Hey pallies, likes our Dino-wintery season is comin' to an end as we moves into the coolest of the cool celebrations of Dino-eve. Traditionally ilovedinomartin has shared one or more vid clips from our most beloved Dino's 1970 New Year's Eve ver-si-on of the Dino-show, but never ever have we been able to share the entire broadcast in all all it's Dino-glory before.
Likes, likes as we were searchin' youtube for what might be up this Dino-eve on our humble little Dino-blog from that 1970 programme, we were likes thrilled beyond thrilled to discover that a pallie tagged "Saucio2014" has actually uploaded the whole show in a series of 6 vid clips. So, below is all the fun and frolic from that classic episode and will definitely definitely puts all us pallies into the swingin'est of swingin' Dino-eve-mood!
We digs each and every moment of this fabulous broadcast, but we gotta 'fess up that our most fav of fav clips is numero five which has our most beloved Dino and his bestest of best pallie Frank, along with Miss Ruth Buzzi and the Golddiggers puttin' on a radio programme for New Years Eve.
We mostest of most digs that seg of this particular clip when Sinatra brings our Dino to the microphone introducin' Dino sayin' "...."And, now staggerin' up to the microphone, direct from the three month tour of his wine cellar, the baritone of the breweries, Mr. Blinky Tomlin"....and our Dino begins sings the ditty "The Object Of My Affections," usin' all his most marvelous movements that he is the coolest of cool at, simply drippin' with the hugest of huge hipness and the remarkable of remarkable randiness!
Likes happy Dino-eve to Dino-holics everywhere, and tremendous thanks to "Saucio2014" for bringin' so so much Dino-happiness to all us Dino-philes through sharin' this most amazin' NYE episode of the Dino-show in total! Dino-partyin', DMP
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy Dino-eve Pallies!
Hey pallies, likes our days of celebratin' Dino-winter-month are once 'gain drawin' to a close, and likes we find ourselves at Dino-eve....out with the old year and in with the new! Below are two delightful pixs of our Dino and Jerry as Father Time and the babe-in-arms at it has become a tradition to share here each and every Dino-eve. Likes ain't it hard to believe that these here pixs were shot to celebrate the comin' of 1952....62-count-em-62 years ago!
How fun to see our most beloved Dino decked out as Father Time...lookin' so wonderfully wise with his long flowin' robe and sickle...and Jerry dressed us as a new born ready to toot his horn....indeed the boys are certainly type cast! ilovedinomartin wishes all you pallies a swingin' and safe New Year's Eve and the bestest of best New Years!
Keeps checkin' in at ilovedinomartin for more of that great great Dino-action in the comin' year, And, likes most of all, all youse Dino-philes, likes KEEPS LOVIN' OUR MOST MOST BELOVED DINO! Dino-celebratin', DMP

How fun to see our most beloved Dino decked out as Father Time...lookin' so wonderfully wise with his long flowin' robe and sickle...and Jerry dressed us as a new born ready to toot his horn....indeed the boys are certainly type cast! ilovedinomartin wishes all you pallies a swingin' and safe New Year's Eve and the bestest of best New Years!
Keeps checkin' in at ilovedinomartin for more of that great great Dino-action in the comin' year, And, likes most of all, all youse Dino-philes, likes KEEPS LOVIN' OUR MOST MOST BELOVED DINO! Dino-celebratin', DMP

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Music to My Ears, Part 2: Remembering Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes as we draw oh so close to the end of our Dino-winter-month remembrances here at ilovedinomartin, we shares with all youse Dino-holics a Dino-winter-day remembrance, the last of three Dino-devotional posts from Mr. "Badda" at his BaddaBlog pad. Scribed nine years 'go on Dino-winter-day 2005, "Badda's" perfect prose is tagged " Music to My Ears, Part 2: Remembering Dean Martin."
Likes in this third entry, "Badda" refers back to his first Dino-centered post speakin' of his childhood memories and his heart-felt wish that he knew "more about Dean while he was alive." Truly truly many of us Dino-philes woulda echo such a Dino-desire! We also learn that in addition to "Badda's" particular passion for live Dino-recordin's mentioned earlier, he is the proud owner of "about 26 volumes of DVDs with highlights from his show," obviously the Gunthy Renker discs, showin' that indeed this guy likes the rest of us Dino-addicts can't gets 'nough of our most beloved Dino.
"Badda" goes on to speak many of the details of our Dino's death on December 25, 1995 and encourages all of us that name the name of Dino to "please raise a glass in his honor sometime between now and New Year's Eve. If you're abstaining from booze you should still take part... Dean often drank apple juice on stage in lieu of a glass of scotch. ;)"
Continuin' his huge huge homage of our Dino, "Badda" shares a number of Dino-focused tomes that he woulda encourage us to read. We were thrilled to learn that "Badda" had partaken of Nick Tosches' greatest of great Dino-bio's, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams," and likes, of course, recommends it to anyone who desires to grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our King of Cool.
And, might we just mention in conclusion that "Badda" does somethin' that we never ever remember readin' before, that bein' makin' some comparisons between President Ronald Reagan and our Dino. Surely it's somethin' worthy of our Dino-ponderin. We 'gain salute Mr. "Badda" for his trio of earnest efforts of honorin' our Dino and knows that many many of his readership musta come closer to our Dino through his posts. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of these Dino-throughts. Dino-diggin', DMP
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Music to My Ears, Part 2: Remembering Dean Martin

My adolescence occurred when Dean ruled television. (Perhaps you could say Dean was NBC's original Must See TV star.) His waning years coincided with my teens when I attempted to be cool (rarely succeeding). I might have appeared even more square if I would have been a fan of Dean in those days... then again, running counter to culture and respecting the class of the swing/crooner/Rat Pack crowd might have been just what I needed. (Then again, maybe not... you've either got it or you don't.)
Regardless, I never would have been able to see Dean or the other guys. I was simply born in the wrong decade. At least I was if I wanted to revel in the style (and the boorishness) of Frank's Summit and the King of Cool himself, Dean Martin. Even the reunion tour with Frank, Sammy, and Dean only lasted a week before Dean couldn't take it anymore. After Dean got out, Frank and Sammy went on to Bloomington, Minnesota... probably the Met. I was in high school. I could have seen them, but I wouldn't have seen Dino.
Ten years ago on Christmas night (3:30 am according to his obit) Dean Martin slipped away... finally able to see his boy Dean Paul after more than eight years. It is said that Dean never recovered from the death of Dino, who died in an airplane crash. (The crash happened in the same area where Frank Sinatra's mother died in a plane crash.) According to Paul Anka, after this tragedy Dean said he was, "just waiting to die."
A TV biography mentioned that the last couple of years of Dean's life included failing health and a public that mostly forgot him. He'd go to the same restaurant night after night to eat the same meal with a glass of Scotch (I believe)... if a fan recognized him and approached him Dean would be surprised that someone remembered him.
He lived alone. He was found by his housekeeper. One of America's greatest entertainers. An American icon. A performer loved around the world. He died alone... on Christmas. A man with so much talent, a man who made millions laugh and cheer, a man with seven children, a man so cool that even cool guys like Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley wanted to emulate Dino.
No man like that should die alone, let alone on Christmas of all days.
Hopefully in the past ten years his spirit has found peace and the love of fans new and old. He's with Sammy and Frank, President Reagan, Johnny Carson, Bing and Bob, and his son Dean Paul. I can only imagine what it must be like.
I hope he still does the drunk act.
If you liked good ol' Dean, please raise a glass in his honor sometime between now and New Year's Eve. If you're abstaining from booze you should still take part... Dean often drank apple juice on stage in lieu of a glass of scotch. ;)
Why give so much attention to a guy from the old school of song, film, and television... and who has been dead for ten years? He reminds me of another great American whom I respect. President Ronald W. Reagan.
Recently, I finished reading Peter Robinson's book How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life. (He's the guy who wrote the "Tear Down This Wall" speech.) A fun read with some nice anecdotes about President Reagan (including a wonderful Italian joke that sent me rolling with laughter for more than ten minutes). If I am to believe what I've read of Ronald Reagan in various books, I see a lot of Reagan in Dean. Perhaps I should say that the two men share some characteristics.
