Hey pallies, likes it's almost here once 'gain, our supremely special marvelous month of deeply delightful devotion to our most beloved Dino, THE MAN OF AMORE! Touchin' 'n tenderly tagged Dino-amore month is likes one of three special months that gets annually celebrated here at our humble little Dino-pad, ilovedinomartin. 'Long with our month-long, in June, cool celebration of our our Dino's entrance onto our planet , the day we fondly tag, THE DAY THAT COOLNESS CAME TO EARTH, and our month-long, in December, reverent remembrance of our Dino's departure from our planet, the day that has become known as DINO DEPARTURE DAY, DINO AMORE DAY (to the rest of the world known as Valentines' Day) comes smack dab in the middle of Dino-amore month.
While, truth be told, each and every day of each and every year is a day to lift up our awesome adulation of our Dino, his life, his times, his teachin's, we set aside the whole month of February to a accent our delightful Dino and honor him as the swankly steller source of amore. Likes we knows that one of our bestest of best pallies Danny-o has already announced that he has lovin'ly picked out his sweet selections for each and every Sunday of February and we can wait to read his powerfully potent patter and listen to the special amore croons from our one, our only Dino.
We got a number of special posts to share and we woulda loves it it many of youse Dino-philes woulda gets into the Dino-action as well. So, if you would honor our Dino by makin' your Dino-devotion known to the wider Dino-world, simply email us at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com to tells us what you would likes to coolly contribute to this marvelous month of Dino-amore here at ilovedinomartin. Maybe it's your tale of how you first came to fall for Dino, maybe it's a cool croon that is special to your Dino-heart, maybe you have scribed prose or poetry in hugely homage of our Dino...whatever it may be...simply let us know your desire to get it shared here at ilovedinomartin and we'll chat with youse 'bout all the Dino-details.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
1 comment:
Loves to hear from Danny every week pally, as we looks forward to the swingin' lovers month of February here the the blog!
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