Hey pallies, likes while ilovedinomartin tries 365 days a year to provide the incredible insightful informatio on our most beloved Dino, we set aside three months each and every Dino-year for special accentin' of the Dino-message. Each June, the month of our King of Cool's entrance onto the planet on June 7, 1917, we spend the whole month celebratin' the anniversary of his birth. Each and every December, the month in which our Dino departed the planet on December 25, 1995 (Dino-winter-day) we honor his life and times durin' what we tagged it, Dino-winter-month.
And, our third month of special Dino-remembrance is February, the month in which Valentine's Day lands smack dab in the middle on February 14. We honor our Dino, the man of amore with a Dino-amore-month theme, with the 14th, of course, bein' Dino-amore-day!
There is simply no end to the possibilities of hugely, humbly homagin' our amorin' Dino durin' Dino-amore-month....great pixs, great tunes, great tributes to the one and only Dino. In the past, we have invited our remarkable readership to step forward and create they own tender, touchin' tribute of Dino-amore....perhaps sharin' a particularly meanin'ful Dino-croon, or sharin' their personal testimony of Dino-devotion...such as when they first came to know, love, and honor our King of Cool. Or....the potential possibilites are endless of how to homage our most beloved Dino....only limited by your Dino-creativity!
So, we are truly truly hopin' that many many faithful readers of our humble little Dino-blog will make the cool commitment to personally share their passion for our one and only amorin' Dino. If you would likes to join the ilovedinomartin Dino-amore-month festivities, simply email Dino Martin Peters at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com your desire and we will get the ball rollin' from there. What d'ya say pallies, ain't it about time that you proudly, publicly profess your awesome appreciato for our Dino?!?!?!?! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
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