The vid is almost four glorious minutes incredible image after incredible image of our most beloved Dino...46----count 'em----46 in all. Likes a few of 'em are ones that our eyes have never ever seen before.
The only quire we have is we does wonder why Miss Clement didn't chose to use a Dino-croon to accent her wondrous work of absolute adulation to our one and only Dino. The vid in simply a fantastic feast of Dino poses to helps us get our Dino-fix for this Dino-day. We sez our thanks to Miss Dominique Clement for her time, energy, and creativity in spreadin' mucho Dino-love in this Dino-way! Drinkin' in Dino with Youse, DMP

A wonderful looking video from Miss Dominique Clement my friend, thank you for bringing this gem our way. It really is amazing how many people are posting there own special Dean Martin tribute. Dean is still touching so many peoples lives, it really is wonderful!
Thank you my friend for your continues hard work as always!
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, as ever we are most pleased that you have found much pleasure in this great vid trib. We know that our Dino is touchin' your life in wondrous ways and that brings a great Dino-buddha grin to our faces! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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