Sunday, December 30, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "A Winter Romance"

Well, hey there, pals!

What's shaken?!

Was Santa kind this year?

Did he stuff your stockins' with martini olives & nips of bourbon?
 Hopefully!'s true...'nother "Dino-Departure Day" has come & gone.
 Time to put aside "The Dean Martin Christmas Album".
 Time to look towards the new year, my friends!

Lots of great great times & tunes headin' our way!

Let's celebrate!

 Dino will take care of our soundtrack.

 He's gonna set the tone for a COOL COOL swingin' kinda Winter!
So don't fear, mi amici!
 Don't be melancholy for yesterday's party!

The future is bright & right ahead!

Don't worry 'bout nothin'!

 Dino got us covered, pallies o mine!

You see, my friends...Dean knew that Christmas carols could only be jammed on 'til December 25th. So...what he did...for his pals...was this.

 He got his fellas together. Said..." Hey, pallies...let's get some fun fun wintery kinda tunes on some vinyl".
 "Let's give my Dino-diggin' pals & gals somethin' they can groove on...all Winter long"!
 Haha!! MIGHT have gone kinda like that, I'm guessin'!

What came together...was a snowy masterpiece!
 1959's "A Winter Romance" has some of my FAVE jams & is pure pure Dino-magic!

 Fun jams!
Passionate jams!!
 Cooler than cool jams!!!

Yes, my's got somethin' for everyone!

 I'll ease us into the right vibe...with the title track..for our final Serenade of 2018.

Let's send it off in style, mi amici.
 It was one hell of a year!

 But...guess what?!
 I got this CRAZY...Dino-fied feelin'...that 2019 is gonna be BIGGER!

Even so much cooler!


 Keep your eyes open & your seatbelts tight!
 It's gonna be some kinda swingin' 12 months!


Sunday, December 23, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Silver Bells"

Welcome back, ol' pals o mine!

Well...we made it, my friends.
 It's OFICIALLY Winter 2018!

Man...just cants believe nother' Christmas is just 'bout here, as well.

Seems so far away, then all of a it is.

No matter how much you prepare for it...still seems to catch you off guard.

That's OK, We got this!

 'Nother important day is comin' up, also. Dino-Departure Day.

 It crept up too, pals.

 'Nother year since we lost our main dude, Dino. 

That's a tough one to say, pals.
Truly hurts me.

 But...what makes thins' a little bit easier on my bein' part of this GREAT GREAT blog...'specially today.
Gives me a chance to share a little piece of myself & my thoughts 'bout this fella, Dean Martin. Dino Paul Crocetti.
What he's meant to me throughout my life.

 This week...although we is reminded 'bout what we've  lost...we also think 'bout what we still have!

 Life is GOOD!

Dino keeps it that way!
 Enjoy it!

We will spread good will to others & share positive thoughts.

 Let's not sulk & be blue.
Let's celebrate!
 Let's 'member all the good stuff that made Dino...Dino!

 Fun...Happy...Foolish...& OH SO SO VERY Cool!

 To be thought 'bout...every once in awhile...Swoonin' & Croonin'...makin' people smile! Yup...THAT'S how I'm guessin' he would dig thins' the most!

 What a great great time of year to REALLY get in touch with your inner Dino, too, my friends!

 Just soak in his vibe & spread it all 'round!

 I'm so so thrilled be able to play one of the ab so lute BESTEST of the BEST Christmassy tunes... by the ab so lute BESTEST of the BEST Christmas crooners!

The song I've chosen, for this VERY special  Sunday Serenade is "Silver Bells".

 To me, it seems to capture the "Christmassy" essence, the most.

 "City sidewalks, busy sidewalks...dressed in holiday style. In the air there's a feelin' of Christmas". Yup...this jam REALLY sums up this VERY special day.

So, mi amici...let's celebrate.

 Let's be merry & have a drink for Dino!

He was the very best...& will NEVER fade away.

Here's to you, pallie...Salute!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dean Martin's 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' Hits Top 10 On Digital Song Sales Chart

Image result for gary trust billboard
Hey pallies, likes there is nothin' like a controversy bein' spread all over the world  wide web to bring amazin'ly awesome attention to an entertainer's career, even if said entertainer has been gone from the planet for almost 23 years.  And, likes pallies that entertainer of which we speaketh is likes, of course,  our one, our only Dino!  Ever since the news of a radio station in Ohio decidin' to ban the seasonal song, "Baby, It's Cold Outside," the ol 'net has been a beautiful buzz with mucho of the discussion fantastically focusin' in our Dino's veritable version of the wintery croon.  (See ilovedinomartin's original post on December 5 HERE.)

Likes indeed pallies there has been so much potent patter on this subject on the web that each and every Dino-wintery post coulda have only focused on this, but we have chosen to only share select posts and we couldn't resist sharin' more delightful Dino-news as the result of the controversy.

Today we takes all youse Dino-holics once 'gain to the awesome annals of Billboard mag, where Mr. Gary Trust (pictured at the top left), the Billboard Associate Director of Charts/Radio, Chart Beat Columnist has sweetly scribed his perfect post, " Dean Martin's 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' Hits Top 10 On Digital Song Sales Chart."  The tag says it all pallies.  Likes as youse will read this noteworthy news below, " Dean Martin's take, recorded in 1959, is the chart's Greatest Gainer, soaring from No. 31 to No. 10 on the Dec. 22-dated list, up 70 percent to 11,000 downloads sold in the week ending Dec. 13, according to Nielsen Music."

Likes, indeed, this will be a Dino-wintery season to look back on with the deepest of deep delight in how our Dino keeps soarin' higher and higher on the charts meanin' that more and more pallies are bein' wonderfully welcomed by our Dino into his world.  We thanks Mr. Gary Trust and all the pallies at Billboard for sharin' this absolutely awesome achievement by our most most beloved Dino with the wider Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

 Dean Martin's 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' Hits Top 10 On Digital Song Sales Chart

12/18/2018 by Gary Trust

Dean Martin on the set of 'The Dean Martin Show' in 1967 in Los Angeles.

