Hey pallies, likes as we are been sorta randomly weavin' our way through the massive massive 'mount of Dino-drafts that have yet to see the light of Dino-day here at ilovedinomartin and today on this second day of Dino-amore month we have decided to feature one that we found originally in April of 2012, but likes is perfectly perfect in every way for our month of Dino-amore.....likes because it's 'bout yet 'nother youthful blogger who is becomin' a deep deep devotee of our most beloved Dino.
The pad is tagged "My escape," and the hip chick there speaks of findin' "a new love"...and of course that "new love" is none other then our most beloved Dino himself. Likes how really really refreshin' it is to hear her speak so beau-ti-fully 'n boldly 'bout our King of Cool with such pure passion!
It appears that this young lady who tagged herself "Tres Bon" splits her time in Honolulu and Miami, at least as of her scribin's.. Likes ain' it the greatest to know that as our Dino loved to "put the accent on youth," so, too, more and more of today's youth are lovin' to put the accent on our Dino! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
Dino-always, ever and only, DMP
nesian nine, you baby. i think this song just made my day.
oh, by the way, i think i found a new love. dean martin. god, i think he is fucking amazing. yes if you like old school music, of course people would think that you enjoy frank sinatra. honestly, he is cool and what not, but i prefer dean martin. he's just so much better. :)
Haha! Smart girl!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes today's nouveau hipsters are the smartest of the smart when it come to their amorin' of our most beloved Dino! Thanks for the patter dude...and it goes without sayin'...keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one, our only Dino! Can't wait to sees what Dino-croons you pick for Dino-amore month...and likes Dino-amore day is on a Sunday this year...so am likes awesomely anticipatin' your swank selection for that most special of special serenades!
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