Hey pallies, likes I am so Dinopsyched to find a new Dinopad on the Dinoweb....a cool little Dinosite tagged the Dean Martin Fan Club at fanpop.com (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there. Looks like a grand Dinoplace to connect with other Dinoholics and let's 'em know 'bout your true Dinodevotion.
Already had asked a new Dinoquire in the Dinoquestion section and voted on several Dinopolls. Can't wait to get more Dinoconnected at this stellar new Dinodevotioncenter.... Dinosharin', DMP
Hey pallie. That's really cool. I hadn't heard of that pad yet. I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on that Dinopix. Cheers!
Hey pallie, you are welcome....
Ok...I'm a grat Dinofan!
Hey pallie, likes great to hear you say so...of course likes you know my goal for ya is to gets you to put the focus on our Dino and leave the frankie stuff behind....'cause truly only Dino matters....thanks for droppin' some Dinopatter.....
take a look at this one, if u haven't already seen it (Y)
Hey pallie, yeah, I have spent some time there...has been a very active Dinodevoted Dinodialogue Dinosite....loves to find others as Dinoaddicted as Dinoholics like you and me....
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