What's shakin' on this brisk January day?
Ready to leave this frosty ol' month behind?
Just leave it in the past & jump into Dino-Amore Month?!?!
Me too, mi amici!
I say it's 'bout damn time we start our yearly preppin' for the up comin' month of Dino-lovin'!
These cold cold days are gettin' old, huh pals?
Yea...I'm ready for some Dino-heat!
Now I ain't necessarily talkin' weather-wise here, my friends.
I is meanin' some HOT & STEAMY jams of love from our one & only Paesan of Passion, Dino!
Well...I guess the BESTEST way to leave January behind...or anythin' really...is to simply try & forget it all together.
Move on, pallies!
Step outta the old & into the new!
So...that bein' my mindset for this week's last Serenade, before we begin the "Amore"...let's say "See ya' January", with a cool cool jam!
I thinks I found us just the right tune!
Yea... a little "Forgetting You" should work perfecto!
Man! I can just picture Dean sayin', "I'm outta here, baby! Nice knowin' you." Haha!!
Real fresh like! Haha!!
O well, pals...Dino don't play! Ha!
OK...here we go!
Turn it up!
And get ready for L.O.V.E.!!!
Ciao, mi amici & CIAO January!
When they tell you I'm datin'
With somebody new
Don't you know that I'm playin' a part
Forgettin' you
I still want you to want me
Though you said we're through
Can't you see that I don't want to start
Forgettin' you
I tried to stay at home and pace the floor and watch the clock routine
'til I began to see your face in every magazine
I don't want other kisses
Only yours will do
Don't you know that it's breakin' my heart
Forgettin' you
I tried to stay at home and pace the floor and watch the clock routine
'til I began to see your face in every magazine
I don't want other kisses
Only yours will do
Don't you know that it's bustin' my heart
Forgettin' you
Forgettin' you
Forgettin' you
The month of January is starting to fly by and winter must be half over by now, I hope anyways. It won't be much longer before warmer weather is here. A great upbeat Dean Martin number you chose Danny G., this is the ticket to put away the winter blues and think about what is to come. A great choice as always my friend.
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, more potent powerful patter...we greatly grooves on your new tag for our Dino..."our one & only Paesan of Passion, Dino!"....and this cool croon is the bestest of best way to lead the way to Dino-amore month...'specially swank images of our Dino with the Helmer chicks in the first half or so of the vid. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
Hey pals! Glad Youse fellas is diggin’ this week’s Dino-jam! Got some GREAT tunes all picked out for Dino-Amore Month too! Get ready for LOVE! Ha!
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