Miss Reid's Dino-devoted Pinterest place is touchin'ly tagged "Bits and Pieces of the one and only - Dean Martin," and as of this postin' contains a whoppin' 1,993 pins of our glorious Dino! Today we share with you one of our fav -pinnin's from Jeannette, a powerful photo montage of our Dino and members of fam Martin.
Likes we have seen most of these incredible images of our Dino, Mother Jeanne and his prodigy individually, but there is so so much marvelous magical mystery in seein' 'em assembled in the coolest of cool collection. We ain't gots no idear which Dino-phile did this huge homage to our Dino in the first place, but we are thrilled to have found it at Miss Reid's site and to be able to share it with all youse Dino-addicts.
We thanks Miss Jeannette Reid for sharin' his deepest of deep devotion to our Dino via Pinterest and if you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram you will be able to see her almost 2000 piece collection of Dino-pixs. We are certain to be returnin' 'gain and 'gain to her pad for more absolutely fabulous Dino-honorin' photos! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Bits and Pieces of the one and only - Dean Martin
Dean Martin was the coolest guy ever in the best era of music and entertainment. Those were the good old days ...
What a great looking Dino collage of photos!
Thank you for bringing this gem our way.
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, thanks so much man for droppin' by and droppin' some patter...indeed this is "a great looking Dino collage of photos!" Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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