Hey pallies, likes as we move into the new year of our Dino 2016, we have many many many most Dino-honorin' posts to share, created by Dino-holics from 'round the globe in reverent remembrance of the 20th anniversary of Dino's departure from planet earth on December 25, 1995. Today, likes once 'gain through the marvelous magic of google Dino-blog 'lerts, we share with all youse Dino-philes the first of two hugely heartwarmin' homages to our most most beloved Dino in the form of youtube vid tribs created by Miss Michelle Lindhart and posted on December 25, 2015.
Miss Lindhardt's first vid homage simply tagged "Dean Martin Tribute" begins with a short clip of an interview of our Dino speakin' 'bout how he is old, but doesn't feel old and that he ain't ready to leave us yet. Usin' classic vid moments of our most beloved Dino, many from the Dino-show, our main man's main song, "Everybody Loves Somebody" plays in the background.
Likes how absolutely awesome it is dudes to find 'nother deepest of deep devotee to our Dino usin' their tremendous talents to do such a touchin' and tender trib to our one and only Dino. In addition to viewin' Miss Lindhardt's visual efforts, likes be sure to read her powerful prose that accompanies her vid....very very Dino-heart-warmin' for Dino sure!
Likes, we sez our thank you very much to Miss Michelle Lindhardt
for her excellent efforts in hugely huge homagin' of our Dino on this most special of special anniversaries of his passin' presence from our sights, but never ever from our hearts! And, likes stay tuned tomorrow when we share Michelle's second amazin' vid trib also in deep devotion to our Dino on this special anniversary of his departure, "Dean Martin Tribute (Moments with Dean)." Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin Tribute
michelle lindhardt
A Tribute to a true legend in the World of entertainment! Dean Martin still brings joy to people around the World. People of all ages still listen to his music and watches he's movies and shows! Dean was a true gentleman, the will never be no other Dean Martin!
Very movin' piece 'bout our pal amongst pals! Great job Michelle!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes saw that you were the first one to comment on Michelle's excellent effort in spreadin' the Dino-message at youtube...kudos to you for doin' your part to encourage 'nother devotee of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our main man!
This is amazing! Thank you so much Guys! I am working on a few new videos at the moment! So if you wanna see what I'm working on at the minute, Please subscribe to my channel! It would be amazing if you will!! X
Thank you so much Guys! This is just amazing! And don't you worry, i started working on a few new videos after the feetback you have been giving on the last 2! So please subscribe to my channel, to see what i'm doing at the minute! It would be amazing!!x
Hey pallie, likes Miss Michelle, you are most welcome ma'am. We'll be keepin' our eyes pealed
for more great Dino-devotion from you! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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