Hey pallies, likes can any of you pallies tell me who the chick is that is clubbin' with our Dino?....and likes notes the pack of Kents on the table....keeps wonderin' why our Dino made Kents his smoke of choice....any Dinothoughts on either of these Dinoquires? Dinowonderin', DMP
Well, he has a type, that is for sure. It could be ANY blonde, 20-25,alive at that time. Even CSI couldn't find her among the many millions of possiblities.:)
Hey pallie, nows likes this woulda be true of our Dino once he cut loose from the jeanne...circa 1970s....and what lovlies our Dino found true amore with...still keeps Dinosearchin' for Dinodetails on his amore 19 year old Miss Andre Boyer who he met on a golf course....
What is it with Dean and blond girls :P?
Well, i understand her.. I mean, look at him :O He is sooo handsome, cool, sexy and at his age people don't usually look like this!
Oh, i whoud give anything to be that girl!
Hey pallie, likes I sure you woulda....loves how smitten this chick is with our Dino and how lovin' he is gazin' at here....to be in the presence of our Dino woulda be everyones dream come true...and loves to see the pack of Kents...verifyin' that our Dino made Kents his smoke of choice....
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