Likes, faithful fellow Dino-holics here at ilovedinomartin knows that we are particularly partial to this particular Dino-wintery croon, and Roco accents a ver-si-on from the Dino-show with our main man singin' it "accompanied by two beautiful santa claus" babes. It's our Dino in his terrific tux with ever present Kent smoke in hand.....of course, not takin' the words (or the world) too seriously We absolutely digs what our Dino sez at the end of the croon...."Oh, that kid's voice spreads good cheer.
I bet there is tinsel hangin' from his tonsils."
That's our marvelously magic Dino for you, as Roco sez it so so well "The song in this case was not important, because what really matters here is the artist and especially the time of year, and in the case that concerns us too kitsch this video hoot sympathetic villain." We salutes "Roco Allstar" and all the folks at "The Earth Voice" for this deeply delightful swanky salute to our one and only Dino and their efforts to spread delightful Dino-cheer to all their readership. To checks this out, per usual, in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Drinkin' Deeply Of Our Dino, DMP
[Classic Telúrico] Dean Martin - A Marshmallow World (1966)
There are days when listening carols is a must and we should not give it any qualms with the great Dino, Sinatra or other large, that the Christmas compilation sung by children and drilled us enough to go into any supermarket.
The song in this case was not important, because what really matters here is the artist and especially the time of year, and in the case that concerns us too kitsch this video hoot sympathetic villain.

Accompanied by two beautiful santa claus, gives us a carol with his powerful and haunting voice, and also put his hand in the fire that took more than a drink over their movements and smile.
With this only I can only say to all the earthquakes that happen these days of celebrations the best and happiest possible that craps will always be present, and if little lights can draw us a smile even if not win, you better take advantage . Merry Christmas !!!.
[Clásico Telúrico] Dean Martin - A Marshmallow World (1966)
Son días en que escuchar villancicos es casi una obligación y no nos debe dar ningún reparo que sea con el gran Dino, con Sinatra u otros grandes, que los recopilatorios navideños cantados por niños ya nos taladran suficiente al entrar en cualquier supermercado.
La canción en este caso era lo de menos, ya que aquí lo que importa realmente es el artista y sobre todo la época del año, y en el caso que nos ocupa también el puntazo kitsch del vídeo de este simpático canalla.
Acompañado de dos bellas santa claus, nos regala un villancico con su potente y embrujadora voz, y que además pondría la mano en el fuego que llevaba más de una copa encima por sus movimientos y su sonrisa.
Con esto solamente me queda decir a todos los telúricos que pasen estos días de fiestas lo mejor y más felices posible, que para las mierdas siempre habrá momentos, y que si unas lucecitas nos pueden dibujar una sonrisa aunque no hayan ganas, que mejor que aprovecharlo. Merry Christmas!!!.
Talk about a holiday classic, a great and fun sounding song let alone the video! I think i will always look forward to Christmas time just to see this one. :-) Thank you my friend for bringing this enjoyable clip and great blog all the way from Spain!
Have a great upcoming weekend!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, a classic of classic Dino-wintery croon for sure dude. Likes youse, we always looks forward to seein' and listenin' to our most beloved Dino sing 'bout marshmallows! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one and only Dino!
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