Martin's version of the suddenly much-buzzed-about 1944 song surges by 70 percent in sales.
"Baby, It's Cold Outside" has come under fire of late, with some radio stations banning the holiday standard in light of the #MeToo movement and others defending and continuing to play it. Frank Loesser wrote the song in 1944, and its storyline of a male suitor who attempts to dissuade his object of affection from leaving for the chilly outdoors is being newly dissected.

Despite the controversy, or perhaps in part because of attention generated by it, a version of the song hits the top 10 of Billboard's Digital Song Sales chart for the first time. Dean Martin's take, recorded in 1959, is the chart's Greatest Gainer, soaring from No. 31 to No. 10 on the Dec. 22-dated list, up 70 percent to 11,000 downloads sold in the week ending Dec. 13, according to Nielsen Music. A week earlier, it returned to the chart with a 257 percent blast to 7,000 sold.

'Baby, It's Cold Outside' Heats Up On Charts After Lyrics Controversy
For a second consecutive week, Martin's cover is the second-best-selling holiday song, below Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" (14,000, down 6 percent).

On the Holiday 100 chart, which ranks the top holiday songs of all eras via a blend of streaming, airplay and sales data, Martin's "Cold" jumps 31-17. Until a week ago, it had never ranked in the top 40 dating to the chart's 2011 inception. (Carey's "Christmas" continues to rule the Holiday 100 and becomes the highest-charting yuletide hit in 60 years on the Billboard Hot 100.)

Martin's interpretation of "Cold" also surges by 35 percent to 11.1 million U.S. streams in the tracking week. Plus, it gains by 25 percent to 1.4 million in airplay audience (while his 2006 duet version with Martina McBride climbs by 26 percent to 3.2 million).

Dean Martin ~ Wishes You A Merry Christmas ~ 1994

Hey pallies, likes just 'bout every fam has their wonderful wintery traditions that they partake of, and likes we here at ilovedinomartin have some deeply deeply delightful Dino-traditions that we share each and every year as the calendar rolls round to Dino-winter season. Today we begin our  sharin' of a vast variety of Dino-treasures, from our Dino himself, from our ilovedinomartin pallies Danny G. and Ed, and from the likes of the greatest Dino-biographer ever, Mr. Nick Tosches!   These post will lovin' lead us up to Dino-departure day, December 25.

Likes today we are purely,  proudly pleased to once 'gain  share a very short vid of a Christmas greetin' from our Dino created in 1994, the year before he departed from our presence. Somebody with an ol' vid camera approached our most beloved Dino comin' out of a bar and asked him to say Merry Christmas, and our ever gracious Dino does just that!

We've made it one of our Dino-traditions to  share this vid  durin' each and every  Dino-winter month remembrances, and we  greatly greatly grateful  to offer it 'gain as we move closer and closer to Dino-departure day 2018.

We greatly gratefully  thanks the pallie who musta planned to film this short vid for givin' all us Dino-holics this most movin' memory of our King of Cool.....truly bitter sweet for sure.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Monday, December 17, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: December 15, 1963

Hey pallies, likes today the ol' sayin' better Dino-late then never comes into play.  Likes our deepest desire is to always always brings you the latest Dino-news as it is shared, but likes youse knows sometimes thin's get shared on the world wide web that take us some time to get put up here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole.  Today is one of dem days pallies!

On Saturday, December 15 our pallies at google Dino-lerts  shared incredible info after we had went off line for that Dino-day, and when we found this Dino-treasure on Sunday, we didn't want to takes any thunder 'way from our Danny-o's weekly Dino-column, "Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade With Dino," so we are puttin' this up a couple of days after the Dino-fact.

Likes we deeply digs the various 'net pads that are sharin' potent photos from years past, and today we share an incredible image of our most beloved Dino photoed with his a goodly number of his pallies on state at the Sands Hotel on December 15, 1963 as shared by the Rochester, Minnesota newspaper the POSTBULLETIN, who happens to be "Minnesota Newspaper Association's 2018 Daily Newspaper of the Year."

Likes as youse will read below, this perfect pose was snapped "during an appearance to celebrate the safe return of his (Mr. Frank Sinatra's) kidnapped son."  Very interestin' Dino-philes that our most beloved Dino takes top billin' in the POSTBULLETIN's title of this pix even though it evolves 'round Mr. Sinatra.  Note that our Dino has his every present glass of liquid libation in hand.  We thanks the pallies at Rochester's POSTBULLETIN for sharin' this Dino-images, simply makin' our Dino-day better and brighter for the effort.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Photos: Today in History: Dec. 15

Martin Skelton Sinatra Ball

Martin Skelton Sinatra Ball
Singer Frank Sinatra, second from left, laughs on stage at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, Dec. 15, 1963, during an appearance to celebrate the safe return of his kidnapped son. Others, from left, are Sammy Davis, Jr., Sinatra, Danny Thomas, Gary Morton, Sands chief Jack Entratter, Lucille Ball, Red Skelton, and Dean Martin. (AP Photo)

Ken Foote’s Holiday Songs: Dean Martin & Let It Snow

Hey pallies, likes the name of our most beloved Dino is on the lips of simply tons 'n tons of folks durin' this and every wintery season 'cause nobody and likes we means nobody croons wintery tunes likes our one and only DINO!  Likes today we takes youse to the internet hangout for CBS Dallas/Fort Worth channels  11/21, where Mr. Ken Foote (pictured at left),  Director of Programming for CBS 11 and TXA 21 has a special feature tagged "Ken Foote's Holiday Songs."

The swank subject of his most recent post is, of course, none other then our main man Dino and his shimmerin' seasonal selection  "Let It Snow."   Mr. Foote shares a thumb nail sketch of our Dino's life, times, and career and a brief history of "Let It Snow," truly one of our Dino's most potently powerful seasonal croons.  And, likes, of course, Ken includes a youtube vid of this coolest of cool croon a la snow.

We thanks Mr. Ken Foote and all the pallies at CBS 11 and TXA 21 for puttin' the accent on our awesomely amazin' Dino surely to encourage other folks in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area to grow deeper 'n deeper into delightful Dino-adulation!  To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Ken Foote’s Holiday Songs: Dean Martin & Let It Snow

By Ken Foote

(CBS 11) – Dean Martin was one of the most popular and long-running singers, actors, and comedians in America. His career spanned nearly 50 years and he became one of the most recognizable of his day.

