Hey pallies, likes here is more information on this day in Dino-history...January 17, 1974 when our Dino's boy pallie Dino Jr.was arrested on suspicion of possession and sale of two machine guns. He was arraigned and released the next day on $5,000 bail.
Below you will find a copy of two news articles printed in mags of the time givin' all the details on the arrest. We thanks our pallie Nici over at the ilovedeanpaulmartin pad at yahoo groups (clicks on tag of this Dino-post to goes there) who first posted 'em there for our Dino-edification.
Truly, truly this certainly musta been quite the traumatic day for fam Martin...but it all turned out just fine for heir-apparent to the Dino-throne Dino Jr.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

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