Hey pallies, likes welcome back to day nineteen of Dino-amore month and even more awesome amore of our Dino from his deeply deeply devoted Brit pallie Graham. In response to our first Dino-offerin' from Graham on Wednesday, Graham sent us the followin' patter sharin' more incredible insights into our Dino's performances as only one who was there coulda share 'em.
And, likes in addition to more remarkable reflections of awesome adulation from our pallie Graham, he also sent our way a powerful plethora of poses of our most beloved Dino from his '83 visit to London includin' one of her royal highness Princess Anne with our royal high Dino! Also included is the poster (or perhaps programme cover) announcin' the 10------count 'em------performances that our Dino did at the Apollo Victoria Theatre.
Likes we stand in awe of the absolute affectionate amore that Graham has for our main man and his great generosity of sharin' his marvelous memories and touchin' and tender treasures with Dino-holics everywhere via ilovedinomartin. All we can say Graham is THANK YOU VERY MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR DINO-HEARTS!!!!! And, we hope you will continue to grace the pages of ilovedinomartin with more and more Dino-adulation!!!!! Always, Only Dino, DMP
Hi DMP. Yep , have already checked you out !! I visit your ilovedinomartin EVERY day .
Completely forgot to tell you of that special evening when the concert was recorded . We went every night ( as in '87 ) , and each night was a real experience . Basically the same , but with Dean's unique ways he made each evening very different . Little phrases were different , his moves , his expressions , his smiles . Totally unique evenings.
And yes , we couldn't believe it when we were briefly privileged to see Dean actually tape Bad Bad Leroy Brown . We managed to watch for a couple of minutes before we were spotted looking into the lorry at the monitors , and the door was firmly shut on us . But then , as I say, a few minutes later we were to see Dean driven rapidly from the theatre into the dark London city.............
We had waited SO LONG for Dean to come to London , and both in 1983 and 1987 those years were made VERY special for my wife and I , not just because we saw Dean in concerts , but for those EXTRA special moments too .
Take care .......

VERY cool...to say the least! Thank you SO SO much for sharin' your personal & amazin' experiences, Graham! And thank you, DMP for bringin' them this way!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, it is a pure privilege for ilovedinomartin to be entrusted with Graham's marvelous memories of our most beloved Dino! More to come! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our amazin' Dino!
What a wonderful time this must have been and it is always wonderful to hear a Dean Martin story esp from someone who was actually there. Thank you DMP for bringing this wonderful story our way!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, truly the hugest of huge Dino-pleasure to be able to share it with youse and all the Dino-devotees gathered 'round our little Dino-waterin' hole! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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