Today our regular Dino-blog searchin' sends us to a great German musical blog tagged "sempre audio" where blogger Mr. Michael Holzinger has scribed a supremely special salute to our Dino's premier platter "Dream With Dean." Likes over time, we have shared a number of outstandin' posts from Dino-holics far and near that all acclaim the unique, the stunnin'ly stellar quality of this 1964 release from the pallies at Reprise Records.
Holzinger likes many many awesome affectionados of our Dino awesomely affirms the wonderously wise decision of the folks that produced "Dream With Dean" to have "only a small jazz formation used, namely Ken Lane on piano, Barney Kessel on guitar, Red Mitchell on bass, and Irving Cottler on drums, nothing more. No background singers, no strings, no brass, this recording is reduced to the absolute essentials."
Michael further opines...."The entire band also occurs very cautious with very discreetly held Arrangements in to accompany any time clearly in focus standing voice of Dean Martin alone, and this is easily the size and intensity, the songs effortlessly even sometimes very playful in various shades and and Numerous options to wear. This album shows so clearly what a great singer Dean Martin actually was."
Likes we are so so thrilled to have come 'cross Mr. Michael Holzinger's superbly scribed review of this most classic of classic Dino-al-b-ums. His deep, pure, and true adulation of our Dino shines through each and every word he has written! Likes always, always we get such a thrill to find 'nother pallie, 'specially when international in location, to has proudly honored our Dino with their written words. We shouts out our deepest of deep Dino-praise for Holzinger's homage of our King of Cool. To checks out his efforts in their original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Photo © Michael Holzinger - semper-audio.at
08/21/2014 18:00:00
Music Tip - Dean Martin "Dream with Dean"
The cover already says quite a lot about what the audience expected on the album "Dream with Dean". Such a direct, almost intimate album like this has added to his entire career a second time Dean Marin. So if you want to experience Dean Martin "pure", the reach for here, in the best case as vinyl version.
From Michael Holzinger (mh)
Dino Paul Crocetti, the bourgeois, but probably not very catchy name of Dean Martin, was indeed an actor but also a singer. On it probably applies as well as to his colleagues equally legendary Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., or Jerry Lewis, the term entertainer almost perfectly. Because he combined acting, dancing and singing in a very special way, what he did not only in numerous movies but also shows, and not least its own weekly television show, which was after all almost ten years at NBC in the program under evidence presented.
After he first tried his luck as a boxer, then was croupier in illegal gambling casinos, he began relatively early his singing career, first as Dino Martini. He earned primarily in nightclubs initially rather tedious his money before eventually the big breakthrough as an actor and a singer, but then as Dean Martin, followed.
As in those early years, such a night on the mic sounded well in a smoky New York bar with Dean Martin, which can be procured through the album "Dream with Dean" an almost perfect impression.
Although this album was not until early 1964, at a time, in the Dean Martin was already an international star, yet it stands out from almost all other albums of the singer. Because while almost all other albums by Dean Martin is always quite an extensive orchestra in the game, many backing singers accompany him, and mostly quite lovely crafted arrangements carry the voice of the singer, is actually everything else here.
On "Dream with Dean" comes only a small jazz formation used, namely Ken Lane on piano, Barney Kessel on guitar, Red Mitchell on bass, and Irving Cottler on drums, nothing more. No background singers, no strings, no brass, this recording is reduced to the absolute essentials.
The entire band also occurs very cautious with very discreetly held Arrangements in to accompany any time clearly in focus standing voice of Dean Martin alone, and this is easily the size and intensity, the songs effortlessly even sometimes very playful in various shades and and Numerous options to wear. This album shows so clearly what a great singer Dean Martin actually was.
The album includes 12 songs, including about "Blue Moon" by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, but also written by Sam Coslow hit "Everybody loves somebody", which was first interpreted on this album by Dean Martin. But who now thinks he knows this version is very much mistaken. Of course, "Everybody loves somebody" one of the greatest hits of Dean Martin, but not in the version that is found on "Dream with Dean". Only half a year later took Dean Martin in 1964, the well-known version, which ended up as a single in the charts, and in this form not only on Dean Martin's album "Everybody loves somebody" is to be found, but also on countless best-of albums and samplers.
"Dream with Dean" is so especially for knit Dean Martin fans an experience, because so immediate and "intimate" they have the singer probably not yet experienced. But all friends gentle vocal jazz will come here on their behalf. Those lucky enough to grab this album somewhere in the original version from 1964 (Reprise - RS 6123), which is lucky, everyone else can contribute to the new edition of Music on vinyl grip, because the album Dream With Dean - Dean Martin while there are about as a download in the Apple iTunes Store, this, in my humble opinion, the best album by Dean Martin you have to really enjoy but on record, possibly in a glass of fine scotch or bourbon ...
Album: | Dream with Dean |
Artist: | Dean Martin |
Composer: | Various |
Label: | Music on Vinyl |
Year: | 1964 (2014) |
Format: | Vinyl, Audio CD, Download |
21.08.2014 18:00:00
Musik-Tipp - Dean Martin „Dream with Dean“
Das Cover sagt bereits recht viel darüber aus, was den Zuhörer auf dem Album „Dream with Dean“ erwartet. Ein derart unmittelbares, geradezu intimes Album wie dieses hat Dean Marin in seiner gesamten Kariere kein zweites Mal aufgenommen. Wer also Dean Marton „pur“ erleben will, der greife hier zu, im besten Fall als Vinyl-Version.
