On Saturday, December 15 our pallies at google Dino-lerts shared incredible info after we had went off line for that Dino-day, and when we found this Dino-treasure on Sunday, we didn't want to takes any thunder 'way from our Danny-o's weekly Dino-column, "Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade With Dino," so we are puttin' this up a couple of days after the Dino-fact.
Likes we deeply digs the various 'net pads that are sharin' potent photos from years past, and today we share an incredible image of our most beloved Dino photoed with his a goodly number of his pallies on state at the Sands Hotel on December 15, 1963 as shared by the Rochester, Minnesota newspaper the POSTBULLETIN, who happens to be "Minnesota Newspaper Association's 2018 Daily Newspaper of the Year."
Likes as youse will read below, this perfect pose was snapped "during an appearance to celebrate the safe return of his (Mr. Frank Sinatra's) kidnapped son." Very interestin' Dino-philes that our most beloved Dino takes top billin' in the POSTBULLETIN's title of this pix even though it evolves 'round Mr. Sinatra. Note that our Dino has his every present glass of liquid libation in hand. We thanks the pallies at Rochester's POSTBULLETIN for sharin' this Dino-images, simply makin' our Dino-day better and brighter for the effort. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Photos: Today in History: Dec. 15
Martin Skelton Sinatra Ball

Singer Frank Sinatra, second from left, laughs on stage at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, Dec. 15, 1963, during an appearance to celebrate the safe return of his kidnapped son. Others, from left, are Sammy Davis, Jr., Sinatra, Danny Thomas, Gary Morton, Sands chief Jack Entratter, Lucille Ball, Red Skelton, and Dean Martin. (AP Photo)
Hey pallie, DMP...the pic isn't showin'. And now youse got me DYIN' to checks it out! Haha!! Give it 'nother try, please.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, when we view the post the picture is showin', but if this still continues to be a problemo for youse, simply click on the tag of this Dino-gram and scroll down until the Dino-image appears. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!
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