Loves the cool Dinopix on the Dinocover and loves the Dinopromotional Dinopatter below that intros this new winter addition to our Dino's al-b-ums! Gots my Dinodisc on order....can't wait to gets myself in the Dinowinter Dinomood with this new Dinorelease! Already haves likes three Dinowintercollections...but likes can never ever haves to much of our great man singin' 'bout the frozen season of the year. Dinoanticipatin', DMP
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dean Martin's My Kind of Christmas - Now Available!
Available at

First and foremost, Dean Martin loved the holiday season, especially Christmas. While maintaining his status as a full-time entertainer of vast renown, Martin also remained a devoted family man. And the evidence of his fondness for both aspects of his multifaceted life is found in his performance of these seasonal favorites — so uniquely stylized, highly identifiable and definitely crooned with the smooth approach that was his own inimitable vocal style.
When it comes to feeling nostalgic, sitting by a warm fireplace, or toasting to the spirit of the holidays — with a New Year lingering just around the corner — nobody can create the mood or sing them better than Dino — the man who made it all look easy.
Collected here are 14 familiar, timeless classics full of sparkling Christmas cheer — including a specially remixed version of the festive chestnut “Winter Wonderland” — delivered for the season in a manner as only this handsome film star, TV icon and Grammy®-winning singing sensation could. So head on over to the couch, now, and relax with the King of Cool.
1. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
2. Blue Christmas
3. A Marshmallow World
4. Baby It’s Cold Outside
5. Silver Bells
6. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
7. I’ll Be Home For Christmas
8. Jingle Bells
9. The Christmas Blues
10. Silent Night
11. White Christmas
12. Peace On Earth/Silent Night
13. I’ve Got My Love To Keep Me Warm
14. Winter Wonderland Specially Remixed Version
I have to buy this one :O
I actually don't have many Christmas Dino songs : (
Hey pallie, yeah of one sings winter likes our copy of this new Dinotreasure is due in tomorrow....when it gets cool outside our Dino knows how to heat it up with his amazin' singin' of Dinowintertunes!
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