Hey pallies, likes how do we amore our Dino? Let us count the ways. And, likes if we did so, we woulda likes discover that there are truly truly UNENDIN' ways to show deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino.
Likes each and every day here at ilovedinomartin we tries are very very Dino-best to highlight the tons and tons of various ways that pallies keeps on amorin' our most most beloved Dino.
Likes on this 18th day of Dino-amore-month we are so so profoundly proud to share an extraordinarily excitin' way that a pallie in the little Wisconsin town of Kewaskum found to lets all his pallies know his passion for our Dino while donatin' funds to a caring cause. From the new-to-ilovedinomartin blog, "On Purpose Journey Inc.," a 'Non-Profit 501c3 Charity Supporting Those Who Serve" comes the touchin' tale of bartender Mr. Tony Fleischman and his efforts to raise funds for this marvelous mission serving "United States Military Personnel deployed in harms way" and well as "stateside."
As you will read below, Tony is a bartender for "Player's Sports Bar in Kewaskum, Wi. and he found a trio of ways to fund raise for troop support from Novemver 2nd-16th. And the cool part of his delightful deed is that this Dino-diggin' barkeep donated funds "for any Dean Martin or patriotic themed song played on the jukebox during his bartending stint!"
Likes dudes ain't that simply one of the coolest of cool ways of publicly showin' amore to our man of amore?!?!?!?! And, while spreadin' mucho Dino-love 'round the bar, it raise funds for this most worthy of worthy cause. It simply makes our Dino-heart burst with 'citement to hear of Mr. Tony Fleischman's creativity in mixin' his devotion to our Dino with his devotion to our armed forces. Likes we are just so so sorry that we didn't come 'cross this story before now...but, likes a true treat to share this durin' our month of Dino-amore!
Indeed, ilovedinomartin salutes bartender Mr. Tony Fleischman for his great generosity to our troops and to his honorin' of our Dino. A small part of the post from "On Purpose Journey Inc." is posted below, and likes to read it all, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-proudly, DMP
November 2nd-16th: A HUGE THANK YOU to Player’s Sports Bar and the fantastic bartender Tony Fleischman (who donates his tips for the troops, as well as donating for any Dean Martin or patriotic themed song played on the jukebox during his bartending stint!) for their collection for On Purpose Journey Inc.!! They collected items for our deployed troops, as well as donating funds to ship care packages overseas!! Want a good burger where the owners support our military? Go to Player’s Sports Bar in Kewaskum.
As one who is married to a veteran, I found this story so heartwarming -- and the story has a strong Dino connection.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, likes those are pretty much my Dino-sentiments, and while I woulda never ever presume to speak for our most beloved Dino, I think he woulda proud of his persona attached to such an excellent effort! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Men from Steubenville, Ohio, participated quite actively in our military in WW2 -- either as volunteers or draftees.
According to Wikipedia:
Martin was drafted into the United States Army in 1944 during World War II, serving a year in Akron, Ohio. He was reclassified as 4-F and discharged (possibly because of a double hernia; Jerry Lewis referred to the surgery Martin needed for this in his autobiography).
To this day Steubenville is strong pro-veterans.
Notice this information about Veterans Memorial Bridge in Steubenville.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks for doin' the Dino-homework....good to know this information. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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