Born Dino Paul Crocetti on June 7, 1917 and passed away (ironically enough) on December 25, 1995 at age 78, Martin was a stand-up comic, singer, movie actor, and TV host. He was known by many for his collaboration with Jerry Lewis as one of the most popular comedy duos ever. He had a lifelong relationship with NBC Television with The Dean Martin Show (1965-1974), Dean Martin Presents (1968-1973), and the Dean Martin Summer Show (1968-1971).

He appeared in such motion pictures as Rio Bravo, Ada, and Ocean’s 11. He had two #1 hits on Billboard: “Memories Are Made Of This” in 1955 and “Everybody Loves Somebody” in 1964. His son Dino was part of a 1960’s rock group called “Dino, Desi and Billy” who had a couple of hits in 1965, the most famous one being “I’m A Fool” (Dino passed away on March 21, 1987 when his Air National Guard jet crashed).

“Let It Snow” was written in 1945, with lyrics by Sammy Cahn and music by Jule Styne. This song has been performed by artists such as Vaughn Monroe, Woody Herman, Connee Boswell, Carly Simon, and Rod Stewart. Released on a 1966 Christmas album on the Reprise label and running 1:57, the lyrics go like this:

The weather outside is frightful
But that fire is, mmm, delightful
Since we’ve no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn’t show signs of stoppin’
And I’ve brought lots of corn for poppin’
The lights are way down low
So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow (let it snow)

When we finally say goodnight
How I’ll hate goin’ out in the storm
But if you’ll only hold me tight
All the way home I’ll be warm

The fire is slowly dyin’
And, my dear, we’re still goodbyin’
As long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Definitely a holiday staple! Enjoy!!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Jingle Bells"

Welcome back, my bell jinglin'...sleigh ridin', pals!

Youse ready for the big day?!

Almost here!

We is gettin' down to the wire, now, mi amici!

Definitely one of those bittersweet days for us Dino-lovers.
Along with all the happiness & chaotic excitement that comes with Christmas...we also mark 'nother year without our main, among us. friends!
We still have his spirit!

Gotta 'member that!

 Dino will be our shinin' light through ALL thins'!

The power of music is real, pals!
And Dino's, more than any other...can help us through anythin'!

So...palsies o mine...let's be merry!

Celebrate his life, times & teachins'!

And never give up that glowin', happy Dino-vibe!

 I'm feelin' a little foolish today, actually!

 Let's get that FUN FUN Dino-air swirlin'!

 How's 'bout some "Jingle Bells" ONLY our main dude can do "Jingle Bells"...for this week's Serenade?!
 Sounds good to me!

 Enjoy the tune, my friends!

And hang in there!
 Enjoy the chaos!
 Embrace that Cool Cool Dino-Spirit!


Saturday, December 15, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: December 15, 1974

 Hey pallies, it's 'nother deeply delightful day in Dino-history....December 15 in the year of our Dino 1974. It was on this day in Dino-history that our most beloved Dino appeared on the annual Bob Hope Christmas Special croonin' "Marshmallow World"   Likes a few of years 'go durin' our Dino-wintery time together, as the days grew  closer and closer to the twentieth anniversary of our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995, we fondly felt just an ubber urgent need to share with all youse fellow Dino-holics our simple and yet,  hopefully special way of solemnly  showin' our absolute awesome affectionate  appreciation for our King of Cool.

Likes for  a ton of time we've  had the deepest of deep  desire in  our devoted Dino-hearts to create a series of gifs sharin' an entire Dino-croon made up of a plentiful plethora of marvelous moments.  Our desire in doin' so was to absolutely awesomely  accent each and every nuance of our great great man's beautifully bountiful body movements.   From every fascinatin' facial expression includin' our Dino's extremely expressive eyes (likes who can ever resist his glorious glance?!?!?!?!?!) the wonderful  ways he gracefully gestures with his ever present Kent cigarette in hand, we knew a series of gifs would  capture him in the coolest of cool ways possible.

And pallies, like it was a beau-ti-ful breeze of a decision on which Dino-croonin' vid that woulda be the swank subject of extra energetic effort for our most beloved  Dino.   Likes what coulda be better then the  December 15, 1974 vid ver-si-on of our King of Cool croonin' "Marshmallow World" on a Bob Hope Christmas special? Likes none to our Dino-notion!  Here we find our most beloved Dino outfitted in  his extremely elegant tux with omni-present  Kent smoke in hand, sittin' on his green velvet throne, surrounded by all the seasonal trimmin's includin' delightfully  decorated Christmas tree inside and  swank snowman on the outside.

In 1974, at age 57,  we believe our Dino was at the absolutely awesome zenith of his coolest of cool career.  Dino was cooler, hipper, and randier then ever.  Always wantin' to put the accent on the youthful action of the day, Dino had surrounded himself with youthful ladies and gents....currently married to twenty something Miss Cathy Hawn, who he met while clubbin' at the coolest of cool Candy Store Discotheque.  When he wasn't wearin' the tux, he was often found sportin' the moddest of mod fashions....on the golf course, in segments of his variety show, and as swank swinger extraordinare, makin' the nightlife scene wherever the action was.

We think our Dino croonin' 'bout marshmallows is where it is at dudes, and it is our proud privilege to  once 'gain share, on this 14th day of Dino-winter month, on this 43rd anniversary of our Dino's awesome appearance with Bob Hope croonin' his swankest of swank seasonal selection "It's A Marshmallow World of Dino-winter month,  we shares with all youse Dino-philes the groovy great gifs of our one and only Dino swingin' at his swingin' best!   This year we were perfectly pleased to find a pad, "Giphy" to be exact, where gifs can now be coolly created up to 15 secs in length makin' for lovin'ly longer swank sections of this profoundly perfect presentation of this darin'ly delightful Dino-wintery croon.  And, likes, of course, we couldn't resist sharin' the original youtube vid of "It's A Marshmallow World" from that Bob Hope seasonal special.

