Hey pallies, likes we can't resist sharin' more of Dino-impersonator Mr. Johnny Edward's journey to deep, pure, and true amore of our Dino as we shared today's Dino-devotion on day 10 of Dino-amore-month here at ilovedinomartin. Today we goes to the Aussie news pad, "Bendigo Advertiser" where a pallie tagged Christ Pedler has scribed the prose, "Rat Pack makes on the way to town."
Obviously "The Rat Pack Is Back" tour is also stoppin' in our near Bendigo in Aussieland and likes our previous post, Dino-emulator Mr. Johnny Edwards graciously agreed to be interviewed 'bout his amore of our most beloved Dino. While the post below contains similiar comments to Friday's Dino-devotion, we have found 'nough here that we desire to share this with all youse Dino-addicts as well.
Likes we loves to hear how Edwards began makin' his way in our Dino's playground, 'Vegas, baby, 'Vegas and how his deepest desire has always been, and will always be to play our Dino.....and finally Johnny has gots his Dino-hearted desire! Simply, simply loves when Edwards confesses, "“You can never be 100 per cent Dean Martin.” Now, likes that is the Dino-truth if ever we did hear it.....and how stunnin' of Johnny to keeps on honin' his ability to share all our Dino's mavelous moves and natural nuances. Likes after watchin' that youtube clip of Johnny playin' Dino that we shared as a bonus on Friday, one can truly truly tell how much effort he has put into perfectin' his Dino-stylin!
ilovedinomartin thanks Chris Pedler and all the pallies at "Bendigo Advertiser" for accentin' Mr. Johnny Edwards journey to purifyin' his amore of our great great man.....and we truly truly salute him in his huge homagin' of our King of Cool. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-journeyin', DMP
FOR SINGER Johnny Edwards, playing Dean Martin was always something he strived to do.
When he began making his way in the industry in Las Vegas in 1993, he was originally cast as an Elvis performer.
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“They told me I had the looks for a strong Elvis,” Edwards said.
“But I always wanted to be Dean Martin. His personality is closer to mine.
“Elvis actually idolised Martin so it was a good start while I waited to be mature enough to play Dean Martin.”
Edwards said he grew up watching Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
“Jerry was the heavy comedy but I was always intrigued by Martin. He always got the girl and he had this charm mixed with great humour.”
Eleven years later Edwards got his wish and was cast as Dean Martin in The Rat Pack Live From Vegas touring show.
He has since developed his impression and continued to tour as Martin.
“You can never be 100 per cent Dean Martin,” he said.
“I watch the same video and can pick some different nuance (I didn’t notice) every time.
“You learn enough that it becomes second nature to you but you always look to improve whether it’s your make-up or hair, his expression, the way he holds a glass or smokes a cigarette.”
Edwards is teaming up with David De Costa (as Frank Sinatra) and Nicholas Brooks (as Sammy Davis Jnr) for the tour that arrives in Bendigo on February 16.
Edwards says the show is sure to feature favourite songs, dances and gags.
“There will be Everybody Loves Somebody, which is Dean’s love song to the audience, Kick in the Head and Volari, which is a favourite of mine,” he said.
“We also make fun of each other on stage. Frank is the serious guy but we don’t give him much of a chance to stay serious - our goal is to one-up Frank.
“When they used to perform together Dean would usually win out. He would entertain the audience from the back of the stage.”
Edwards has also had the chance to come to grips with the massive stardom The Rat Pack and other stars face. His cousin is pop star Cyndi Lauper.
“When she first started to hit her stride I was always following her to performances,” Edwards said.
“I’ve seen first-hand the ups and downs of the business and know you can’t listen to critics and can never be satisfied.”
And satisfaction is something Edwards is sure the audiences will be after The Rat Pack’s shows.
“We try to make the show our own big party that the audience is invited to,” he said.
“It’s three guys who are friends, on stage and singing to the audience. We want the audience to be part of the show.”
The best of the impersonators allow for us to turn back the clock to happier times -- those days when the Rat Pack ruled the roost.
Hey pallie, likes so so true Miss AOW. We thrill to know that the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino will be forever...how absolutely refreshin' to find dudes like Johnny who had made it their life's work to keep our Dino's legacy of cool alive, well, and thrivin'. Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
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