So youse quire, what does Mr. Malbrough's potent pontificatin' on possible Saints playoffs possibilities have to do with our most beloved Dino? A great question indeed. And, of course we here at ilovedinomartin and the answer for ya. Not only is Ralph a Saints fanatic, he is fantastically fanatical 'bout our Dino as well. Likes near the end of his swank scribin's on Saints possible opponents in the playoffs, Malbrough openly and affirmatively professes his Dino-adulation in his tremendous thoughts shared below under the hugely homagin' headin', "Saints Fan Mood and Meditation Music: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer – Dean Martin."
As usual our Dino-hearts are wonderfully warmed by Malbrough's awesome affection for our Dino 'specially in this wintery season and his marvelous memories of his daddy-o's Dino-adulation as well.
This is 'nother extraordinary example of Dino-devotion flowin' freely from on Dino-generation to the next! We sweetly salute Mr. Ralph Malbrough and all the folks at 4WWL for sharin' Ralph's delightful Dino-sentiments with the world wide web of Dino-philes. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. We have included not only the link to the youtube vid of "Rudy," but also placed the vid below for your Dino-viewin' pleasure.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Forecast: The teams I'd most and least like Saints to play in playoffs
While we should definitely enjoy the last 4 weeks of the magical 2018 season, let's have some fun and start peaking ahead to the postseason.
Saints Fan Mood and Meditation Music: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer – Dean Martin
It's never too early for Christmas music. Why Dean Martin? I like my holidays drenched in booze and nostalgia. Dino dropping 'Rudy the red-nosed Reindeer' makes it feel like 1965 and my Dad mostly hated Christmas but loved Dean Martin so Christmas isn't Christmas without Dean Martin.
As far as I can 'member...Dino has been the soundtrack to every Christmas eve. DEFINATELY wouldn't be the same without his jams coatin' the background.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, sweet to lay claim to have been reverently raised in that delightful Dino-tradition and to be passin' it on to the next gen of Dino-devotees in your girl and boy pallies! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' your powerfully potent passion for our most most beloved DINO!
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