How's all my fellow Dino-philes?
Hopin' youse were among the lucky ones who only seen a few flurries & hopin' this week's Serenade finds ALL my pals in good spirits & good health.
Man o man...Mother Nature is showin' her fury with this one, my friends!
Keep the Dino-faith! All thins' shall pass!
We've been down this road MANY times, pals...
& we Dino-holics ALWAYS bounce back!
Whatever your situation, my friends...if your still out there shovelin'... or if life is upside down at the moment...or you were among the fortunate ones & are all done & thawin' by a fire...Dino's got some VERY encouragin' food for thought!
It's mind over matter, pals...as a good friend has been tellin' me all week...Youse can conquer ANYTHIN' youse set your mind too!
The snow will keep snowin' & the wind will keep blowin'. But pals...we can weather ANY storm!
Just fill your heart with Dean's love for ALL his pals...& watch those icicles form!
Love conquers all, mi amici! Yes it does!
OK...I'll let Dino take it from here, pals.
Today's Serenade, "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm", is EX ACT LY what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Youse think Dean EVER let a little snow & ice keep him from meltin' the heart of some VERY lucky lady?! NO WAY, my friends!
He looked at this as a GOLDEN opportunity! Haha!!
Let's get this record spinnin' & take some advice from the Sorcerer of Swoon, himself! We'll make the BEST of this snowy Mess! Stay strong & stay safe, mi amici.
The snow is snowing and the wind it is blowing
But I can weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm
But I can weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm
I cannot remember the worst December
Just watch the icicles form
What do I care if icicles form
I've got my love to keep me warm
Just watch the icicles form
What do I care if icicles form
I've got my love to keep me warm
Off with my overcoat off with my gloves
Who needs an overcoat I'm burning with love
My heart's on fire and the flame grows higher
So I will weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm
Who needs an overcoat I'm burning with love
My heart's on fire and the flame grows higher
So I will weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm
I thought you ought to know my heart's on fire
The flame it just leaps higher
So I will weather the storm
Why do I care how much it storms
I've got my love
To keep me warm
I've got my love to keep me warm
The flame it just leaps higher
So I will weather the storm
Why do I care how much it storms
I've got my love
To keep me warm
I've got my love to keep me warm
A very fitting Sunday song Danny G., esp considering so many people are house bond or trying to dig out after a big winter snowstorm. Luckily for us here in New England we only received a few inches of the white stuff and i for one am not complaining about that. Our time will come soon enough, maybe. :-)
Thank you Danny G. once again for a great sounding song and wonderful video to go along with it. At least Dino looked like he was keeping warm!
Have a great week my friend.
We DEF I NATE LY dodged a bullit this time, Scotty my pal! Glad you dug the Dino-jam!
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