Both seemed to love telling jokes. They came from humble beginnings. Both seemed to have the great ability to charm an audience and put them at ease. Unfortunately, it also seems that neither man gave enough to their children. Both loved their families dearly, but apparently they didn't connect in the way some fathers do. Dean kept many folks at bay, never letting most folks see the real Dean. Reagan seemed to lack many close personal relationships (certainly not with Nancy, though).
A couple of similar qualities and a couple of similar flaws. Big deal, huh? I'm certainly not making my case with just a couple of lines about these two. Maybe I am making something out of nothing, but I doubt it. We won't see men of their like for some time. It isn't a tragedy, but it is unfortunate.
Perhaps something else to write about in future.
Some of the books I've read on Dean and Reagan (with more books on Reagan on my to-read list):
Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams
By Nick Tosches
That's Amore : A Son Remembers Dean Martin
By Ricci Martin
Rat Pack Confidential : Frank, Dean, Sammy, Peter, Joey and the Last Great Show Biz PartyBy Shawn Levy
All or Nothing at All: A Life of Frank Sinatra
By Donald Clarke
How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life
By Peter Robinson
Monday, December 29, 2014
Music to My Ears: Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes today we are privileged to return to the blog, "BaddaBlog" where we share the second of blogger "Badda's" three homages of our most beloved Dino. Scribed mid Dino-winter-month 2005, we are so so sorry that we never came 'cross these posts before 'cause they are purely passionate prose of our great great man.
Likes the tag of "Badda's" powerful post, " Music to My Ears: Dean Martin, sez it all. While this is the shortest of his Dino-sharin's, it is centered on this Dino-holics deepest of deep delight in poppin'
into a music shop downtown on the off chance that they have some Dean Martin recordings I don't already own." And, indeed this Dino-addict was able to satistfy his Dino-cravin's with 2---count 'em---2 cd al-b-ums that "appeared right before my eyes."
We let's you read the rest for yourselves. We sez our thank you very much to Mr. "Badda" for sharin' his awesome appreciato for our Dino with his readership, and 'gain sez sorry for not discoverin' his Dino-scribin's before now. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
What luck! I just popped into a music shop downtown on the off chance that they have some Dean Martin recordings I don't already own. (Not that I have a lot, I just try to find some good live shows of his... and not many are available.)
Guess what? Two appeared right before my eyes. One turned out to be one I already own (The Essential Dean Martin), but this version (the two-disk Special Platinum Edition) includes a show in Tahoe from July 27, 1962. The other, also a two-disk collection (Cocktail Hour), features a couple of live tracks (such as "Takes Two to Tango") as well as some studio tracks I don't have (such as "You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby") and a song with Jerry Lewis (The Money Song).
I hope to write more later this month for the anniversary of Dean's death... ten years ago this Christmas.
If you don't know much about Dean, whether you are young or old, I hope to give you what little insight I have. He should be remembered by folks who never even grew up with him... he was a true talent.
In the meanwhile, find one or two great songs from Dean (like Ain't That a Kick in the Head, June in January, or You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You... maybe even a Christmas tune) and remember his contagious good humor.
Likes the tag of "Badda's" powerful post, " Music to My Ears: Dean Martin, sez it all. While this is the shortest of his Dino-sharin's, it is centered on this Dino-holics deepest of deep delight in poppin'
into a music shop downtown on the off chance that they have some Dean Martin recordings I don't already own." And, indeed this Dino-addict was able to satistfy his Dino-cravin's with 2---count 'em---2 cd al-b-ums that "appeared right before my eyes."
We let's you read the rest for yourselves. We sez our thank you very much to Mr. "Badda" for sharin' his awesome appreciato for our Dino with his readership, and 'gain sez sorry for not discoverin' his Dino-scribin's before now. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Monday, December 12, 2005
Music to My Ears: Dean Martin

Guess what? Two appeared right before my eyes. One turned out to be one I already own (The Essential Dean Martin), but this version (the two-disk Special Platinum Edition) includes a show in Tahoe from July 27, 1962. The other, also a two-disk collection (Cocktail Hour), features a couple of live tracks (such as "Takes Two to Tango") as well as some studio tracks I don't have (such as "You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby") and a song with Jerry Lewis (The Money Song).
I hope to write more later this month for the anniversary of Dean's death... ten years ago this Christmas.
If you don't know much about Dean, whether you are young or old, I hope to give you what little insight I have. He should be remembered by folks who never even grew up with him... he was a true talent.
In the meanwhile, find one or two great songs from Dean (like Ain't That a Kick in the Head, June in January, or You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You... maybe even a Christmas tune) and remember his contagious good humor.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: Out In The Cold Again"

Well pallies...I'm lookin' out my window...& the snows is snowin'...& the winds is blowin'. Seems to be a fittin' end to Dino-Winter month 2014...& the year itself.
We had some ups...had some downs. All in all though...it was a good Dino-filled year!
It's a simple Dino-equation really. Youse take the GREAT GREAT times...subtract the low low times...& what youse is left with is...well...LIFE.
That's it pals. It's just that easy. Man, Dean's been tellin' us this ALL year long!
Hope youse been payin' attention, pallies! Haha! No worries...Dean's wisdom is yours for the takin'! Gonna be spreadin' even MORE of the Dino-message in 2015!
OK pals...for the LAST Sunday Serenade of this TOTALLY Dino-filled year...I wanted to go out with a SMOOTH & GENTLE, Wintery croon. "Out In The Cold Again" fits the bill! It's DEF I NATE LY smooth...& it's DEF I NATE LY gentle!
It's just Dean. What more could youse want? What more can I say? That's it, pals. Keep it simple. That's how Dino liked it. No fuss. Just be yourself & have fun.
Live & let live. Buy someone a drink. Share your last smoke. We ALL in this together, pallies. Just stay cool & BE cool to others.
Oh, & one last thin' pallies... don't take yourself too serious, huh...Dean LOVED to make us laugh!...keep LAUGHIN!!! See youse next year!!!
The song that you sang so sweetly
You called it our love refrain
It's gone and I'm left completely
Out in the cold again
You called it our love refrain
It's gone and I'm left completely
Out in the cold again
I dreamed that our love would linger
But just memories remain
As I gaze at that ringless finger
Out in the cold again
But just memories remain
As I gaze at that ringless finger
Out in the cold again
True it hurts my pride
To step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside
My whole world depended on you
To step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside
My whole world depended on you
I wanted your arms around me
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again
True it hurts my pride
To step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside
My whole world depended on you
To step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside
My whole world depended on you
I wanted your arms around me
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again, out in the cold
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again, out in the cold
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Who wouldn’t want to be like Dean?
Hey pallies, likes we were doin' a bit of ol' net searchin' for recent Dino-honorin' posts reflectin' on his departure from our presence 19 years 'go on December 25, 1995. Well, we gotta 'fess up that there was a dearth of devotion from recent days that we could find (probably much uncovered as of yet), but our search led us to a beaut of a blog tagged "BaddaBlog" where blogger "Badda" shared a trilogy of amazin' Dino-posts in the year of our Dino 2005...one in April and two in December.
Likes we ain't got a clue likes why they never surfaced before, but we are deeply deeply delighted to share 'em over the next days here at ilovedinomartin. Dino-scriber "Badda" is a conservative male hailin' from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States and is in the Accountin' biz. While "Badda" may be conservative in other ways, we find him liberatin'ly liberal when it comes to his delight diggin' of our most beloved Dino with his first post tagged "Direct from the bar… Dean Martin.
In this massive missive, "Badda" lets us know that he was just a "kid" when our King of Cool reigned supreme in the '70s, but that he really got turned on to the Dino-sound near the time of our Dino's departure from our planet. It's a cool tale that all youse Dino-philes are goin' to want to read for yourselves. And, as you read, you will realized that "Badda's" appreciato for our Dino has grown leaps and bounds since his Dino-"birth."
