Gonna try this one more time!
It may or, most likely, may NOT work. Haha!! I'm tryin', my friends.
I'm not very good with this "cuttin' & pastin'" stuff.
Last week, in my local Worcester Telegram"...they ran their weekly entertainment section trivia. Every week they show an old pic of some buildin' or business...from years gone by. It's called, "Do You Know Where This Is?"

When I looked what was playin' at this old movie theater...I noticed none other than our pal amongst pals Helm flick, "Murderer's Row" was the main attraction!
Now, how cool is that, mi amici?!
Now though, I don't know the location...I DO know the year of this COOL COOL flick was 1966!
What a treat to wake up to a little Dino-treat like this, pals! Haha!!
Thought youse might get a kick in the head outta this...like I did.
And again...if the pics aren't showin'...my humblest apologies, pallies.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...very very cool Dino-indeed. Likes did youse ever get to see any of the Helmers on the big screen....gotta 'fess up that I only have seen 'em on the small screen. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
I also never had the privilege. But... I’ll take what Dino i can get! Haha!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, you speaketh likes a true Dino-holic! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
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