Youse may remember thank Mr. Bernard H Thorpe was the blessed one that our Dino granted permission to head up "The Dean Martin Association," the only Dean Martin Fan Club officially endorsed by our most beloved Dino. Mr. Thorpe faithfully served on our Dino for decades and had worked on his Dino-bio until his passin' at which point his boypallie Elliot continued the project and got the pallies at the Brit Publishin' House "Chinbeard Books" in put it in print.
At the time of the printin' on August 1, the Dino-tome was not available for purchase anywhere in the USA, however we shared news HERE on August 11 that the pallies at Amazon had at least posted a page for the book, but with no copies available at that time. A few days ago we thought to check once 'gain at Amazon and we found that they are now sellin' copies of this Dino-read for $17. All the details are below, and if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will go directly to the "Just Dino" page at Amazon.
Likes how cool is it pallies that Dino-holics in the ol' US of A now have access to this new Dino-bio scribed by one who faithfully served our Dino and who did so so much over many decades to bring
tons of pallies into the Dino-fold. We are perfectly pleased to share this great great news with all of youse Dino-philes! btw pallies, the only pad that we have so far located that is makin' this tome available in America is Amazon.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Just Dino: A Personal Recollection of Dean Martin
by Bernard H Thorpe (Author)
Product details
Paperback: 275 pages
Publisher: Obverse Books (August 1, 2017)
ISBN-10: 1909031585
ISBN-13: 978-1909031586
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
Cool cool info, pal! Definitely lookin’ into this...right now!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, this is a must-have Dino-tome! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
Wow, this looks to be a Dino-milestone of a book pallies!! Can't wait to get my hands on one!
Just ordered! Thanks DMP!
Hey pallies, likes Eddie-o 'n Danny-o, we will be waitin' to hear both of your thoughts 'n feelin's on this new Dino-tome...perhaps each of youse woulda be willin' to share a review of "Just Dino" with our ilovedinomartin readership. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
What a great idea DMP!
Putting mine on order, can't wait!
Will do, pal! I'm a slowwww reader though. May not be 'til Summer! Haha!!
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