We digs how much "Badda" craves the live recordin's of our most beloved Dino. 'cause we do too!
We are totally in awe of "Badda's" desire to make sure those near and dear to him grow in knowin', lovin' and honorin' our Dino with these magnificant musin's.....
"Already some folks have begun to forget Dean. Younger folks never even knew him. How sad that people who profess to understand what is cool yet they don’t know about Dean Martin. If I have my way, my nephew and my son will know. They’ll stand up to give a speech in class… they’ll look out at the cynical, know-it-all faces and say, 'ow did everybody get in my room?'"
ilovedinomartin salutes "Badda" for so openin'ly and passionately sharin' his diggin' of our King of Cool, and likes we are so so sorry that it has taken us so long to honor his efforts in the 'cause of our Dino! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. And, be sure to checks back on Monday for more Dino-amore from "Badda." Dino-awed, DMP
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
I was only as aware of Dean as a kid my age could be while he was alive. When his show was on in the 70s I seem to recall that my family watched the show. I suppose I knew that he sang Volare and Amore… and that he seemed drunk in his performances.
I have no idea where I heard that he died… in fact it was a little before the time that he died that I started to listen to his music. Friends of mine organized a black tie cocktail party and we listened to some of the great music from Dean’s era… Louis Prima, Tony Bennett, Bobby Darin, Peggy Lee, Louis Armstrong, and of course Frank Sinatra. That was the birth of it for me… the emergence of Dean’s great songs that weren’t just tunes that painted him as an Italian crooner. I loved it. Maybe I just wanted to connect with a simpler time or an era of cool.
What a Johnny Come Lately I was.
Eventually, I found a recording of the Summit (the Rat Pack) from the Villa Venice shows. Later I got the Rat Pack at the Sands… then Dean Martin at the Sands… then The Rat Pack in St. Louis (with Johnny Carson!)… and another live recording of the boys at the Sands. That seems to be all I can get. Even if more recordings surface, they often did the same act over and over. They could back then, and why not? The act wasn’t televised (except for the St. Louis show) and they didn’t have satellite channels or DVD back then (let alone cable-TV and VHS).
In any case, the live shows feature some great antics from the guys… Dean starts and he’s great. I had not remembered that he changed the lyrics of songs. He also did that with Frank later in the show under the premise that they would sing some songs from their non-existent kiddie album. Of course, he does the drunk routine… he always did the drunk routine. “I don’t drink anymore… I freeze it now and eat it like a popsicle.”
Dean’s opener in the recordings at the Sands uses “I don’t care if the sun don’t shine / I do my drinkin’ in the evening time / when I’m in Las Vegas”… but the best set of lines (and they still put a grin on my face) come later. “A wife in Vegas, take my advice / It’s like goin’ to China with a sack of rice.” He never makes it through June in January with more than a line or two straight… and for that he takes some flack from critics, but that was Dean’s shtick. It was good shtick, too. “Let’s Get Out of the Wheat Field, Mabelle, We’re Goin’ Against the Grain.” “Are you sure everybody was playing?” “Get any on you?” “Have I ever asked you to hold it?” “Give me a ch-ord… that’s how it’s spelled, honey. I say it the way it’s spelled.” Some of the oldest jokes in the book, even back then.
When Dean joins Frank they really get going. Frank sets Dean up for all of the drunk jokes… and it’s like clockwork. Tight as a drum.
Frank: I want to talk to you about your drinking.
Dean: What happened, did I miss a round?
Frank: Are you cognizant of the fact –
Dean: Am I what-nizant?
Frank: Cognizant. I didn’t say anything dirty.
Dean: It started out dirty, Frank.
Dean: Let’s have a drink.
Frank: What? You are drinking.
Dean: Oh, is that my hand?
Frank: I figured out that the only time you don’t drink is when you’re asleep.
Dean: Don’t bet on it. I now put it in the Vaporizor and the whole room is drunkified.
These, too, are the oldest gags in the book, but they work. I never really tire of them. Whenever the day is dragging along, or I’m having a rough time I can usually get an instant smile when I think of these gags.
At the end of Dean’s disk at the Sands he once again fools with the lyrics. He closes with Mr. Wonderful, but the joke is that he’s singing it about himself… “I must admit in all honesty / Mr. Wonderful, (this takes a lot of guts) that’s me”. Yet, he turns it around on the audience as a way of saying thanks for their wonderful applause. Class. That man had class.
Who wouldn’t want to be like Dean? He was funny and charming and talented… he could sing and act and tell great stories… he stood in the presence of other talented men like Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Jimmy Stewart, Orson Wells, and so on. He looked good with them and helped good folks look even better.
Already some folks have begun to forget Dean. Younger folks never even knew him. How sad that people who profess to understand what is cool yet they don’t know about Dean Martin. If I have my way, my nephew and my son will know. They’ll stand up to give a speech in class… they’ll look out at the cynical, know-it-all faces and say, “How did everybody get in my room?”
This year on Christmas will mark ten years since Dean Martin's death. I intend to mark it with a song in my heart, laughter in the air, and a shot of booze in my glass.
Likes we ain't got a clue likes why they never surfaced before, but we are deeply deeply delighted to share 'em over the next days here at ilovedinomartin. Dino-scriber "Badda" is a conservative male hailin' from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States and is in the Accountin' biz. While "Badda" may be conservative in other ways, we find him liberatin'ly liberal when it comes to his delight diggin' of our most beloved Dino with his first post tagged "Direct from the bar… Dean Martin.
In this massive missive, "Badda" lets us know that he was just a "kid" when our King of Cool reigned supreme in the '70s, but that he really got turned on to the Dino-sound near the time of our Dino's departure from our planet. It's a cool tale that all youse Dino-philes are goin' to want to read for yourselves. And, as you read, you will realized that "Badda's" appreciato for our Dino has grown leaps and bounds since his Dino-"birth."
We digs how much "Badda" craves the live recordin's of our most beloved Dino. 'cause we do too!
We are totally in awe of "Badda's" desire to make sure those near and dear to him grow in knowin', lovin' and honorin' our Dino with these magnificant musin's.....
"Already some folks have begun to forget Dean. Younger folks never even knew him. How sad that people who profess to understand what is cool yet they don’t know about Dean Martin. If I have my way, my nephew and my son will know. They’ll stand up to give a speech in class… they’ll look out at the cynical, know-it-all faces and say, 'ow did everybody get in my room?'"
ilovedinomartin salutes "Badda" for so openin'ly and passionately sharin' his diggin' of our King of Cool, and likes we are so so sorry that it has taken us so long to honor his efforts in the 'cause of our Dino! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. And, be sure to checks back on Monday for more Dino-amore from "Badda." Dino-awed, DMP
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Direct from the bar… Dean Martin

I have no idea where I heard that he died… in fact it was a little before the time that he died that I started to listen to his music. Friends of mine organized a black tie cocktail party and we listened to some of the great music from Dean’s era… Louis Prima, Tony Bennett, Bobby Darin, Peggy Lee, Louis Armstrong, and of course Frank Sinatra. That was the birth of it for me… the emergence of Dean’s great songs that weren’t just tunes that painted him as an Italian crooner. I loved it. Maybe I just wanted to connect with a simpler time or an era of cool.
What a Johnny Come Lately I was.
Eventually, I found a recording of the Summit (the Rat Pack) from the Villa Venice shows. Later I got the Rat Pack at the Sands… then Dean Martin at the Sands… then The Rat Pack in St. Louis (with Johnny Carson!)… and another live recording of the boys at the Sands. That seems to be all I can get. Even if more recordings surface, they often did the same act over and over. They could back then, and why not? The act wasn’t televised (except for the St. Louis show) and they didn’t have satellite channels or DVD back then (let alone cable-TV and VHS).
In any case, the live shows feature some great antics from the guys… Dean starts and he’s great. I had not remembered that he changed the lyrics of songs. He also did that with Frank later in the show under the premise that they would sing some songs from their non-existent kiddie album. Of course, he does the drunk routine… he always did the drunk routine. “I don’t drink anymore… I freeze it now and eat it like a popsicle.”
