Hey pallies, likes we thinks that we are pretty much through with our ton of Dino-adulation from 'round the Dino-globe, and likes before we begin sharin' a bunch more passionate posts from the ol' US of A in huge homage of our Dino's 20th anniversary of passin' from our presence, we have a few beau-ti-ful bits of Dino-delight that we simply must get up here at our humble little ilovedinomartin pad.
Likes this day, we are powerfully pleased to share a third Dino-vid trib created over at youtube by Miss Michelle Lindhardt. Regular readers of our Dino-conclave will remember that Miss Lindhardt posted two most most meanin'ful tributes to our most beloved Dino 'round the date of his passin' and we shared 'em then.
Michelle's forte is to use black and white snippets of vids of our main man with one of our Dino's cool croons playin' underneath. In her third trib, she has chosen that coolest of cool classic, "Ain't That A Kick In The Head," that first appeared in the Martin and Lewis big screen classic, "The Caddy."
Likes, it's 'nother winner folks, with mostly great moments with our Dino from The Dean Martin Variety Show. Truly our Dino is "A Kick In The Head" that we need more and more of with each passin' day. Once 'gain we thank youthful Dino-devotee Miss Michelle Lindhardt for usin' her terrific time and talents to help bring many many more into the Dino-fold! Only Dino, DMP
What a great video! I did a lot of smiling -- and relaxing.
Our Dino can really lift one's spirits.
Hey pallie, likes we couldn't 'gree more Miss AOW. Have you seen Michelle's other two terrific tribs that we shared right before the New Year? There fantastically fabulous as well! Keeps lovin' 'n enjoyin' our one and only Dino!
Man o man...Michelle does a great job! Hope she continues to shares her Dino-talents!
Hey pallie, likes Danny G., we 'gree....how cool it is to find 'nother of today's youth sharin' their powerful passion for our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
What a wonderful video and blog posting my friend. This was a very enjoyable clip and its wonderful that you were able to bring it to me and Dean Martin fans all over the world. Thank you as always for your continued hard work, it is very much appreciated!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, knows your woulda 'preciate Dino-quality when youse sees and hears it! Thanks for your extraordinary efforts always in the cause of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one and only Dino!
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