Hey pallies, likes just doin' a bit more Dinosearchin' in the Dinoarchives at flickr for cool Dinoshots. Well here's my fav pix of our Dino on the cover of the original sheet music for "Memories Are Made Of This" circa 1955. Do any of you pallies know more 'bout the story behind this Dinopose? Don't think our Dino ever looked likes more cool or more detached then in this Dinopix.
Loves that this was the Dinoexpression that was chosen for the cover of Nick Tosches' stellar Dinobio...."DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams."
Woulda loves to gets my hands on a copy of this Dinomusic. To view his in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinodevotedly, DMP
Just another great picture with that unforgettable swingin' expression.
Hey pallie, likes thanks for droppin' by again...and couldn't agree with you Dinomore 'bout "that unforgettable swingin' expression." No one more swingin' that our Dino....look in the dictionary under swinger and it oughta be defined DINO MARTIN!
So is this a song book or what?
i agree with DA, such a swinging expression and he allways has it no matter what!
Hey pallie, likes this is actually a piece of sheet music for the stellar Dinosong "Memories Are Made Of This." Words and Music to one popular song were the thin' back in the 50's and even today music shoppes sell 'em for some songs. Woulda loves to have this particular Dinosheet Dinomusic 'cause I loves so so much that particular Dinopose...our Dino in his finest state of Dinodetachment!
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