Hey pallies, likes why searchin' for information on our Dino's boypallie Ricci for our September 20 post honorin' Ricci date of birth in the year of our Dino 1953, we happened upon a youtube vid clip
of an interview conducted with Ricci durin' his trip to the UK this spring to bring his Dino-trib
show for the first time to all the Brits that dig our most beloved Dino.
The television interview is tagged "Neal Sean Meets Ricci Martin" and gives us a grand op to enjoy hearin' Ricci talk 'bout his Dino-homagin' trib that he created 11 years ago as well as the hows and whys of his writin' his bio of his daddy-o, "That's Amore." How refreshin' it is to see and here our Dino's prodigy speak so so lovin'ly of his father and the great time he has sharin' his dad's legacy.
In addition to be a bein' a simply delightful conversation between Neal Sean and Ricci Martin, the producers of this interview, Maycon Productions have included a number of great great images of our great great man....not only as an intro to the dialogue, but sprinkled throughout to enhance the audience's appreciato for our Dino's legacy.
We are grateful to the pallies at Maycon Productions for wisely choosin' to interivew Ricci Martin while he was on his first tour of Great Britian recently, and for postin' this vid clip to youtube for all of our Dino-edification. Dino-delightedly, DMP
A gem, DMP!
I wonder if Ricci's show will come to a casino in my area. If so, I'll go to that show!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, glad you approve...woulda be so cool to see and hear our Dino's boypallie speak of the life, times, and teachin' of our Dino!
Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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