Likes, once 'gain,  we hugely  hopes it brings you as much pure potent pleasure as it has brought us in creatin' it!   Likes, be a love, and sends us some patter 'bout what youse think!  btw, pallies, this is just the first of a number of Dino-traditional posts comin' your way in the Dino-days ahead and continue our coolest of cool celebration of Dino-wintertime and reverently reverent remembrance of our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995.

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Friday, December 14, 2018

All I Want Is DINO: Fantasy Rat Pack - Dean Martin Chip

Hey pallies, likes as we were recently searchin' for images of our Dino gamblin' we obviously were Dino-directed to some darlin' Dino-treasure from the gamin' pad "SPINETTIS GAMING SUPPLIES - Candy Store For Real Gamblers."  As all youse Dino-holics see above is a "Fantasy Rat Pack - Dean Martin Chip" that is postively perfectly perfect as a supremely swank stockin' stuffer for any and all Dino-philes on your Dino-gift givin' list.

Likes it's positively perfectly perfect 'cause on one side of this coolest of cool chip is an incredible image of our Dino, givin' both his date of entry onto our planet, June 7, 1917 and the date of his departure from our planet, December 25, 1995!

Likes it is postively perfectly perfect 'cause on the other side of this coolest of cool chip is the logo for one of the grand gamblin' joints that our Dino held forth at in his playground, 'Vegas baby 'Vegas, giving it's years of opennin' and closin'!

Likes it is positively perfectly perfect 'cause it retails for a mere $3 buck per chip...a real steal of a Dino-deal, so even the less heeled of us Dino-devotees can afford to spread Dino-cheer to all theDino-amorers on your Dino-list!

Below are enlarged images of both sides of the Dino-chip as well as a little patter 'bout the Rat Pack.
Likes this is truly truly a wonderful way of reverently rememberin' our most beloved Dino on Dino-departure day 2018.  To checks out how to place your order, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes to the "SPINETTIS GAMING SUPPLIES pad.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Fantasy Rat Pack - Dean Martin Chip

$3.00 USD
SKU: SKU20137

The Rat Pack was a group of actors originally centered on Humphrey Bogart. In the mid-1960s it was the name used by the press and the general public to refer to a later variation of the group, after Bogart's death, that called itself "the summit" or "the clan," featuring Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Joey Bishop, who appeared together on stage and in films in the early-1960s, including the movie Ocean's 11. Sinatra, Martin and Davis were regarded as the group's lead members. This chip has Dean Martin on one side and the Sands name logo on the other side. Click on Detailed images for additional pictures.

All I Want Is DINO! Dean Martin Coaster

Hey pallies, likes one of the fun fun thin's we deeply digs to feature here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole makin' our way to Dino-departure day are some delightful Dino-giftin' ideas from all those Dino-holics on your giftin' lists.  Likes one of the internet pads that we likes to search is the awesome artsy pad tagged "Etsy" where year after year we uncover some completely cool Dino-treasures at moderates prices.

Likes today we swankly share somethin' completely classy likes our most beloved Dino that we know Dino-philes of all types and stripes woulda loves to own and a wondrous way of proudly professin' your Dino-devotion to pallies that visit your pad.  From the shop tagged MonkeyNoDesigns comes a "Dean Martin Coaster," crafted of stone proclaimin' the Dino-teachin' "Your not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on."

There's a perfect pix of it shown below as well as pertinent patter on this delightful Dino-creation.
We gotta 'fess up that when we first glimpsed this great gift we thought of both our pallies Danny-o and Eddie-o as we know they woulda loves to have this ubber useful Dino-coaster for their man caves.  To view all the details at Esty and for orderin' info, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Dean Martin Coaster, Christmas Gift, Gift For Him, Rat Pack Coaster, Rat Pack Decor, Man Cave, Vegas, Gifts for Men, Hostess Gift, Gift

Handmade item
Material: Stone
Can be personalized: No
Made to order
Favorited by: 10 people
Gift message available

image 0


These Rat Pack Stone Coasters are an instant classic, and great addition to any home bar. Sit back, pour a double, and relax. Perfect for a man cave, these are made with the same process as my original art coasters. I first paired each crooner's 'fondness of drinking' quotes with an image, then hand transferred each onto a beautiful piece of white Botticino marble, encapsulating the texture of the stone into the design. It is then thoroughly coated to protect the image, finely sanded, then top coated again for durability with a heat-resistant top coat - to ensure that both iced, and hot beverages alike are acceptable without sticking. It is also fully backed with felt from edge to edge. Care and attention to detail has been taken to make sure that these are high quality, beautiful, and long lasting. I use quality materials, for a quality finished product. Due to their handmade nature, no two are exactly alike, and small imperfections are expected, and add to the natural and handmade nature of the product. Just wipe clean with a damp cloth, as they are not dishwasher safe due to the felt backing.

Each stone coaster measures approximately 4" square, and is 1/2" thick, and has a satin top coat.
This listing is for a single marble coaster, featuring the King of Cool, Dean Martin. "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on".


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Dean Martin Scores First Billboard Hot 100 Entry in Nearly 50 Years With 'Let It Snow'

Xander Zellner
Hey pallies, likes the continuin' controversary over the lyrics of "Baby, It's Cold Outside' is certainly fannin' the flames of the fires of the Dino-revolution this Dino-wintery season...drawin' awesome attention to our most beloved Dino and his life, times, and teachin'.  And, likes in the midst of all this Dino-discussion we learned that likes 'nother fantastic fav Dino-seasonal song, "Let It Snow" has accordin' to Mr. Xander Zeller (pictured on the left) made the scene on Billboard  Hot 100 at number 41!

Likes from the 'net home pad of Billboard comes Mr. Zeller's (who is Charts Manager for the music mag)  perfect prose tagged, "Dean Martin Scores First Billboard Hot 100 Entry in Nearly 50 Years With 'Let It Snow'"  What wondrous news is this pallies for all of us Dino-holics that name the name of our Dino and continue to sweetly strive to keep his life and legacy alive here on planet earth.  And, likes as you will also read below that "Over on the Billboard 200, Martin's The Dean Martin Christmas Album, which includes "Snow," vaults from No. 102 to No. 72 with 13,000 equivalent album units (up 36 percent), according to Nielsen Music, earning him his highest-charting album in 11 years, since Forever Cool reached No. 39 in 2007. Plus, Christmas With Dino, which also houses "Snow," re-enters at No. 156 (8,000, up 93 percent)."

