Hey pallies, likes here is the latest Dinonews from our sweet Miss Gayle Carline. So sad to learn that our full-sized Dino will not be able to goes with her to the Placentiafest this weekend...but checks out the cool Dinopix that Miss Gayle will take with the vase of roses. ilovedinomartin wishes Miss Carline the bestest of best success this Dinoweekend at the fest and as she travels to the mid-west to spread the word 'bout her Dinonovel, "Freezer Burn."
Thanks Miss Gayle Carline for sharin' your Dinopassion wherever you travel! Dinodevotedly, DMP btw pallies, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to goes to Miss Carline's blogg and reads the entire post.

I'm sorry to say, I don't think my full-sized Dean Martin will be attending. I discovered at the library event, that he doesn't tolerate wind well, or perhaps he secretly wants to parasail. In addition, I'm pretty certain that my booth will be on the grass, which will not be good on his toes. But I'll bring a picture.
If you're in the north Orange County area this Saturday, between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m, please stop by and say hello.
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