What's shaken?!
Was Santa kind this year?
Did he stuff your stockins' with martini olives & nips of bourbon?
Yes...it's true...'nother "Dino-Departure Day" has come & gone.
Time to put aside "The Dean Martin Christmas Album".
Time to look towards the new year, my friends!
Lots of great great times & tunes headin' our way!
Let's celebrate!
Dino will take care of our soundtrack.
He's gonna set the tone for a COOL COOL swingin' kinda Winter!
So don't fear, mi amici!
Don't be melancholy for yesterday's party!
The future is bright & right ahead!
Don't worry 'bout nothin'!
Dino got us covered, pallies o mine!
You see, my friends...Dean knew that Christmas carols could only be jammed on 'til December 25th. So...what he did...for his pals...was this.
He got his fellas together. Said..." Hey, pallies...let's get some fun fun wintery kinda tunes on some vinyl".
"Let's give my Dino-diggin' pals & gals somethin' they can groove on...all Winter long"!
Well...it MIGHT have gone kinda like that, I'm guessin'!
What came together...was a snowy masterpiece!
1959's "A Winter Romance" has some of my FAVE jams & is pure pure Dino-magic!
Fun jams!
Passionate jams!!
Cooler than cool jams!!!
Yes, my friends...it's got somethin' for everyone!
I'll ease us into the right vibe...with the title track..for our final Serenade of 2018.
Let's send it off in style, mi amici.
It was one hell of a year!
But...guess what?!
I got this CRAZY...Dino-fied feelin'...that 2019 is gonna be BIGGER!
Even so much cooler!
Keep your eyes open & your seatbelts tight!
It's gonna be some kinda swingin' 12 months!
Thats a good tune all year long Danny!
Santa has come and gone and it looks like it is full steam ahead towards the New Year. This past year has flown by too quickly but what can you do except go with the flow. It has been a very good year and the new one has so much promise and potential. And what better way to celebrate then with the one and only Dean Martin! A wonderful song to ring in the New Year Danny G.! Thank you for everything you do on this wonderful blog.
Have a very Happy New year.
Couldn't 'gree more, pal!
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