This noteworthy news simply brings the greatest of great Dino-happiness to our Dino-hearts and we thank Mr. Xander Zeller and all the pallies at Billboard for sharin' this amazin' achievement almost 23 years after our Dino's departure on December 25, 1995.  Our most beloved Dino is still the most happenin' man ever and these remarkable reports testify to our Dino's incredible influence on our life and times day after day, year after year....this is no one like our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original source at Billboard, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin Scores First Billboard Hot 100 Entry in Nearly 50 Years With 'Let It Snow'

12/11/2018 by Xander Zellner

Dean Martin on the set of 'The Dean Martin Show' in 1967 in Los Angeles. 

Late legend Dean Martin returns to the Billboard Hot 100 chart (dated Dec. 15) after almost half a century, as his version of the seasonal standard "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow," debuts at No. 41. He earns his first entry in 49 years, three months and 16 days.

He had last appeared on the Hot 100 dated Aug. 30, 1969, with "I Take a Lot of Pride in What I Am," which peaked at No. 75 in its last week.

Still, Martin doesn't break the record for the longest gap between Hot 100 entries. That distinction belongs to late jazz star Louis Prima, who, as featured on Kids See Ghosts' "4th Dimension," went 57 years, four months and 10 days between his previous Hot 100 hit, "Wonderland by Night," in February 1961 and his return earlier this year on "Dimension," on June 23.

(Per rules put in place earlier this decade, older songs, like Martin's "Snow," are eligible to chart on the Hot 100 if gaining in multiple metrics and ranking in the top 50.)

Original Rat Pack member Martin has a storied history on the Hot 100. Including "Snow," he has earned 28 total entries, with his first 27 charting between 1958 (the Hot 100's inaugural year) and 1969. He earned a trio of top 10s: "Everybody Loves Somebody" spent a week at No. 1 (Aug. 15, 1964); "The Door Is Still Open to My Heart" reached No. 6 (Nov. 14, 1964); and "I Will" hit No. 10 (Dec. 11, 1965).

Fellow Rat Packer Frank Sinatra logged 43 Hot 100 entries, while Sammy Davis Jr. earned 10.
On the Holiday 100 chart, which ranks holiday hits of all eras, "Snow" places at No. 9.

Over on the Billboard 200, Martin's The Dean Martin Christmas Album, which includes "Snow," vaults from No. 102 to No. 72 with 13,000 equivalent album units (up 36 percent), according to Nielsen Music, earning him his highest-charting album in 11 years, since Forever Cool reached No. 39 in 2007. Plus, Christmas With Dino, which also houses "Snow," re-enters at No. 156 (8,000, up 93 percent).

Martin died on Christmas Day 1995 at age 78 from acute respiratory failure.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: December 12, 1975

Hey pallies, likes we're likes just 'bout at the half-way mark to our reverent remembrance of Dino-departure Day, December 25, 1995 and this Dino-day, December 12 is not only the anniversary of the birthday of our Dino's bestest of best pallie, Mr. Frank Sinatra, but also 'nother swankly significant day in all of Dino-history.

Likes it was on December 12, in the year of our Dino 1975, that our most beloved Dino appeared on "The Tonight Show" with host Johnny Carson in what were probably his more memorable moments appearin' on late night television.  Below is the youtube vid of the intriguin' interview that Mr. Carson coolly conducted with our King of Cool.  This particular vid is one of several shared on youtube and as of scribin' this, this vid has had OVER  3 MILLION 816 THOUSAND HITS!

What makes this swank segment of our Dino patterin' with Mr. Carson and Mr. Bob Hope so incredibly intriguin'  is that it appears that our main man had been enjoyin' liberal liquid libations before comin' on the show....indeed our  Dino appears to actually be stoned and we get to experience  Drunky Dino.  As Dino-philes all know, our Dino most often played drunk in his 'Vegas baby 'Vegas night club act 'n on the Dino-show, usually havin' apple juice in his glass, just makin' like he's drunk.  But, likes in this appearance by our Dino, our main man has been partyin' before he would later attend Mr. Sinatra's birthday party.   So, sit back and enjoys our swingin' Dino under the influence....with no holds barred!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin 12/12/75 hilarious on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson 1975

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

From December 1, I am on a strictly Christmas film, Dean Martin seasonal hits and Christmas mince pie diet.

Image result for dean martin christmas

Image result for kylie klein-nixon • columnist
Hey pallies, likes every Dino-wintery season introduces us to ever more Dino-devotees from all 'round the Dino-universe and they come forward in 'net posts to proudly profess their awesome adulation of our most most most beloved Dino.  Today we are proudly pleased to introduce you a youthful New Zealand lady, Miss Kylie Klein-Nixon (pictured on the left), who "is a Whitireia (NZ) Journalism student passionate about pop culture, loud music, comic books and the news"...and, of course is a deep delighter of our Dino.

Likes we discovered Miss Klein-Nixon's powerful passion for our King of Cool when our pallies at google sent us over the the New Zealander news pad "stuff" and Kylie's scribin's tagged "It's beginning to look a lot like Nerdmas: What to get the geek who has everything."  We were taught many many years 'go in college that it is important to have an openin' sentence that will completely capture your readin' audience.  And, we can veritably verify that Kylie's openin' words did just that for us, when she wrote what appears as the tag of this Dino-gram, " From December 1, I am on a strictly Christmas film, Dean Martin seasonal hits and Christmas mince pie diet."

