Hey pallies, likes welcome to the first day of December and the beginnin' of our Dino Departure Day month long remembrance here at ilovedinomartin. Just in time for Dino Departure Day giftin', there is a sorta "new" Dino-tome recently released by The Dean Martin Association (DMA) headed up by Mr. Elliot Thorpe, the son of Mr. Bernard H. Thorpe, the original founder of the association, now deceased. Faithful followers of our Dino here at ilovedinomartin will remember that back on August 1, 2017 we first announced HERE that the younger Thorpe was releasin' the Dino-tome, ‘Just Dino – A Personal Recollection of Dean Martin’ and we shared a number of pertinent posts helpin' to promote it to Dino-holics 'round the Dino-globe.
We recently, we received the followin' patter from Mr. Elliot Thorpe as a comment on one of our Dean Martin Association posts that said......
"Hey there - you may be interested to know we have a follow-up volume out of our Dino biography. Called DEAN MARTIN - RECOLLECTIONS, it's in hardback and available now, containing ARCHIVAL INTERVIEWS WITH DINO HIMSELF as well as luminaries such as the great RICH LITTLE and record producer JIMMY BOWEN. Take a look at deanmartinassociation.com for more details and links to purchase!"
As we explored this lead we first learned that the online presence of The Dean Martin Association has moved to this new web address. Likes then as we explored this new Dino-promotional pad we found the information that we are sharin' below. As youse will read below, the DMA is promotin' their "new" Dino-volume which is tagged "DEAN MARTIN: RECOLLECTIONS by BERNARD H THORPE and ELLIOT THORPE." When youse reads on, youse will learn that this is actually a "revised and updated with new and exclusive interviews of the original Dino-title, " ‘Just Dino – A Personal Recollection of Dean Martin,’ meanin' that most of what is in this "new" book was first printed in the 2017 release.
Like youse will also note that the book is now in hardcover and comes with the price tag of $26.50. Also below is a brief youtube vid promotin' this new Dino-edition. For those of us Dino-philes that purchased the original Dino-tome the quire is whether there is 'nough "new material" to warrant acquirin' this one as well. Each and every pallie will have to decide that for them self, but we wanted to at least makes all youse Dino-holics aware of it's availability. Of course, the book is available at Amazon, but we have researched and found that it is also readily available for order from your local bookshop. The Amazon link provided in the DMA's announcement below is the Brit Amazon, but it is also on the American version of Amazon as well. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
“I sang some songs, acted here and there, but no way would I call myself exceptional. I just hope I did my best for my audiences.” – a somewhat self-deprecating comment from DEAN MARTIN on his own career. It was this laid-back approach to his work, however, that belied a dedicated and professional entertainer.
Author BERNARD H THORPE first got to know Dino in 1960 and what followed for the next thirty or so years was an unexpected working relationship between the two men. Bernard became instrumental in many of Dino’s album releases in the UK and a staunch promoter of the man’s career across the globe. This book is a respectful and unique look back at the career of a true, world-class entertainer and the story of how an unassuming family man from the British media industry became a life-long advocate and friend. Bernard sadly passed away in 2015 before his manuscript found a home but had given his son ELLIOT THORPE his blessing to finish the work.

As well as a full biography of Dean, this NEW, REVISEDand UPDATED edition features:
- photos from the Dean Martin Association archives
- letters of correspondence
- detailed lists of his recordings, movie work and TV/radio/stage appearances
- extracts from the Dean Martin Association newsletters and journals since 1960
- never-before published essays
- new and archival interviews with people who knew and worked with Dean, including RICH LITTLE and JIMMY BOWEN
- contributions from professional artistes and entrepreneurs who keep Dean’s legacy alive
- archival interviews with DEAN MARTIN himself
- art by Steve Caldwell
DEAN MARTIN: RECOLLECTIONS is a unique and insightful look into the life of a reluctant but legendary celebrity who scaled the heights of Hollywood and worldwide fame.
Originally published in paperback in 2017 as ‘Just Dino – A Personal Recollection of Dean Martin’ by Chinbeard Books
Sounds cool. I’ve bought & read the original last year. Definitely a must for any Dino fan who hasn’t. Thanks for sharin’, DMP!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we woulda have to check patter that was shared on the original tome, but we remember when readin' the original, we did find errors in some Dino-details, so we believes that is why this volume has been "revised." We are likely to make an investment in acquirin' this Dino-treasure for ourselves. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
How great is this DMP, and just in time for the holiday season. I am sure any Dean Marin fan would just love to wake up Christmas morning with this present sitting under the tree. A wonderful post DMP!
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we glads you digs it dude. There will never ever be 'nough wise words written 'bout our Dino's life, times, and teachin's! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved DINO!
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