Dean’s opener in the recordings at the Sands uses “I don’t care if the sun don’t shine / I do my drinkin’ in the evening time / when I’m in Las Vegas”… but the best set of lines (and they still put a grin on my face) come later. “A wife in Vegas, take my advice / It’s like goin’ to China with a sack of rice.” He never makes it through June in January with more than a line or two straight… and for that he takes some flack from critics, but that was Dean’s shtick. It was good shtick, too. “Let’s Get Out of the Wheat Field, Mabelle, We’re Goin’ Against the Grain.” “Are you sure everybody was playing?” “Get any on you?” “Have I ever asked you to hold it?” “Give me a ch-ord… that’s how it’s spelled, honey. I say it the way it’s spelled.” Some of the oldest jokes in the book, even back then.
When Dean joins Frank they really get going. Frank sets Dean up for all of the drunk jokes… and it’s like clockwork. Tight as a drum.
Frank: I want to talk to you about your drinking.
Dean: What happened, did I miss a round?
Frank: Are you cognizant of the fact –
Dean: Am I what-nizant?
Frank: Cognizant. I didn’t say anything dirty.
Dean: It started out dirty, Frank.
Dean: Let’s have a drink.
Frank: What? You are drinking.
Dean: Oh, is that my hand?
Frank: I figured out that the only time you don’t drink is when you’re asleep.
Dean: Don’t bet on it. I now put it in the Vaporizor and the whole room is drunkified.
These, too, are the oldest gags in the book, but they work. I never really tire of them. Whenever the day is dragging along, or I’m having a rough time I can usually get an instant smile when I think of these gags.
At the end of Dean’s disk at the Sands he once again fools with the lyrics. He closes with Mr. Wonderful, but the joke is that he’s singing it about himself… “I must admit in all honesty / Mr. Wonderful, (this takes a lot of guts) that’s me”. Yet, he turns it around on the audience as a way of saying thanks for their wonderful applause. Class. That man had class.
Who wouldn’t want to be like Dean? He was funny and charming and talented… he could sing and act and tell great stories… he stood in the presence of other talented men like Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Jimmy Stewart, Orson Wells, and so on. He looked good with them and helped good folks look even better.
Already some folks have begun to forget Dean. Younger folks never even knew him. How sad that people who profess to understand what is cool yet they don’t know about Dean Martin. If I have my way, my nephew and my son will know. They’ll stand up to give a speech in class… they’ll look out at the cynical, know-it-all faces and say, “How did everybody get in my room?”
This year on Christmas will mark ten years since Dean Martin's death. I intend to mark it with a song in my heart, laughter in the air, and a shot of booze in my glass.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Ed's Epistle.....The 12 Days Of Dino
Hey pallies, likes on this day after Dino-winter-day we return with 'nother greatest of great Dino-epistles from our greatest of great Dino-proser Ed. First shared on the pages of ilovedinomartin durin' the Dino-winter-season 2013, we are thrilled to be able share it 'gain with all youse Dino-philes 'cause it is indeed likes the most special of special Dino-wintery tributes that any only-devoted-to-Dino dude coulda ever desire. Deep from the depths of his personal devotion to our Dino comes Ed's superbly scribed Dino-reflection, "The 12 Days Of Dino."
Truly, truly there has never ever been anyone more deeply devoted to our Dino AND more in-the-Dino-know then our Dino-bro Ed. Our Ed profoundly proves this with all the amazin' Dino-facts and figures that he has assembled in his powerfully prosed parody of the 12 Days of Christmas.
ilovedinomartin thanks our brother in Dino, Ed, for this from-the bottom-of-his-Dino-heart trib to our most beloved Dino in this Dino-wintery season 2014. Pallie Ed has once 'gain set a new supreme standard of passionate prose in amore of our man of Amore....our most beloved Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Ring-a-ding, Ho-Ho, and all that other Merry Jazz, baby! The Holli-Dino-Days are upon us like Santa Clause on a snowy roof pally. Tis the season of Dino-music, Holiday movies, family, merriment, and all sounds and sites that make these times special. The year has been great, and grand finale is a doozie! The voice of the season has been declared OH-ficcialy ladies and gentlemen, and it's our Dino. "Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow". Now I don't know a better way to finish off this year with that Dino-news!
Ah, the Holidays. During these times a pally gets to dreaming, thinking bout the memories that makes these days so special. The glow of dusk on Christmas eve, the dawn of Christmas morn. The anniversary of the Passing of our Dino, I reflect on this 19th year A.D., After Dino., to remember some of the things he's brought us.
And in the spirit of the season, I've put together something little to remember our Dino this Christmas. Behind the gifts, past the tree, under the stars, Dino flows through the ether. Like the air we breathe, he is everywhere. I celebrate this Christmas with the ones I love, and listen to man who's helped all of us enjoy the holidays a little more every year.
I present you The 12 Days Of Dino…
On the 1st Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
A Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 2nd Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 3rd Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 4th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 5th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 6th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 7th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 8th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
8 Motion Picture Herald Awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 9th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 Motion Picture herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 10 day of Christmas our Dino gave to us.
10 years o' Martin n Lewis
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 motion Picture Herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 11th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us...
11 years of a Dino 'roastin'
10 years o' Martin n Lewis
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 Motion Picture Herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 12th day of Christmas our Dino gave to us…
12 Golden records
11 years of a Dino 'roastin'
10 years o' Martin n Lewis
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 Motion Picture Herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy Award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Dean Martin will forever be No. 1 in my book among the all-time greats.
Hey pallies, likes leaves it to our Danny-o to uncover a simply sensational tribute to our most beloved Dino as we likes draw oh so so close to Dino-winter-day 2014. From the 'net pad "hottytoddy.com" that hails from Oxford, MS. comes a huge honorin' homage to our most beloved Dino from Mr. Steve Vassallo, As a contributin' scriber for "hottytoddy, he "writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. In addition, he is a certified economic and community developer and currently, a highly successful leader in the real estate business with Premier Properties of Oxford."
'mong Vassallo's "other subjects" is our most beloved Dino, and his post, "Vassallo: Remembering Deano," is a totally touchin' tribute to our King of Cool on this 19th anniverary of our Dino's leavin' us. Likes we coulda goes on and on 'bout Steve's heartfelt homage of our Dino, but we are simply gonna leaves it all youse Dino-philes to checks it out for yourselves.
We here at ilovedinomartin express our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to Mr. Steve Vassallo for
sharin' his passion for our main man in such an open way, certain to help many of the "hottytoddy" readership to grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our most beloved Dino. Likes, to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-rememberin', DMP
Vassallo: Remembering Deano
Nineteen years ago this Christmas morning, Dean Martin left us at age 78. Have you ever been presented with this question: “If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or deceased, Jesus Christ aside) who would that be?”
The actor, singer, comedian could do it all. Born in Steubenville, Ohio, of Italian immigrants, Dean entered the world of show business at age 17. Prior to this, he dropped out of high school and became involved in a range of illicit actives including gambling and alcohol running. In 1940, he changed his name to Dean Martin as his show biz career was taking off.
In 1947, he teamed up with Jerry Lewis, whom he would make 16 films with between 1949 and 1956, the year they departed ways. In 1950, the comedy team made their TV debut via the Colgate Comedy Hour. All in all Dean made 51 films, including the series of four Matt Helm spy/comedy thrillers: The Silencers (Stella Stevens), Murderers’ Row (Ann Margret), The Wrecking Crew (Elke Sommer/Sharon Tate) and The Ambushers (Austrian actress Senta Berger/Janice Rule).
Dean is also best known for his membership in the Rat Pack with Frank Sinatra, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Peter Lawford. Together the group made three films, Ocean’s Eleven, Sergeants Three and Robin and the Seven Hoods. The Rat Pack epitomized booze, women and Vegas.
Dean Martin was married three times, had eight children and retired from show business following a 1988-89 concert tour after devoting 55 years to the profession. Another claim to fame was his 1964 hit record “Everybody Loves Somebody” which knocked the Beatles out of the number one slot.