We gotta 'fess up that we ain't much for mince pie, we do enjoy watchin' a number of seasonal flicks, but likes Miss Klein-Nixon we can never ever gets 'nough of "Dean Martin seasonal hits."  We are, as always, totally totally thrilled to find 'nother young person from 'nother part of the world who so openly and affirmatively speaks of their Dino-amore in their internet connections.  So, we sez our thank you very much to Miss Kylie Klein-Nixon for sharin' her Dino-delight front and center in her recent "stuff" column.  To checks this out in it's original source and to read all that Kylie wrote, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

It's beginning to look a lot like Nerdmas: What to get the geek who has everything

Kylie Klein-Nixon

From December 1, I am on a strictly Christmas film, Dean Martin seasonal hits and Christmas mince pie diet. It's probably a desperate bid to recapture the wriggling excitement of childhood Christmases past, but I actually quite like Christmas music, especially that one song that sounds like it's from a Tim Burton movie - Carol of the Bells.  I have two Christmas Trees... one of them plays Deck The Halls. It matches our wee Santa who dances to Jingle Bells.

Monday, December 10, 2018

VOTE: Do You Find The Lyrics To ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Offensive?

Image result for Brian Mazique
Hey pallies, likes the bannin' of our most beloved Dino's wintery croon, "Baby, It's Cold Outside" by an Ohio radio station is creatin' more 'n more deep discussion all over the world wide web meanin' that the name of our King of Cool is bein' lifted up more then ever in this swank season of Dino-cool.  Today we share with all youse Dino-holics a powerful post from the potent pen of Mr. Brian Mazique (pictured on the left),  who sez 'bout himself that, "I'm a sports, gaming and film journalist and digital content creator. I'm blessed to make a living writing and discussing the things I love."

Mr. Mazique coolly contributes to the likes of Forbes mag.  His present prose featured below was discovered at the 'net pad of  "heavy." is a real-time news and information platform visited by 25 million unique visitors per month.  And, likes as youse guessed it pallies, the topic of Bri "heavy" post is the controversy over the lyrics of our Dino's croon "Baby , It's Cold Outside." Tagged "VOTE: Do You Find The Lyrics To ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Offensive?," Mazique has created a poll for pallies likes us to weigh in on our opinion of the Dino-croon.

Bri shares patter on the background of the controversy as well as printing the lyrics of the song and then quires us, "After reading the lyrics with context, does it affect your thoughts? Tell me in the poll below, are these lyrics offensive or just playful and harmless?"  Readers likes youse and we then get the op to vote our opinion. Note that while we have shared the poll here in this Dino-gram, youse will have to go the the original pad where Bri holds forth to do the votin'.  Simply that means that if  you clicks on the tag of this Dino-report you will be able to vote.

Likes allow us to make one observation.  Mr. Mazique shares an incredible image of our Dino at the top of his post.  'though a ton of singers have recorded this song,  Bri has chosen to immediately identify it with our one and only Dino...and, might we add, it is our most most most beloved Dino that is gettin' all the amazin'ly awesome attention in everythin' posted 'bout the controversy on the world wide web.  Likes how fantastically fabulous is that Dino-philes.  Truly pallies more and more folks are goin' to be drawn into the Dino-fold, warmly welcomed into our Dino's wonderful world by the media attention the bannin' of "Baby" has greatly generated.

We thanks Mr. Brian Mazique and all the pallies at "heavy" to give op for all to speak their Dino-minds.  We will do our best to keep track of the poll results.  As of our votin' the results were 98% NO and 2% YES.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

VOTE: Do You Find The Lyrics To ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Offensive?

By Brian Mazique

Dean Martin

Dean Martin's Baby It's Cold Outside under fire
The legendary Dean Martin made the holiday song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” a classic, but now the lyrics of the song have become the subject of controversy. In fact, an Ohio radio station pulled it from its programming when a listener voiced their displeasure.
The song was originally written in 1944 by Frank Loesser, but it won an Oscar for Best Original Song in 1949 in “Neptune’s Daughter.” Martin’s daughter Deana Martin still sings the song when she performs and doesn’t plan to stop.
Per Fox News, here’s how you described the lyrics:
It’s been recorded by dozens of the world’s top recording artists for over 60 years, including my dad Dean Martin… This song is included in his very successful 1959 ‘Winter Romance’ album and I’m very proud that it has become an evergreen favorite that is played every holiday season. I personally love performing ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ and will continue to do so.Merry Christmas!
If you’re unaware of the controversy, you might be thinking, “what’s the big deal?” Some of the lyrics are being taken as offensive because they are sparking of images or suggestions of rape. Here’s what the WDOK’s Desiray had to say about the lyrics:
“People might say, ‘Oh, enough with that #MeToo,’ but if you really put that aside and listen to the lyrics, it’s not something I would want my daughter to be in that kind of situation,” she continued, explaining that the “tune might be catchy, but let’s maybe not promote that sort of an idea.”
Still confused? Here’s a look at the lyrics to the song with some of the more controversial sections bolded:
I really can’t stay (Baby it’s cold outside)
I gotta go away (Baby it’s cold outside)
This evening has been (Been hoping that you’d dropped in)
So very nice (I’ll hold your hands they’re just like ice)
My mother will start to worry (Beautiful what’s your hurry?)
My father will be pacing the floor (Listen to the fireplace roar)
So really I’d better scurry (Beautiful please don’t hurry)
Well maybe just a half a drink more (I’ll put some records on while I pour)
The neighbors might think (Baby it’s bad out there)
Say what’s in this drink? (No cabs to be had out there)

I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlight now)
To break this spell (I’ll take your hat, your hair looks swell) (Why thank you)
I ought to say no, no, no sir (Mind if move in closer?)
At least I’m gonna say that I tried (What’s the sense of hurtin’ my pride?)
I really can’t stay (Baby don’t hold out)
Baby, it’s cold outside
Ah, you’re very pushy you know?
I like to think of it as opportunistic
I simply must go (Baby it’s cold outside)
The answer is no (But baby it’s cold outside)
The welcome has been (How lucky that you dropped in)
So nice and warm (Look out the window at that storm)
My sister will be suspicious (Gosh your lips look delicious!)
My brother will be there at the door (Waves upon a tropical shore)
My maiden aunt’s mind is vicious (Gosh your lips are delicious!)
Well maybe just a cigarette more (Never such a blizzard before) (And I don’t even smoke)
I’ve got to get home (Baby you’ll freeze out there)
Say lend me a coat? (It’s up to your knees out there!)
You’ve really been grand, (I feel when I touch your hand)
But don’t you see? (How can you do this thing to me?)
There’s bound to be talk tomorrow (think of my life long sorrow!)
At least there will be plenty implied (If you caught pneumonia and died!)
I really can’t stay (Get over that old out)
Baby it’s cold
Baby it’s cold outside
Okay fine, just another drink then
That took a lot of convincing!
After reading the lyrics with context, does it affect your thoughts? Tell me in the poll below, are these lyrics offensive or just playful and harmless?

