Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin knows that Marco is deeply devoted to our Dino's pallie of pallies Mr. Frank Sinatra. Indeed likes today Dino-gram comes from Mr. Callau amore to Sinatra, "Frank Sinatra, the best voice of all time - One For My Baby." Now while we earnst while woulda respecfully disagree with Marco's positionin' Mr. Sinatra as numero uno voice....a place that we woulda only reserve for our most beloved Dino, we know that Callau holds a deep place of deep respect in his heart of hearts for our great great man.
Indeed his Dino-honorin' post, "Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra, again," shows his fondness for our King of Cool. We likes 'specially loves when Marco scribes, Dean Martin singing fun, especially when Frank is with him on stage." And, we coulda 'gree more that our Dino has the bestest of best times when he is makin' funny and croonin' with Mr. Sinatra.
Youse are gonna really digs the vid clip that Marcos has culled from the youtube archives. It features our Dino and Mr. Sinatra with a group of glamous gals who are their "team" in 1958 makin' fun patter and croonin' "I Love To Love." Indeed our amazin' Dino does has an amazin' chemistry when he is performin' with Mr. Sinatra....very very cool to watch indeed!
ilovedinomartin sends our pallie Mr. Marco Callau a shout out of Dino-appreciato for featurin' our main man at his main blog. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-groovin', DMP
Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra, again

Tracking the net, I found a video that looked long, dating from 1958 and is one of the funniest speeches and more swing in which they collaborated Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, this pair of friends who, above all, they had much fun when they sang together. Also runs another video titled Festival of friends in which Dean Martin appears during his television show performing with several stars of the time such as Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, the Andrews Sisters or Lena Horne. But when Frank Sinatra in the video appears, there is a significant change. No Frank, if not the same Dean. Dean Martin singing fun, especially when Frank is with him on stage. It seems that Frank was always the "party animal", which encouraged when Dean was not very keen to tread the boards. This condition was remarkable in the last tour that Frank Sinatra, Sammy David Jr and Dean Martin undertook together, during the nineties, it was called qie the last tour of the Rat Pack. Dean was very depressed that suffered physical damage. And then repeatedly acknowledged that there was only undertaken this tour Frank. Instead, Dean withdrew before completing the series of concerts that had hired and was replaced by Liza Minnelli who "saved the furniture" with its arrival. But now, go back in time and we travel to the fifties. Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra are plethoric, probably at the peak and next time also friendship of a sweet moment for their careers. It is the show of Frank Sinatra and Dean receives in this manner:

Publicado por Marcos Callau en 23:56
Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra, again
Rastreando la red, he encontrado un video que buscaba hace tiempo, que data de 1958 y es una de las intervenciones más divertidas y con más swing en las que colaboraron Dean Martin y Frank Sinatra, este par de amigos que, sobretodo, se divertían mucho cuando cantaban juntos. También circula otro video titulado Festival of friends en el que Dean Martin aparece durante su show televisivo actuando con varias estrellas del momento como Louis armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, las Andrews Sisters o Lena Horne. Pero cuando en el video aparece Frank Sinatra, hay un cambio significativo. No por Frank, si no en el mismo Dean. Dean Martin se divierte cantando, sobretodo, cuando Frank está con él en el escenario. Parece ser que Frank siempre fue el "fiestero", el que animaba a Dean cuando este no estaba muy por la labor de pisar un escenario. Esta condición fue destacable en la última gira que Frank Sinatra, Sammy David Jr y Dean Martin emprendieron juntos, durante la década de los noventa, lo qie se llamó la última gira del Rat Pack. Dean estaba muy deprimido por el deterioro físico que sufría. Y en posteriormente en varias ocasiones reconoció que solo había emprendido esa gira por Frank. En cambio, Dean se retiró antes de terminar la serie de conciertos que tenían contratados y fue sustituído por Liza Minnelli que "salvó los muebles" con su llegada. Pero ahora, retrocedamos en el tiempo y viajemos a la década de los cincuenta. Dean Martin y Frank Sinatra se encuentran pletóricos, probablemente en el momento más álgido y próximo de su amistad, además, de un momento dulce para sus respectivas carreras. Es el show de Frank Sinatra y Dean lo recibe de esta guisa:
Publicado por Marcos Callau en 23:56
Great great vid! Thay had SO much fun!!! Really knew how to live life!!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we enjoyed this slice of earlier Dino to likes the mostest! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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