Von Michael Holzinger (mh)
Dino Paul Crocetti, so der bürgerliche, aber wohl nicht gerade eingängige Name von Dean Martin, war zwar auch Schauspieler, aber ebenso Sänger. Auf ihn trifft wohl ebenso wie auf seine nicht minder legendären Kollegen Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. oder auch Jerry Lewis der Begriff Entertainer geradezu perfekt zu. Denn er verband Schauspiel, Tanz und Gesang auf eine ganz besondere Art und Weise, was er nicht nur in zahlreichen Filmen, sondern auch Shows, und nicht zuletzt einer eigenen wöchentlichen Fernseh-Show, die immerhin nahezu zehn Jahre bei NBC am
Programm stand, unter Beweis stellte.
Nachdem er zunächst sein Glück als Boxer versuchte, danach Croupier in illegalen Spielkasinos war, begann er relativ früh seine Gesangs-Kariere, zunächst als Dino Martini. Er verdiente sich vorwiegend in Nachtclubs zunächst wohl eher mühsam sein Geld, bevor irgendwann der große Durchbruch als Schauspieler als auch Sänger, dann aber als Dean Martin, folgte.
Wie sich in diesen frühen Jahren ein derartiger Abend in einer verrauchten New Yorker Bar mit Dean Martin am Mikrofon wohl anhörte, davon kann man sich durch das Album „Dream with Dean“ einen geradezu perfekten Eindruck verschaffen. Dieses Album entstand zwar erst Anfang 1964, also zu einer Zeit, in der Dean Martin längst ein internationaler Star war, dennoch sticht es geradezu aus allen anderen Alben des Sängers hervor. Denn während auf nahezu allen anderen Alben von Dean Martin stets ein recht umfangreiches Orchester mit im Spiel ist, zahlreiche Background-Sänger und Sängerinnen ihn begleiten, und zumeist recht lieblich gestaltete Arrangements die Stimme des Sängers tragen, ist hier tatsächlich alles anders.
Auf „Dream with Dean“ kommt allein eine kleine Jazz-Formation zum Einsatz, und zwar Ken Lane am Klavier, Barney Kessel an der Gitarre, Red Mitchell am Bass, und Irving Cottler am Schlagzeug, mehr nicht. Keine Background-Sänger, keine Streicher, keine Bläser, diese Aufnahme ist auf das absolut Wesentliche reduziert.
Die gesamte Band tritt zudem sehr zurückhaltend mit sehr dezent gehaltenen Arrangements an, um die jederzeit klar im Fokus stehenden Stimme von Dean Martin allein zu begleiten, und diese hat problemlos die Größe und Intensität, die Songs mühelos in verschiedensten Nuancen und mitunter gar sehr verspielt und Variantenreich zu tragen. Dieses Album zeigt also ganz klar, welch großartiger Sänger Dean Martin tatsächlich war.
Das Album umfasst insgesamt 12 Songs, darunter auch etwa „Blue moon“ von Richard Rodgers und Lorenz Hart, aber auch den von Sam Coslow geschriebenen Hit „Everybody loves somebody“, der erstmals auf diesem Album von Dean Martin interpretiert wurde. Wer aber nun denkt, er kennt diese Version, der irrt gewaltig. Natürlich war „Everybody loves somebody“ einer der ganz großen Hits von Dean Martin, jedoch nicht in der Version, die auf „Dream with Dean“ zu finden ist. Kaum ein halbes Jahr später nahm Dean Martin 1964 die hinlänglich bekannte Version auf, die als Single in den Charts landete, und in dieser Form nicht nur auf Dean Martins Album "Everybody loves somebody"zu finden ist, sondern ebenso auf unzähligen Best of-Alben und Samplern.
„Dream with Dean“ ist also allen voran für eingeschworene Dean Martin-Fans ein Erlebnis, denn so unmittelbar und „intim“ haben sie den Sänger wohl bislang nicht erlebt. Aber auch alle Freunde sanftem Vocal-Jazz werden hier auf ihre Rechnung kommen. Wer das Glück hat, dieses Album noch irgendwo in der Original-Version aus dem Jahr 1964 zu ergattern (Reprise - RS 6123), der kann sich glücklich schätzen, alle anderen können zur Neuauflage von
Music on Vinyl greifen, denn das Album Dream With Dean - Dean Martin gibt es zwar etwa auch als Download im Apple iTunes Store, dieses, meiner bescheidenen Einschätzung nach bestes Album von Dean Martin muss man jedoch geradezu auf Schallplatte genießen, eventuell im einem Gläschen feinstem Scotch oder Bourbon…
Musik-Tipp - Dean Martin „Dream with Dean“
Album: Dream with Dean
Künstler: Dean Martin
Komponist: Diverse
Label: Music on Vinyl
Jahr: 1964 (2014)
Format: Vinyl, Audio CD, Download
Kaufen bei Amazon Kaufen bei JPC Kaufen bei iTunes
The minimalist accompaniment on the Dream with Dean album makes this particular album unique -- and so very wonderful.
Excellent review!
Hey pallie, likes tons of Dino-devotees certainly agree on the very special, very unique qualities of "Dream With Dean." We are thrilled that you, Miss AOW, enjoyed the review as much as we have! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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