I think the reason he made such an impression on me and millions was due to everything he did, it seemed effortless. He had more charisma than most anyone and Hollywood’s “who’s who” longed to be on his television variety show or famous Roasts. When Dean passed all of the casinos on the strip in Vegas dimmed their lights in his honor. There will never be another Dean Martin. Originals are scarce…even in Hollywood!
Lately I've been enamored by Dean Martin's songs.
We were led there to a story stunnin' scribed by Mr. Sarit Mishra, an artist and native of India, now livin' in the United States. Mishra's epistle is the tremendously touchin' tender testimony of how he has come to be deeply deeply delightin' in our most beloved Dino. And, as we fastly approach Dino-winter-day we has chosen to feature Sarit's journey to Dino-devotion as our special Dino-winter-day tribute this Dino-season.
Likes each and every pallie that comes to know, love, and honor our Dino has an unique set of experiences that leds 'em to our King of Cool and Mishra's story is especially sweet. Likes we don't want to takes any thunder away from his tale, but we find it so cool that it begins while he and his wife were walking the streets of Rome.
We are very much touched by the Sarit's sharin' of Dino-awakenin' and know you will be as well. We find it an especially fittin' tribute to share as we reflect on our Dino's passin' on December 25 in 1995 as Sarit concludes his huge homage by reflectin'....." It would have been swell if he was around these days." Likes we couldn't agree with him more.
ilovedinomartin takes particular passion in sharin' others' stories of Dino-discovery and especially when they accent 'nother of today's youth bein' led to Dino, and especially when it is international in Dino-scope. So, in this Dino-wintery season with Dino-winter-day not far off, we express our deepest of deepest delight to be able to share Mr. Sarit Mishra's wonderfully wise words of amore for our Dino. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Lately I've been enamored by Dean Martin's songs. His voice is so soothing and his music so very relaxing. I also listened to Sinatra in the same vein, but though I liked him too, I didn't find him as peaceful as Dino.
My love-story started with "Volare - nil blu di pinto di blu" by Domenico Modugno. I totally fell in love with this song, when I first heard it with my wife. We had spent the day walking around Rome, looking through all all nooks and crannies, the ruins and palaces and the piazzas and fountains.
Thoroughly enervated, we stumbled upon a rustic ristorante very close to where we stayed. It was called Cafe Romantica (or Romantiqa) and true to its name the ambience was beautiful and the food was delicious. I still remember the dreamy old man with his thick spectacles singing ...
"Vo...laare.. oh oh .. Can...taare… oh. oh.. oh.."
I didn't understand a word of it but it was such a sweet song that the tune stuck in my head. Later when I came back home, after a few rounds of googling, I was able to find the original song. And then I found Dean's version of it. It was different from what I heard, not exactly what I had been searching for. But it turned out that I liked Dean's version of the song better than the original one by Modugno. Maybe because it had enough English in it to let me sing along and make it my own. Or maybe it was just Dean's voice that I liked.
I have almost all his hit songs now (and am now searching for all the not-so-hit ones as well). I just love them all. His voice is so melodious and deep that you don't even need the music. In fact at times, the music is a distraction that I wish that I could remove. His songs are a way for me to slow down, take a deep breath, relax and maybe sing along and momentarily forget the stresses of daily life. And if I'm driving in traffic, I magically don't care anymore if the car behind me overtakes me to race to the red-light ahead.
And then his jokes and other antics are so endearing. His shows are filled with his style and personality. No wonder he's called the king of cool. It would have been swell if he was around these days.
Ed's Epistle.....Remembering Dino This Christmas
Hey pallies, likes it just wouldn't seem right to humbly honor our Dino on Dino-winter-day without wise words from the bestest of best Dino-proser that we know....our brother in Dino, Ed of "Ed's Epistle" fame.
First scribed for Dino-winter-day 2009, in his perfectly and profoundly personal way, Ed shares with us how deeply the passin' of our Dino has and continues to effect him, as only Ed could write it, And how only a few months later, the man who introduced him to our King of Cool, his wonderful Dino-devoted father, also followed Dino beyond the grave.
It is with the purest of pure pleasure that we likes 'gain share, "Ed's Epistle.....Remembering Dino This Christmas".......some of our pallie Ed's most Dino-hearted sentiments ever. Thanks Brother Ed for helpin' to bring so so much Dino-light to our Dino-paths! Dino-always,ever, and only, DMP

Christmas is time of mixed emotions. Early childhood memories are filled with trees, lights, and gifts. Dino on the turntable and family in house. These are the days were the basis of all future life moments are compared.
Things evolve as one ages. Times of receiving are replaced with times of giving. Times of being with family are replaced with times of remembering family. We settle for good health rather than good gifts. Memories and present family we rely on to get through present day ills and worries.
Family and friends who in the past filtered out the bad and rang in the good are no longer with some of us. Time for reflection and hopes for the future will fill my holidays.
Dino slipped away from us on a Christmas morning some fourteen years ago. Exited quietly on the most tranquil morning of the year. Typical Dino to duck out when no one was looking. Not wanting the attention, the spotlight. It was Christmas morning 1995, while Dino song filled the world’s airways, and hearts with his voice, his soul left this earth. Dino going Splitsville from his own party to catch a late western, Christmas morning he left to go the big bar upstairs. He knew no one was looking, I'm sure. The Rat Pack lost it's cool.
The world turned a page, started a new chapter.
When the image of Dean flashed on the screen, the family paused to watch. It's not good when a show is interrupted for a special announcement, on Christmas morning of all times. Worse when the image is the one you associate your childhood with. The smile happy, the voice song, the laugh fun, the face Dino.
Part of the collective American soul died that morning. Part of me left that morning. Ten months later, I personally had another loss in my life. The big guy who brought Dino into my life took an exit himself. My dad died the next September. Dino I and Dino II in my eyes, limo tailights. Rough year for this pallie.
Fortunately, the spirit of Dino has grown bigger since his passing. Dino is as big as ever. His is now the rank of legend. Dino owns the Cool recipe. He copyrighted 'sigh'. He's untouchable. He lives in memory, on screen, and in voice. Frank may have done it his way, but Dino did it our way. We get it. Christmas is tonic. Some parts happy, some sad, some hopeful, some remorseful. All mixed together makes you humble. I am fortunate for what I had, and what I have. Make someone feel that this season. Create some memories, play some Dino. Today is tomorrow memories.
To all of your family and friends, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you're season are is filled with Dino, and your heart with happiness!
First scribed for Dino-winter-day 2009, in his perfectly and profoundly personal way, Ed shares with us how deeply the passin' of our Dino has and continues to effect him, as only Ed could write it, And how only a few months later, the man who introduced him to our King of Cool, his wonderful Dino-devoted father, also followed Dino beyond the grave.
It is with the purest of pure pleasure that we likes 'gain share, "Ed's Epistle.....Remembering Dino This Christmas".......some of our pallie Ed's most Dino-hearted sentiments ever. Thanks Brother Ed for helpin' to bring so so much Dino-light to our Dino-paths! Dino-always,ever, and only, DMP
Christmas is time of mixed emotions. Early childhood memories are filled with trees, lights, and gifts. Dino on the turntable and family in house. These are the days were the basis of all future life moments are compared.
Things evolve as one ages. Times of receiving are replaced with times of giving. Times of being with family are replaced with times of remembering family. We settle for good health rather than good gifts. Memories and present family we rely on to get through present day ills and worries.
Family and friends who in the past filtered out the bad and rang in the good are no longer with some of us. Time for reflection and hopes for the future will fill my holidays.
Dino slipped away from us on a Christmas morning some fourteen years ago. Exited quietly on the most tranquil morning of the year. Typical Dino to duck out when no one was looking. Not wanting the attention, the spotlight. It was Christmas morning 1995, while Dino song filled the world’s airways, and hearts with his voice, his soul left this earth. Dino going Splitsville from his own party to catch a late western, Christmas morning he left to go the big bar upstairs. He knew no one was looking, I'm sure. The Rat Pack lost it's cool.
The world turned a page, started a new chapter.
