Likes we couldn't 'gree more with Danny-o and today on our third day of our Dino-winter month remembrance we share news of "our main dude" Dino makin' the scene in his home town of Steubenville, Ohio as part of their fourth annual Steubenville Nutcracker Village & Advent Market. From the potent pen of Mr. Steve Stephens (pictured to the left), travel writer and photographer at the Columbus Dispatch comes his awesome article "Two small Ohio towns go all out in Christmas festivals." Likes one of those towns is our Dino's place of birth, Stu-ville where his life size nutcracker, with mike in one hand and martini glass in the other holds forth from November 20 to January 6 of the new year.
We think that our Dino woulda approve of Steve's self-proclaimed credentials, for his Twitter pad, "
freelance bourbon drinker, map collector, ukulelephile and anti-authoritarian." Indeed as youse will note at the tag of this Dino-gram, Mr. Stephens proudly proclaims that our Dino is "my personal favorite) 'mong the 150 nutcrackers on display. Likes below we share a wee bit of Steve's wise words and youse can read all his cool commentary by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-report to goes directly to the original source. And, to read more on this swank seasonal attraction click HERE to view the Visit Steubenville pad.
Likes below is the only picture of the Dino-cracker that we could locate on the web, taken at the time of Stu-ville's celebration of our Dino's centennial of his descent to earth (obviously not as part of the Nutcracker Village.) We thanks Mr. Steve Stephens and all the pallies at Columbus Dispatch for puttin' this Dino-story into print and we awesomely appreciate Mr. Stephens givin' his open and affirmin' testimony to his delight in our most beloved DINO!
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Two small Ohio towns go all out in Christmas festivals
By Steve Stephens
The Columbus Dispatch
Posted Nov 25, 2018 at 4:55 AM
A celebration of toys
This year marks the fourth Steubenville Nutcracker Village & Advent
Market, a celebration that has seized the imagination of the town like,
well, a nutcracker seizes a nut.
Fort Steuben Park in the heart of the small city hosts the free event,
which features holiday lights, music, and more than 150 unique,
life-sized nutcrackers, each locally sponsored, designed and crafted.
Characters include, of course, those from “The Nutcracker” ballet,
a holiday favorite.
But Steubenville’s nutcrackers range far beyond the Nutcracker Prince
and the Mouse King to include unlikely but interesting figures such
as Scarlett O’Hara, Tevye from “Fiddler on the Roof,” and
(my personal favorite) Steubenville’s hometown hero
Dean Martin. That’s amore!
Cool! Gotta get me one of those! Haha!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we might just have to search the ol' Dino-'net to see if someone somewhere has created a smaller version of the Dino-cracker...woulda be very very cool Dino-indeed! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
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