But, likes in the midst of the roarin' laughter, so so very very often our Dino's thoughts were ever likes a glass of liquid libations filled to the brim with wonderously wise words of worldly wisdom. And one of the hugest of huge reasons why all us Dino-holics so so much loves our Dino is 'cause truly truly our Dino was a stellar sage of stunnin' stature voicin' volumes of tremendous truths. And, today's Dino-quotation is likes totally totally congruent with our Dino's natural nature of bein' what the Italianos' tag a " menefreghista," meanin' someone who just doesn’t give a fuck.
Dino, the purest of the pure example of devout detachment, said, "“I’ve had a very special request, but I’m gonna sing anyhow.” Likes how cool of our great man to use this great statement of great detachment from what others think to help all us pallies to grow into that deepest of deep, purest of pure truth of our Dino's menefreghista of what others think.
ilovedinomartin thanks franky of "franky's short stories" for liftin' up this teachin' of our King of Cool, for all our Dino-edification. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
btw, likes gotta 'fess up that we so so loves the Dino-pix below...sorta our Dino's version of the buddha pose, and likes we wonder if any of youse Dino-philes have a clue on the history of this fabulous Dino-pose.

a quote: dean martin
“I’ve had a very special request, but I’m gonna sing anyhow.” – Dean Martin
Hahaha! That's our Dean!
Hey pallie, likes indeed Danny-o..."That's our Dean!" Couldna said it better myself...and I thoughts you woulda enjoys today's Dino-devotion. Stay tuned for tomorrow's 'cause I thinks you will digs it to likes the Dino-max! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
I'd really like to know when and where that photo was taken.
Hey pallie, likes you and me both Miss AOW......when I think of Dino-biographer Nick Tosches taggin' our most beloved Dino as "An American Buddha," I always always thinks of this pix. A true Dino-mystery! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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