When the image of Dean flashed on the screen, the family paused to watch. It's not good when a show is interrupted for a special announcement, on Christmas morning of all times. Worse when the image is the one you associate your childhood with. The smile happy, the voice song, the laugh fun, the face Dino.
Part of the collective American soul died that morning.
Fortunately, the spirit of Dino has grown bigger since his passing. Dino is as big as ever. His is now the rank of legend. Dino owns the Cool recipe. He copyrighted 'sigh'. He's untouchable. He lives in memory, on screen, and in voice. Frank may have done it his way, but Dino did it our way. We get it. Christmas is tonic. Some parts happy, some sad, some hopeful, some remorseful. All mixed together makes you humble. I am fortunate for what I had, and what I have. Make someone feel that this season. Create some memories, play some Dino. Today is tomorrow memories.
To all of your family and friends, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you're season are is filled with Dino, and your heart with happiness!
Monday, December 22, 2014
(Reminder: Dean Martin, most underrated entertainer ever.)
And, likes Mr. Allen has included a knowin' nod to our most beloved Dino in the midst of his words of wisdom.....indeed speakin' the depth of Dino-truth in just a few words contained in two short sentences: "Dean Martin singing “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” (Reminder: Dean Martin, most underrated entertainer ever.)"
Indeed what woulda this wintery season be without our Dino's croonin' and "Baby" is certainly one of his best known seasonal songs. But what likes touchs the depths of our hearts is Teddy's touchin' testimony that our Dino is the "most underrated entertainer ever." Somethin' that we have often said ourselves here on the pages of our humble little Dino-blog." How absolutely thrillin' to know 'nother in-the-Dino-know and here this tender tribute so so close to our remembrance of Dino-winter-day....the day that our Dino departed from our presence.
We thanks Mr. Teddy Allen for a superbly scribed seasonal post and 'specially for his bold proclaimed of Dino-truth. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-delightedly, DMP
Listening to the language of the holidays
Teddy Allen 10:25 p.m.
CST December 20, 2014
The waiting room at the doctor’s office is as far away from the North Pole as Fourth of July is from Christmas. By definition, you are in a room where you do nothing but grab a creased Newsweek with Clinton on the cover and wait.
So I listened. And was not surprised. Coughs. Sneezes. Harsh words about a co-pay. And I thought, It really IS beginning to sound a lot like Christmas.
If Santa comes in moaning with the flu, we’ll have touched all the bases.
I love me some sounds of Christmastime, even though one of those sounds is a sniffle, and a standard is the inspired blowing of a nose. Hark the herald…
There’s the sound of the angry shopper, the screeching tires, the curse word when the lights don’t work, and the timeless “Are we there yet?”
Those are Christmas-seasoned but could happen almost any time. Christmas, though, Christmas has a language all its own, a language you hear only this time of year. Not a lot of Santa spottings in summertime.
When do you hear “figgy pudding” or “ho ho ho” or “What size sweater you think he wears?” except at Christmastime?
The Island of Misfit Toys.
Burl Ives.
Andy Williams singing “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and “The Andy Williams Christmas Special” came on public television the other night, a retrospective. Andy Williams, one of the finest gentleman and most talented entertainers to ever walk onto a stage, didn’t invent the Christmas sweater, but he probably perfected it …
Silver bells. Jingle bells. Sleigh bells. The bells of the Salvation Army.
Holly jolly.
Brenda Lee — and if you don’t know how to bake a pie, Sara Lee!
Dean Martin singing “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” (Reminder: Dean Martin, most underrated entertainer ever.)
“Ha…llelujah! Hallelujah. Hallelujah!”
What’s your favorite Christmas sound? Could be your children, if you have little ones. Could be the memories of how your grown ones sounded when they were little ones. Maybe it’s your family arriving — or leaving. I know it’s not “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.” (See “inspired nose blowing,” above.)
Christmas sounds are Ralphie asking for a BB gun and “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “White Christmas” and my favorite Christmas movie, “Scrooged,” which concludes with the Bill Murray character, TV exec Frank Cross, the modern-day Scrooge now re-born into the wonder of Christmas, saying that Christmas Eve is “…the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be!”
Christmas is the sound of someone, somewhere, changing.
It’s December words and phrases like Bethlehem and shepherds keeping watch …
And lo, the angel of the Lord…
Unto you is born this day in the city of David…
The wise men…
A manger and swaddling clothes.
And somewhere in all these Christmas words and sounds, between a baby crying and the cattle lowing and our carol singing, is the blessed sound of fullness… in silence. Not emptiness, but fullness.
Silent night, holy night.
The noise of nothing, which is the sound of everything. You’ll hear it if you try — and sometimes, even if you don’t.
Sounds good to me.
Email Teddy Allen at teddy@latech.edu.
Dean Martin ~ Wishes You A Merry Christmas ~ 1994
Hey pallies, likes today we share a very short vid of a Christmas greetin' from our Dino created in 1994, the year before he departed from our presence. Somebody with an ol' vid camera approached our most beloved Dino comin' out of a bar and asked him to say Merry Christmas, and our ever gracious Dino does just that!
We've shared this vid before durin' Dino-winter month, and we does plan on makin' this a yearly tradition here at ilovedinomartin.
We thanks the pallie who musta planned to film this short vid for givin' all us Dino-holics this memory of our King of Cool.....truly bitter sweet for sure. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
We've shared this vid before durin' Dino-winter month, and we does plan on makin' this a yearly tradition here at ilovedinomartin.
We thanks the pallie who musta planned to film this short vid for givin' all us Dino-holics this memory of our King of Cool.....truly bitter sweet for sure. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
3. Dean Martin - 'Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!'
Hey pallies, likes a few ago our Dino-devoted pallie Miss AOW 'lerted us that she found a Dino-sitin' at her local radio station, 103.5 FM WTOP in Washington D.C. where WTOP's Mr, Jason Fraley was countin' down the "Top 100 Christmas Songs Of All Time" and as we shared he was beginnin' with none other then our Dino's croonin' of the Dino-seasonal fav, "Marshmallow World."
Well, we recently returned to Fraley's wintery croons countdown to see if indeed our most beloved Dino had more of his seasonal songs makin' the list. Likes we scrolled through the list until we gots to numero tres and indeed our Dino singin' "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! was there! Likes as you pallies will recall our Dino's snowy song was numero uno played song of 2013.
While we gotta 'fess up that more Dino-wintery croons did not make Jason's list, we are delighted that our King of Cool came very close to his list. We 'gain thanks Miss AOW for sharin' this Dino-sitin' with all use Dino-holics in the first place. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-sharin', DMP
The Top 100 Christmas Songs of All-Time
The holidays are the great equalizer, connecting all genres and generations of music. What other time of year can you hear Bing Crosby back to back with Run DMC, Gene Autry, Bruce Springsteen and Mariah Carey? WTOP’s Jason Fraley counts down the Top 100 Christmas Songs of All Time.
3. Dean Martin - 'Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!'
Well, we recently returned to Fraley's wintery croons countdown to see if indeed our most beloved Dino had more of his seasonal songs makin' the list. Likes we scrolled through the list until we gots to numero tres and indeed our Dino singin' "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! was there! Likes as you pallies will recall our Dino's snowy song was numero uno played song of 2013.
While we gotta 'fess up that more Dino-wintery croons did not make Jason's list, we are delighted that our King of Cool came very close to his list. We 'gain thanks Miss AOW for sharin' this Dino-sitin' with all use Dino-holics in the first place. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-sharin', DMP
The Top 100 Christmas Songs of All-Time
The holidays are the great equalizer, connecting all genres and generations of music. What other time of year can you hear Bing Crosby back to back with Run DMC, Gene Autry, Bruce Springsteen and Mariah Carey? WTOP’s Jason Fraley counts down the Top 100 Christmas Songs of All Time.
3. Dean Martin - 'Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!'
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Silver Bells"
Ho ho ho pallies...It's official! Winter has arrived!!! (How many days 'til Spring?) Haha! Just kiddin' pals. Winter is a SWINGIN' season too!
