Likes, likes this is the first time in our memory that one of our Scotty's "BlueisKewl" Dino-devotions has made the scene with google Dino-blog searchin' and we are most proudly pumped that our Dino-bro has awesomely achieved this Dino-recognition that he deeply deeply deserves for him ever-growin' exemplary efforts in liftin' up the name of our Dino and helpin' more and more folks into the Dino-fold! We are coolly certain that this is just the beau-ti-ful beginnin' of many many listin's that will appear on the google Dino-blog search engine!
And, likes we finds it so so cool that one of our personal fav Dino-postin's from Scotty's "BlueisKewl" if the one to make it to the illustrious list!!!!! It's the one where Scotty shares that most powerfully provocative candid of our most beloved Dino and Miss Corrine Calvet on the set of "My Friend Irma".....the unequivocally evocative pose of our Dino restin' in Miss Calvet's lap with her hands gently laid on our Dino's chest. Likes, we thinks it is the most perfect of perfect post to bring our Dino-hearted pallie to the attention of Dino-holics every-Dino-where!

ilovedinomartin solemnly and swankly salute our pallies of pallies Scotty-o on this remarkable recognition of his awesome adulation of our one and only Dino. Likes below is the listin' from google blogs, and if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram, you will be transported to "BlueisKewl" to see it in it's original postin'. We are totally totally thrilled that it is still in this month of Dino-amore that our Scotty has awesomely acheived this huge huge Dino-honor! Deeply deeply Dino-delightedly, DMP
Dean Martin and Corinne Calvet on the set of the Movie 'My ...
Dec 14, 2015 - Dean Martin and Corinne Calvet on the set of the Movie 'My Friend Irma Goes West' 1950. My Friend Irma Goes West is a 1950 film based on the radio show My Friend Irma and featuring the comedy team of Martin and Lewis ...
Very very cool , Scotty my pal! Gladder than glad to see you gettin' some recognition you most DEF I NATE LY deserves!
I was very surprised to say the least when DMP contacted me with the first time news. It is not every day that i get recognition from Google (I don't think it has ever happened before, lol) so it was an extra happy surprise it was for a DM posting that i had made. After a week that was not the best it was a wonderful surprise. It really looks like Dean was smiling down on my little blog from heaven, of course it did not hurt the support i received from two people with hearts of gold!
Thank you so much DMP at 'ilovedinomaartin' and Danny G. for your support and friendship.
I wish to extend my best to everyone as well.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, most importantly thanks dude for all of your swank support of our most most beloved Dino....you are makin' a difference in the Dino-legacy, certainly helpin' many many pallies gets drawn closer and closer into the Dino-fold! Keeps lovin', and as youse are able keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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