Hey pallies, likes dudes ilovedinomartin has become so so smitten by the Dino-gifs done by others at pads likes tumblr that we simply had to tries our hand at makin' some of these Dino-honorin' Dino-logical wonders! So, we set out to begin simple and found a great little free gifs pad tagged MakeAGif.com where likes you simply picks a youtube vid and pick where to start on it to create a 5 second gif.
Likes well, one of our most fav of fav Dino-clips comes from the Dino-show where our great man and his great pallie Sammy Davis Jr. share a wonderful medley of croons. Just the sort of vid clip that coulda produce tons of great little Dino-devoted gifted gifs! So, likes below is the vid clip from youtube along with trio of Dino-gifs that were absolutely awesome to create and wondrously wonderful to share with all your Dino-holics.
Likes, hopefully ilovedinomartin will gets better at creatin' these Dino-gems and likes be able to grow in our ability to create these Dino-homagin' technological treats! Dino-only, DMP
Man o Man pallie...Youse is TRULY multi-Dino-talented!!! Youse did an AWESOME job pal! Keep at it!!! I'm in Dino-aww!!!
Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Danny-o for your deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino and to encouragin' a pallie like me in my Dino-honorin' efforts. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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