Hey pallies, likes we here at ilovedinomartin tries to be consistently constant advocates for the sharin' of the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino, and we are ever ever ready to share with you how others are doin' their part to spread knowledge of our Dino as far and wide as possible. And, likes on this eleventh day of Dino-amore-month we are pleased as some spiked Dino-punch to share with you news of a public library in the great state of Georgia that is havin' a "Dean Martin Film Festival" durin' this great month of absolute Dino-amore.
From the blog pad, "West Georgia Regional Library," comes news that the "Warren P. Sewell Memorial Library of Bremen, GA is hostin' the viewin' of a quartet of delightful Dino-flicks on Wednesdays in February. While word has reached ilovedinomartin too late for any of youse pallies in West Georgia to partake of the first offerin', "The Sons Of Katie Elder." there is still time to catch this week's Dino-showin' of that lesser known Martin and Lewis comedy caper, "Money From Home." The other two flicks 'roundin' out this huge huge Dino-educational effort are the first of the Matt Helm spyster flicks, "The Silencers," and one of our great great man's great grest '60s sex farces, "How To Save A Marriage And Ruin Your Life."
Likes how sweetly swank is it dudes to find an institution dedicated to life-line learnin' likes this public library in Breman, GA puttin' such a awesome accent on an absolutely cool cool mix of our Dino's big screen efforts?!?!?!? Just think of the many many new pallies that will be introduced to our King of Cool through this educational effort. And, ain't it likes the coolest dudes that the "Warren P. Sewell Memorial Library" has chosen such a marvelous mix of Dino-flicks to show.....classic western, Martin and Lewis Comedy, Matt Helm spyster caper, and a swingin' sixties sex farce.
ilovedinomartin is totally totally thrilled to find such an outpourin' of amore to our Dino from a public source of educational efforts....and absolutely appropriate in this month of amore to our man of amore! To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-learnin' and growin'...ever, DMP
I wonder if the public library in Steubenville does this kind of thing?
I'll be on the lookout to see if the public libraries in my area offer a Dean Martin Film Festival.
Hey pallie, likes if I get the op, I will research past posts here 'cause I think at least one other library has devoted themselves to a Dino-festival of flicks. Miss AOW, keeps lovin', keeps watchin', keeps listenin' to our Dino!
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