Do you find the lyrics to "Baby, It's Cold Outside" Offensive?
Created with QuizMaker

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'll Be Home For Christmas"

Welcome back, mi amici!

How youse feelin'?

 Hopefully not TOO stressed out.

 I know we gots a LOT of thins' to do...gettin' ready for the big day!
 Dino-Departure day, that is!
 Haha!!'s a BUSY time of year, palsies.
 Not easy keepin' your mindset on "chill mode", these next few weeks.

 Everyone seems to go into "panic mode!" Haha!!

 Seem to forget what the holidays are all 'bout.

Well, pals...what we need to to just relax.

Take a deep breath...& relax.

Thins' will come together...& we'll all be OK.

Just do what I do, my friends!
 Increase your Dino-intake!

That's somethin' we DEFINATELY can ALL use!

 Actually...what I seem to have the hardest time holdin' onto my traditions.

Sometimes that gets me a wee bit blue, pals.

Ain't easy when family that once were the tradition do-ers...are all gone.
Now it's up to you...& no one else is diggin' what youse do!

Yup...not easy convincin' my kiddies that "The Feast of the Seven Fishes" is a yummy Christmas Eve dinner!
 That "polpi" & "calamad"...(octopus & squid) are delicious!

Nope...they just ain't feelin' the old traditional vibe...that I grew up with...mi amici.

 Really gets me longin' for "the old days", pals.
Christmas' long gone by.

 I'm sure youse can relate, my friends.

 I thinks this week's Serenade will get us back to those days, pallies.
Maybe not physically...but...will definitely bring our thoughts back to those great great days!

Dino's "I'll Be Home for Christmas" the one tune that gets me both happy & the same time.
Melancholy, but comforted.

 Just thinkin' back & bein' SO SO thankful & appreciative for those me the energy & extra "pep in my step" keep on keepin' on!

Actually, pals...Dino jams are the one tradition...that no matter what...or 'round...have ALWAYS been & ALWAYS will one CONSTANT Christmassy tradition.

 Now, friends o mine...who can ask for ANY more than that?


Saturday, December 08, 2018

The Dean Martin Christmas Show (December 21, 1967)

Hey pallies, likes once 'gain early in this Dino-season of reverently rememberin' of our most beloved Dino's departure on December 25, 1995, we chose to share with all youse Dino-devotees that  swankest of swank, sweetest of sweet Dino-treat, the awesomely acclaimed 1967 special edition of the Dean Martin Variety Hour that gathered fam Martin 'long with fam Sinatra to celebrate the holiday season in the sweetest, the swankest style ever. 

We chose to share this early in this special Dino-season likes before all us Dino-philes get so so busy that we can't find the time to energetically endulge in this powerfully potent pleasure of Dino-delight!  Beautifully below is the youtube  FULL EPISODE of this happiest of happy hour when the Martin and Sinatra clans join forces.

Likes sits back and spend a heartfelt hour with our most beloved Dino, his most beloved pallie, Mr. Sinatra and their clans for this wonderful way of gettin' all us Dino-holics in the Dino-seasonal spirits!  Special Thanks to the youtube pallie who tags themself "Deano Martin" for this and many many more marvelous Dino-viewin' vids!  We are greatly grateful that this youtuber has also shared with us the complete contents of this sweet sweet Dino-treat!

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Christmas with The Martins and The Sinatras - FULL EPISODE

The Dean Martin Christmas Show (December 21, 1967).

Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra: "A Marshmallow World"
Gail Martin, Nancy Sinatra and dancers, backed by Jack Halloran's Choir: "It's A Most Unusual Day"
Gail Martin: "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"
Nancy Sinatra: "These Boots Are Made For Walking" (w. special Christmas lyrics)
Gail Martin & Nancy Sinatra: "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" (reprise)
Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Gail Martin and Nancy Sinatra: Medley: "We Wish You The Merriest" / "More I Cannot Wish You"
Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Dean-Paul Martin, Frank Sinatra, Jr.: "How Do You Talk To Your Dad?"
Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Deana Martin and Tina Sinatra: "Do, Re, Mi"
Dean Martin: "I'll Be Home For Christmas"
Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra: Medley: "I Can't Give You Anything But Love" / "Too Marvelous For Words" / "Pennies from Heaven" / "A Foggy Day" / "Embraceable You" / "The Lady Is A Tramp" / "Where or When" / "I've Got the World on A String" / "Oh Marie" / "All Of Me" / "When You're Smiling"
Finale: Medley:
Entire Cast: "There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays"
Nancy Sinatra, Dean-Paul Martin, Frank Sinatra, Jr. & Gail Martin:"Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow"
Nancy Sinatra, Tina Sinatra, Deana Martin, Claudia Martin, Gina Martin:"The Christmas Song"
Dean Martin & Gail Martin: "White Christmas"
Frank Sinatra: "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"
Entire Cast: "Deck The Halls" / "O Little Town Of Bethlehem" / "Joy To The World"
Dean Martin & Entire Cast: "Silent Night"

Friday, December 07, 2018

Why Dean Martin? I like my holidays drenched in booze and nostalgia.

Image result for dino's christmas

Image result for ralph malbrough wwl
Hey pallies, likes Dino-wintery time is the most wonderful time of the Dino-year to discover deep deep devotion from pallies all over the Dino-globe who 'specially digs our most beloved Dino's sensational seasonal songs.  Likes today we takes all youse Dino-holics to the 'net home place for 4WWL-TV, CBS's affliate in New Orleans where Mr. Ralph Malbrough (pictured on the right), Contributin' New Orleans Saints Beat Writer for 4WWL has posted his cool column "SAINTS Forecast: The teams I'd most and least like Saints to play in playoffs."