COM PLETE LY loves jammin' to my Dino-Winter tunes & Dean's cool cool spirit is EVERYWHERE youse go!
I hear him croonin' in the malls, markets, stores, banks...you name it...Dean is there! And that's not all, pallies! I see him ALL OVER the TV lately!
To be honest, pals...I've never felt Dino's presence as strongly...than I have this last passin' year! Seems to me that more & more...the world is cravin' the "Dino-vibe" in their lives!
Today's Serenade, "Silver Bells", is PURE...CLASSIC...Christmassy croonin' at it's finest!
It's just what we need to set the holiday mood, ol pals o mine! .
Reminds us of Christmas moments gone by & sets the tone for these "Silvery" days ahead.
Especially as we begins to wind down Dino-Winter month, pallies...we ALL need that "Special somethin" that ONLY the TRUE King of Cool brings!
Youse with me Pals?! Great! Here we go!
Hit it Dean!!!
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas
Children laughing people passing meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you hear
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas
Children laughing people passing meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you hear
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it'll be Christmas day
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it'll be Christmas day
Strings of street lights, even stop lights, blink a bright red and green
As the shoppers rush home with their treasures
Hear the snow crunch, see the kids bunch, this is Santa's big scene
And above all this bustle you'll hear
As the shoppers rush home with their treasures
Hear the snow crunch, see the kids bunch, this is Santa's big scene
And above all this bustle you'll hear
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it'll be Christmas day
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it'll be Christmas day
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Dino-homagin' with Stella G.
(Ed's notes: Hey pallies, likes we gotta one of the most most special Dino-wintery-day posts for all youse Dino-holics on this 20th day of Dino-winter-month. From our totally Dino-addicted pallie Danny G. of "Sunday Serenade With Dino" fame, whose date of birth just happens to be this very day, December 20, comes a cool collection of words 'bout his girlpallie Stella G. and how her Dino-gingerbread man has inspired some pallie's creativity to manufacture an item that has been listed on Amazon.
Danny-o Stella story-o is below, and if you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram, youse will find how Stella's Dino-cookie is bein' featured on Amazon. Congratulations to Danny G. on 'nother birthday and to his girlpallie Stella G. growin' Dino-fame! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP)

Once upon a time...many MANY years ago...actually I thinks it twas' the year of Dino 2010...Hahaha!
The land was in the midst of Dino-Winter month...and there was a little Dino-girlpallie that went by the SWINGIN'EST nick-name of Ms. Stella G. Well pallies...one snowy day...school cancelled...Stella & family decided to make some AB SO LUTE LY YUMMY gingerbread cookies! Now pals...Stella KNEW...that her daddy-o, Danny G., was TO TAL LY FLIPPED on that Hippest of Hipsters...Mr. Dean Martin. So she decided to make a MASTERPIECE for dear ol' Dad...A Dino-Ginger Man!!! So pallies...that's just what she did! It was cool! It was hip! It was YUMMY...lookin'.
NO WAY Dad would eat this BEA U TI FUL work of Dino-art! Well Ol pals o' mine...to this very day, that SPECIAL cookie sits in my office...behind my desk. I'm SO SO proud of my girlpallie! But wait!!! The story don't end there!!! Some how! Some way! Maybe even some Christmas miracle!!!
Haha!! OK...I'm probably over-doin' it...again. Ha! Anyway...some mystery Dino-holic out there, musta seen a pic of this SWINGIN' Dino-Ginger Man...on our humble little blog...& used it to help SWAY the masses to purchase his Iphone covers & accessories! Haha! My little Stella G. & her Dino-inspired Gingery-creation are FAMOUS!!! Well..kinda.
So pallies...that's my Gingerbread Dino-story. Hopes youse got A Kick In The Head outta it! Ha!
Ciao Pals!
Danny-o Stella story-o is below, and if you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram, youse will find how Stella's Dino-cookie is bein' featured on Amazon. Congratulations to Danny G. on 'nother birthday and to his girlpallie Stella G. growin' Dino-fame! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP)
Once upon a time...many MANY years ago...actually I thinks it twas' the year of Dino 2010...Hahaha!
The land was in the midst of Dino-Winter month...and there was a little Dino-girlpallie that went by the SWINGIN'EST nick-name of Ms. Stella G. Well pallies...one snowy day...school cancelled...Stella & family decided to make some AB SO LUTE LY YUMMY gingerbread cookies! Now pals...Stella KNEW...that her daddy-o, Danny G., was TO TAL LY FLIPPED on that Hippest of Hipsters...Mr. Dean Martin. So she decided to make a MASTERPIECE for dear ol' Dad...A Dino-Ginger Man!!! So pallies...that's just what she did! It was cool! It was hip! It was YUMMY...lookin'.
NO WAY Dad would eat this BEA U TI FUL work of Dino-art! Well Ol pals o' mine...to this very day, that SPECIAL cookie sits in my office...behind my desk. I'm SO SO proud of my girlpallie! But wait!!! The story don't end there!!! Some how! Some way! Maybe even some Christmas miracle!!!
Haha!! OK...I'm probably over-doin' it...again. Ha! Anyway...some mystery Dino-holic out there, musta seen a pic of this SWINGIN' Dino-Ginger Man...on our humble little blog...& used it to help SWAY the masses to purchase his Iphone covers & accessories! Haha! My little Stella G. & her Dino-inspired Gingery-creation are FAMOUS!!! Well..kinda.
So pallies...that's my Gingerbread Dino-story. Hopes youse got A Kick In The Head outta it! Ha!
Ciao Pals!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Vocal by the coolest member of the Rat Pack (IMO). I think he had a few too many cocktails before coming onstage.
Hey pallies, likes 'bout time to share 'nother Dino-seasonal croon......one that is a class all by itself. That cool class category would be of "The Blues," showin' our most beloved Dino's diverse abilty to perform music of all types and stripes!
Today's devotion comes from the murder and mayhem blog, "Pretty Sinister Books - Crime, Supernatural and Adventure fiction. Obscure, Forgotten and Well Worth Reading," provin' that youse just never ever know where our main man will turns up next. Scribed by a dude tagged John, it is clear that he is deeply devoted to our Dino sayin'.... "Vocal by the coolest member of the Rat Pack (IMO)."
And, the Dino seasonal tune croon? None other then "The Christmas Blues," which likes our Danny G. also recently shared on his "Sunday Serenade with Dino." We don't means to be copyin' our great of great pallie Danny-o, but we have so so much Dino-appreciato for this Dino-scribin' pallie John that we just couldn't think of not sharin' his homage with you.
Likes we sez, we loves how our King of Cool not only rules supreme with the fun and fluffy stuff likes "Let It Snow" and "Marshmallow World" 'mong others, but that he can also use his incredible immense vocal abilities to takes on the blues as well!
We thanks John of "Pretty Sinister Books" for a pretty cool homage of Dino's "kind of swingy and upbeat" croon of "a song that's all about loneliness." To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-proud, DMP
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
VIDEO: Dean Martin and "The Christmas Blues"
Here's an antidote for anyone like me who is tiring of "Frosty the Snowman," "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" and the rest of those novelty Christmas tunes being piped in everywhere you go.
I had never heard this song until yesterday and I thought I knew all the sad Christmas songs ever written. It's kind of swingy and upbeat for a song that's all about loneliness.
Music by David Holt, lyrics by the incomparable Sammy Cahn. Vocal by the coolest member of the Rat Pack (IMO). I think he had a few too many cocktails before coming onstage.
If the video doesn't play in the window below you can watch it here.
I had never heard this song until yesterday and I thought I knew all the sad Christmas songs ever written. It's kind of swingy and upbeat for a song that's all about loneliness.
Music by David Holt, lyrics by the incomparable Sammy Cahn. Vocal by the coolest member of the Rat Pack (IMO). I think he had a few too many cocktails before coming onstage.
