Hey pallies, likes been Dinosearchin' the flickr site for cool Dinopixs and likes came 'cross this great Dinovertisment circa '62 featurin' our Dino gettin' ready for jettin' off to his playland 'Vegas and the Sands Hotel. Note the ever present set of golf clubs and the very friendly stew in the background. Likes totally diggs our Dino givin' the a-ok sign for his Dinoadventure....
How wonderful of our great man to be willin' to advertize for the Sands...sure it drew millions more to wanna play where our Dino plays. Loves the tagg so, JET INTO ACTION!....no one ever has more action then our DINO! To view this in it's original site, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to goes there.
Hi, I'm an spanish sinatra fan. I think that this "dinoblog" is great. If you want to see my blogs please go to francescoalbertosinatra.blogspot.com
Thank you
I left my heart in Frank Sancisco
Hey pallie, thanks so much for droppin' and at the ol' ilovedinomartin Dinoblog....checks out your bloggs...that first frankie one is first-rate. Gotta 'fess up to you upfront that I am likes no where in the frankie department...to this Dinoholic, truly, only Dino matters...hopes you will dropp by often and will be workin' on you to transfer your passion from the frankie to our Dino....never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool...oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth....
Oh such a great picture of Dino : )
Hey pallie, likes first of all, so happy to hear from our Dinogirl....been checkin' your blogg almost daily lookin' for a new Dinopost...shared some Dinopatter with ya....and yes, this is one great Dinovertisment....as I said I loves seein' our Dino givin' the a-ok sign....of course when our Dino is involved everythin' is a-ok all the Dinotime...
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