Hey pallies, likes just just found this delightful Dino-sketch and likes just had to shares it with all you dudes. From the pad, "Josh Pincus is Crying" comes, I woulda guess, from the hands of Mr. Josh Pincus this oh so fun bit of Dino-art with a bit of a Dino-essay on what our Dino was and wasn't.
Likes Pincus nails all the tremendous thin's that our Dino was...Singer, Actor, Variety show host, Comedian, and Womanizer. But, then he sez.... "But, one thing Dean Martin was not. Lush." Well, likes I guess that it all depends on how one defines "lush"...but certainly certainly our Dino enjoys himself some liquid libations, and all his bios includin' the finest of the finest, Nick Tosches' "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams" tells us all 'bout our Dino love of a drink...'specially his fav scotch...J&B....or as our great man referred to it, "Just Booze." So, I would have to disagree with Pincus on that particular Dino-point.
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Josh Pincus on his creativity in Dino-devotion....sure to draw many of his readership into growin' in their passion for our Dino. To checks this out, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
IF: lush
Dean Martin was a lot of things.
Variety show host.
But, one thing Dean Martin was not.
I have my own theory as to one reason that our Dino promoted the lush image: to cover his stage fright. Just my own theory.
In fact, when I was back in high school, I wrote a brief research paper on my theory. Wish that I could find that paper now!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, if likes you ever come 'cross your Dino-research...knows that ilovedinomartin woulda be honored to share it with the rest of the Dino-world. Just wonderin' how your teach dug the Dino-subject of your research? Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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