Youse ready for the big day?!
Almost here!
We is gettin' down to the wire, now, mi amici!
Definitely one of those bittersweet days for us Dino-lovers.
Along with all the happiness & chaotic excitement that comes with Christmas...we also mark 'nother year without our main guy...here, among us.
But...my friends!
We still have his spirit!
Gotta 'member that!
Dino will be our shinin' light through ALL thins'!
The power of music is real, pals!
And Dino's, more than any other...can help us through anythin'!
So...palsies o mine...let's be merry!
Celebrate his life, times & teachins'!
And never give up that glowin', happy Dino-vibe!
I'm feelin' a little foolish today, actually!
Let's get that FUN FUN Dino-air swirlin'!
How's 'bout some "Jingle Bells"...as ONLY our main dude can do "Jingle Bells"...for this week's Serenade?!
Sounds good to me!
Enjoy the tune, my friends!
And hang in there!
Enjoy the chaos!
Embrace that Cool Cool Dino-Spirit!
Hey pallies, likes Danny-o, no one 'sides our dashin' Dino can jingle our bells and make our spirits brighter then bright! Thanks for precious patter and deeply delightful Dino-seasonal croon! May our most beloved Dino ever jingle our bells! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
One of the happiest holiday tunes and performed by our live-life-with-zest Dino!
It is hard to believe that the big day is almost upon us, and of course what better way then to celebrate each and every day during the holiday season then with Mr. Dean Martin. What a wonderful holiday tune you picked out this week Danny G.! This tune will put a smile on your face no matter what type of mood you may be in, great work as always my friend.
Have a great week.
Hey pals...'Tis the season...for EXCESSIVE amounts of our pal 'mongst ALL pallies, Dino! Let's keep the Christmassy/Wintery cup overflowin' 'til Spring! Haha!!
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