So youse quire, what does Mr. Malbrough's potent pontificatin' on possible Saints playoffs possibilities have to do with our most beloved Dino?  A great question indeed.  And, of course we here at ilovedinomartin and the answer for ya.  Not only is Ralph a Saints fanatic, he is fantastically fanatical 'bout our Dino as well.  Likes near the end of his swank scribin's on Saints possible opponents in the playoffs, Malbrough openly and affirmatively professes his Dino-adulation in his tremendous thoughts shared below under the hugely homagin' headin', "Saints Fan Mood and Meditation Music: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer – Dean Martin."

As usual our Dino-hearts are wonderfully warmed by Malbrough's awesome affection for our Dino 'specially in this wintery season and his marvelous memories of his daddy-o's Dino-adulation as well.
This is 'nother extraordinary example of Dino-devotion flowin' freely from on Dino-generation to the next!  We sweetly salute Mr. Ralph Malbrough and all the folks at 4WWL for sharin' Ralph's delightful Dino-sentiments with the world wide web of Dino-philes.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of  this Dino-report.  We have included not only the link to the youtube vid of "Rudy," but also placed the vid below for your Dino-viewin' pleasure.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Forecast: The teams I'd most and least like Saints to play in playoffs

While we should definitely enjoy the last 4 weeks of the magical 2018 season, let's have some fun and start peaking ahead to the postseason. 

Author: Ralph Malbrough

Saints Fan Mood and Meditation Music: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer – Dean Martin
It's never too early for Christmas music. Why Dean Martin? I like my holidays drenched in booze and nostalgia. Dino dropping 'Rudy the red-nosed Reindeer' makes it feel like 1965 and my Dad mostly hated Christmas but loved Dean Martin so Christmas isn't Christmas without Dean Martin.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

A Radio Station Banned “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” And It Experienced A Huge Genius Pageview Spike

Eddie Fu
Hey pallies, likes the bannin' of the seasonal croon made fabulously famous by our one and only Dino, "Baby, It's Cold Outside," by an Ohio radio station (see yester-Dino-day's Dino-gram as well as last Sunday's Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade With Dino), has resulted in tons and tons of more pallies searchin' the ol' world wide web for the lyrics to this Dino-classic.  And, likes that is great news for all of use Dino-holics 'cause that means more and more searchers will be surely be welcomed into our Dino's world!

Likes from the web pad of "GENIUS" whose mantra is "Genius brings music intelligence to the masses" comes wisely written words  by GENIUS staff scriber Mr. Eddie Fu, (pictured on the left), "A Radio Station Banned “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” And It Experienced A Huge Genius Pageview Spike."

As all youse Dino-philes will remarkably read below, seems our Dino has once 'gain turned lemons into lemonade as the bannin' of "A Winter Romance" from the air waves in Ohio has incredibly increased the number of hits at GENIUS for pallies wantin' to read the lyrics of the banned Dino-croon.  In Eddie's word's, "After news spread about Star 102’s decision, pageviews skyrocketed even further. From November 29 to November 30, the song saw a pageview increase of 700 percent. On December 1, pageviews rose another 120 percent for its recent peak of 20,175. It currently sits at No. 21 on the Genius Top Songs chart.

As often happens when word spreads that somethin' has been banned, it simply brings more and more interest in the subject of the ban.  We solemnly salute Mr. Eddie Wo and all the pallies at GENIUS for sharin' this noteworthy news with the Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

A Radio Station Banned “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” And It Experienced A Huge Genius Pageview Spike

Image result for a winter romance dean martin

“In a world where #MeToo has finally given women the voice they deserve, the song has no place.”

Cleveland radio station Star 102 recently removed the Christmas standard, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” from its rotation after many listeners raised concerns about its lyrics. In a blog post published last week, radio host Glenn Anderson said that the song “seems very manipulative and wrong.”
“I didn’t understand why the lyrics were so bad… until I read them,” Anderson wrote. “I do realize that when the song was written in 1944, it was a different time, but now while reading it, it seems very manipulative and wrong. The world we live in is extra sensitive now, and people get easily offended, but in a world where #MeToo has finally given women the voice they deserve, the song has no place.”
While Anderson didn’t mention which version of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” Star 102 banned, the most popular cover on Genius is Dean Martin’s rendition from his 1959 holiday album titled A Winter Romance. Thanks to the approaching holidays, people were searching for the song’s lyrics and it racked up 24,195 total pageviews last month, representing a 456 percent increase in comparison to October
After news spread about Star 102’s decision, pageviews skyrocketed even further. From November 29 to November 30, the song saw a pageview increase of 700 percent. On December 1, pageviews rose another 120 percent for its recent peak of 20,175. It currently sits at No. 21 on the Genius Top Songs chart.
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is a duet between a man and woman. On the song, the woman makes it clear that she has to leave because it’s late at night, while the man tries to convince her to stay because “it’s cold outside.”
The song opens with the woman stating that she needs to go home after a nice evening together:
I really can’t stay (But baby it’s cold outside)
I’ve got to away (But baby it’s cold outside)
This evening has been (Been hoping that you’d drop in)
So very nice (I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice)
Later in the first verse, it’s implied that the man may have spiked her drink:
Say what’s in this drink (No cabs to be had out there)
I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlight now)
To break this spell (I’ll take your hat, your hair looks swell)
I ought to say “No, no, no sir” (Mind if I move in closer?)
At least I’m gonna say that I tried (What’s the sense in hurtin' my pride?)
Broadway songwriter Frank Loesser wrote “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” as a duet to sing with his wife Lynn Garland, according to a biography written by their daughter, Susan Loesser. In 1948, the song was sold to MGM for the romantic comedy, Neptune’s Daughter, and it won the Academy Award for Best Original Song the following year.
Since then, the duet has been covered by dozens of artists including Sammy Davis Jr.Ella FitzgeraldWillie NelsonKelly Clarkson, and Mac Miller, who released his version with Ariana Grande in 2012.