If the video doesn't play in the window below you can watch it here.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
100. Dean Martin – ‘Marshmallow World’
Hey pallies, likes when we opened up our email this very mornin' we found an epistle from our great Dino-devoted pallie Miss AOW 'lertin' us that she found a Dino-sitin' at her local radio station, 103.5 FM WTOP in Washington D.C. As you will see below, WTOP's Mr, Jason Fraley is countin' down the "Top 100 Christmas Songs Of All Time" and his is beginnin' with none other then our Dino's croonin' of the Dino-seasonal fav, "Marshmallow World."
Now, likes we gotta 'fess up that we always always are thrilled to see our most beloved Dino bein' shared, but truly truly we believe deeply in our Dino-heart that "Marshmallow World" oughta certainly be higher on this list then 100. We are goin' to need to follow this series, 'cause certainly other Dino-croons likes "Let It Snow!" will appear closer to numero uno....indeed as all youse Dino-philes will remember said Dino-wintery tune was numero uno last year!
We thanks Miss AOW for sharin' this Dino-sitin' with all use Dino-holics and wishes her and Miss AOW the bestest of bestest Dino-wintery times even in our deep deep sadness of rememberin' our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-sharin', DMP
The Top 100 Christmas Songs of All-Time
The holidays are the great equalizer, connecting all genres and generations of music. What other time of year can you hear Bing Crosby back to back with Run DMC, Gene Autry, Bruce Springsteen and Mariah Carey? WTOP’s Jason Fraley counts down the Top 100 Christmas Songs of All Time.
100. Dean Martin – ‘Marshmallow World’
Now, likes we gotta 'fess up that we always always are thrilled to see our most beloved Dino bein' shared, but truly truly we believe deeply in our Dino-heart that "Marshmallow World" oughta certainly be higher on this list then 100. We are goin' to need to follow this series, 'cause certainly other Dino-croons likes "Let It Snow!" will appear closer to numero uno....indeed as all youse Dino-philes will remember said Dino-wintery tune was numero uno last year!
We thanks Miss AOW for sharin' this Dino-sitin' with all use Dino-holics and wishes her and Miss AOW the bestest of bestest Dino-wintery times even in our deep deep sadness of rememberin' our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-sharin', DMP
The Top 100 Christmas Songs of All-Time
The holidays are the great equalizer, connecting all genres and generations of music. What other time of year can you hear Bing Crosby back to back with Run DMC, Gene Autry, Bruce Springsteen and Mariah Carey? WTOP’s Jason Fraley counts down the Top 100 Christmas Songs of All Time.
100. Dean Martin – ‘Marshmallow World’
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
All I Want Is DINO: Dean Martin Singer Actor Comedian 10 Pins Button Badge Pinbacks
Hey pallies, likes today we shares with all youse Dino-philes 'nother great Dino-wintery seasonal gift givin' idear. From the pallies at Etsy comes a set of 10----count 'em----10 Dino-buttons from the "MainstayBoutique" in Victoria, Canada. We knows that we woulda loves to have this collection for our very own, and likes you can't beat the price.....all ten buttons are a mere ten bucks plus nominal shippin' charges.
We knows that we woulda be so so proud to show our Dino-pride by sportin' these buttons, and there is more then 'nough to wear a different button each day of the Dino-week. It appears that these buttons are "made to order" meanin' that one can probably order as many sets as they like, and they woulda makes such great stockin' stuffers for each and every Dino-holic on your Dino-wintery seasonal list.
We salutes the pallies at "MainstayBoutique" for sharin' such a Dino-deal that empowers Dino-devotees everywhere to show their Dino-loyality! To checks 'em out and to order, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-diggin' , DMP

Dean Martin Singer Actor Comedian 10 Pins Button Badge Pinbacks
$10.00 USD
Only 1 available
Handmade item
Materials: mylar, copper, metal
Made to order
Feedback: 9 reviews
Ships worldwide from Victoria, Canada
Buttons are fun to collect or give as a gift.
•Up for your consideration is a set of 10 NEW 1"(one inch) Buttons / Pinbacks. The buttons that you see in the picture are the ones that you will receive in your set.
•The buttons are 1" (one inch). The photo is enlarged to show details of the buttons.
• These buttons are brand new, never been worn. The coating that is used on these buttons is .003 Mylar, which makes a very professional finish.
•These buttons are great for scrapbooks, book bags, purses, guitar straps, jackets, sweatbands, belts, hats etc.
We have other quantities of these buttons.....just ask. We love making buttons for special events.
Also we are happy to do special orders.....just ask.
Thank you for dropping by!
I use images that I have created and also ones from the web that are considered public domain. Please, if you are the owner of any of the images contact me right away and it will be taken off.
We knows that we woulda be so so proud to show our Dino-pride by sportin' these buttons, and there is more then 'nough to wear a different button each day of the Dino-week. It appears that these buttons are "made to order" meanin' that one can probably order as many sets as they like, and they woulda makes such great stockin' stuffers for each and every Dino-holic on your Dino-wintery seasonal list.
We salutes the pallies at "MainstayBoutique" for sharin' such a Dino-deal that empowers Dino-devotees everywhere to show their Dino-loyality! To checks 'em out and to order, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-diggin' , DMP

Dean Martin Singer Actor Comedian 10 Pins Button Badge Pinbacks
$10.00 USD
Only 1 available
Handmade item
Materials: mylar, copper, metal
Made to order
Feedback: 9 reviews
Ships worldwide from Victoria, Canada
Buttons are fun to collect or give as a gift.
•Up for your consideration is a set of 10 NEW 1"(one inch) Buttons / Pinbacks. The buttons that you see in the picture are the ones that you will receive in your set.
•The buttons are 1" (one inch). The photo is enlarged to show details of the buttons.
• These buttons are brand new, never been worn. The coating that is used on these buttons is .003 Mylar, which makes a very professional finish.
•These buttons are great for scrapbooks, book bags, purses, guitar straps, jackets, sweatbands, belts, hats etc.
We have other quantities of these buttons.....just ask. We love making buttons for special events.
Also we are happy to do special orders.....just ask.
Thank you for dropping by!
I use images that I have created and also ones from the web that are considered public domain. Please, if you are the owner of any of the images contact me right away and it will be taken off.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Hey pallies, likes the Dino-news couldn't be better on this sixteenth day of Dino-winter-month. When we opened up our first email of the day it was an epistle from the pallies at the official Dino-site sharin' the bestest of best news that this very day our most beloved Dino's Christmas Al-b-um is the "Album Of The Day" on itunes! This certainly will be bringin' many many more folks into the Dino-fold for sure!
The same scribin's shared even more great Dino-news in that our King of Cool is also bein' accented hugely hugely on "‘The Ultimate Christmas Playlist’ on Spotify! Likes 'gain this is gonna be of great great help in gettin' the Dino-message out to many of today's nouveau hipsters, 'cause nothin' like Dino-seasonal croons to turn on the youth of today!
We thanks the pallies at the official Dino-site (simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes there) for spreadin' this message of Dino-cheer to Dino-holics everywhere! Dino-awed, DMP


Today’s Album of the Day is Dean Martin’s “Christmas Album." This holiday favorite album includes Dino’s take on classic Christmas tunes “White Christmas,” “Winter Wonderland,” “Silent Night” and many others.
Get into the holiday spirit with Dean’s “A Marshmallow World,” “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” and many other seasonal favorites.
Listen to ‘The Ultimate Christmas Playlist’ on Spotify.
The same scribin's shared even more great Dino-news in that our King of Cool is also bein' accented hugely hugely on "‘The Ultimate Christmas Playlist’ on Spotify! Likes 'gain this is gonna be of great great help in gettin' the Dino-message out to many of today's nouveau hipsters, 'cause nothin' like Dino-seasonal croons to turn on the youth of today!
We thanks the pallies at the official Dino-site (simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes there) for spreadin' this message of Dino-cheer to Dino-holics everywhere! Dino-awed, DMP
Today’s Album of the Day is Dean Martin’s “Christmas Album." This holiday favorite album includes Dino’s take on classic Christmas tunes “White Christmas,” “Winter Wonderland,” “Silent Night” and many others.
Listen to ‘The Ultimate Christmas Playlist’ on Spotify.
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