It appears that one of Mr. "Manly's" regular features is "FRIDAY NIGHT at THE MOON DRIVE IN," and likes his most recent edition of it pairs our beloved Dino and his beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis in "You're Never Too Young" with "SECRET AGENT SUPER DRAGON." And since we are only Dino-focused here at ilovedinomartin we share below two groovy gifs and a poster pix from this 1955 comedy classic.
The first gif is of our Dino and Mr. Lewis havin' some splashy fun in a tub of water, while the second has Jerry makin' crazy eyes while Dino looks on. The poster pix between the great gifs is an awesome advert with our Dino carryin' Jerry, who is makin' like a young boy in the flick. Likes you will also note that at the lower right hand corner Mr. "Manly" has created a link to youtube where you can view this Martin & Lewis epic in total.
Likes, so so often we remark how youse just never know when and where Dino-devotion is goin' to turn up next, and we thanks Mr. "Manly" for awesomely accentin' our Dino and Mr. Lewis at his potent pad. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Whoever invented the Gif is pure Dino-genius! Always fun...especially when it’s Our pal!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we couldn't of said it better ourselves. Groovy GIFS of DINO, likes 'specially the two in this Dino-gram bring the biggest of big Dino-buddha grin's to our faces! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
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