So sits back and enjoys that Dinomagic of our great man singin' "Thank Heaven For Little Girls" with all those walkin' dollies. Loves so much some of the Dinopatter that our Dino makes..."I think one of them got my bottle by mistake...."...."How come they can touch me but I can't touch them."
As an added Dinobonus, I Dinodiscovered this great Dinostill of said Dinoevent....such a outstandin' pix of our Dino with the babes... Dinoaddictedly, DMP

hahahaha...!!!!!. What a great man!. He was very, very funny.
Hey pallie, likes thanks so much for droppin' by and leavin' some Dinopatter....indeed no one greater or funnier then our Dino...and nows no likes hopes you will soon come to know that no one compares to our Dino....includin' the frankie....
Wow DMP your postings about Dino are unending. Where do you get all the multi-media information from? And how did you develop this Dinopatter. I'd love to learn from you. I could develop a SingMusic patter too? Many Singaporeans speak Singlish (Singapore English), like, "Ah, your Dino Martin blog very good lah! Shiok (great, fantastic)! Must carry on, lah, don't stop."
Hey Dino—this is wonderful! Just wanted to pop by and say hi to you, my friend.
Hey pallie, likes thanks so much for all the appreciato you have shown for my work for Dino here at ilovedinomartin. I get idears for many many of the Dinoposts through my subscription to what is called google alerts....I have 'em for the taggs Dino Martin, Dean Martin, and ilovedinomartin and thus I get most of all the web postin's for our Dino...and I picks the best from 'em to share here at the Dinoblog.
The Dinopatter started early in my web work for our Dino. First came the Dinoisms when our Dino guided me to the Dinonotion that I coulda add Dino to almost every word to express my passion for our Dino....even created 'bout '90 Dinodefinitions at a pad tagged Urban Dictionary...go to
to checks 'em out. The rest of the Dinopatter came as I thought 'bout the way our Dino speaks...likes droppin' the g on ing works...and of course callin' everyone pallie...etc. Certainly you coulda develop your own sort of patter and Singlish woulda be such a cool way to start...let's me know when you start so likes I can checks it out.
Everythin' I do here, I do for liftin' up our Dino...but likes pallies like you who are so encouragin' of my Dinoefforts are so very very much Dinoappreciated...thanks pallie and have a great day in our Dino....
Hey pallie, Jack dude, likes so cool of you to pop in here at the ilovedinomartin Dinoblog and leave some Dinopatter...have you shared any Dinomagic lately for your blogg readers?
That vid brought back a lot of great memories!
Hey pallie, you got it...and for this Dinoholic those memories are the sweetest ever....our Dino is the greatest and these clips from the Dinoshow are fresh as is always in style...Dinocool that is!
have u seen the sketch where doll became alive?
Hey pallie, that Dinosegment is actually part of this particular Dinoclip...loves how our Dino sez, "How come they can touch me when I can't touch 'em?"
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