show something more appropriate!”. Now, there is the problem! So long as the younger generation controls the dials and/or the remote controls – and spends the advertising dollars, too! – there will be nothing of higher quality shown ever again on the television airwaves.
So we look to the past history of television broadcasting, back to an era when certain well-known personalities hosted weekly variety programs featuring Song & Dance routines displayed in a wholesome manner that was fit for viewing by the entire family. Your favorite show’s host was someone with a solid acting career – or a string of of Top-40 recordings – and high visibility in the printed media. Among these personalities you’ll find Perry Como, Dinah Shore, Red Skelton, Andy Williams, Frank Sinatra and – running a virtual 1st Place tie with Frank – Mr. Dean Martin.
Dean and Frank had all three marks in their favor: solid acting careers plus many top-selling records, and both men were highly rated in the media. They were like brothers…not by blood, but by choice! They also were members of the Hollywood/Las Vegas Rat Pack along with Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr. and Joey Bishop. Dean and Frank had many ups and downs in their public/private lives, but – unlike Frank who hosted occasional special programs - Dean had the benefit of a weekly television series that was all of nine years running. From September of 1965 until May of 1974, viewers here and around the world gathered in front of their living room sets to watch – The Dean Martin Show!
Telecast during the years of the Vietnam War and political strife in our Nation’s Capitol, Dean Martin’s program with his easygoing manner and visual style soothed the viewer’s soul and smoothed out the rough edges in our everyday lives. It is absolutely that quality which is missing from today’s entertainment.
So we are trying to bring back the good old days once again! The color videotapes of The Dean Martin Show are locked away in vaults overseen by associates of the late producer Greg Garrison, and we want those videotapes to be declared as Public Property under supervision of the legitimate Public Domain.From there they can be used to supply the retail consumer market with high-quality copies (on Digital Video Discs) of every episode of The Dean Martin Show – plus the various summer broadcasts featuring The Golddiggers - complete and uncut, exactly as shown on their original first airings. The success of this venture depends on the degree to which we can overcome the nature of the legal beast in current control of those tapes.
Simply dreaming of success won’t make it happen, though. A few steps were taken to get the ball rolling and progress was made at the Judicial level, but the path we take is long and frustrating. Still, there’s hope! The kind of hope that makes this venture truly worthwhile. So we are marching down that path with the Flag Of Victory in our collective hand, ready to plant the flag at the other end.
We welcome all who believe in our mission and all who want to see justice decreed for a style of entertainment that must be preserved against loss to the crumbling pages of television History books. Got your marching boots on? Then come join us as we seek that ever elusive Victory!
Next page: ‘About Me’.
I sure will join on that "march"
We have to show younger people what real comedy, music and entertainment is.. that it's not that rap and trance "music" and that actors where real actors not that long ago!
Hey pallie, I'm with you....when you can have Dino, why woulda you want anyone else to listen to and watch....Mr. Baker is on the most worthy of worthy get more of our Dino into the lifes of Dinodevotees such as you as I....
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