What's shakin'?
How was Dino-Amore Day?
I'm hopin' it was FILLED with Romantico swoons & Cool Cool croons! Dino-croons obviously!
Well...if not...don't worry! There's STILL time, mi amici!
This love-spreadin' month ain't over yet! Ha!
Let me see what I can conjure up. Hmmmm....Ah hah! Gots it!!!
This one was simple, pals. Very simple, actually.
When I thinks' 'bout that four letter word...L.O.V.E...and I think of HOT & BURNIN' Passion...only ONE couple comes to mind, my friends!
Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton!
NO other couple...in my opinion...lived as fully & passionately as Liz & Dick, pallies!
Wether youse loved them or not...youse had to admit....they KNEW how to live!
Now, pals...youse are probably wondrin' where our bestest, amore-speakin' man, Dean, fits into this amore-makin' equation.
Well, my friends...checks this cool coolness out!
A few years back...as I've mentioned here before...the Lifetime network put out one of my own personal FAVE flicks ever! "Liz & Dick".
GREAT way to spend two hours, by the way, pallies.
Now this is where our guy comes in. Guess what tune the producers chose to open this swingin' little film?! Go ahead...just guess. Give up?! OK...Dino's version of "Just in Time"! Yes!
Man o man...I almost jumped through my roof! Hahaha!!!
What a freakin' jam! Haha!!
Sorry pals. Just gets SO SO 'cited even thinkin' 'bout this flick & this jam together!
This combo is SURE to get the amore mood swirlin'!
Now, pallies..in his book...Richard said, "that woman always get's here just in time." How PERFECTO is that?!
He was truly lost without his Elizabeth.
Those producers musta REALY did their homework pickin' this tune, my friends!
So, mi amici...there youse go. My dedication to a special friend.
A TRULY GREAT inspiration to get out there & find some LOVE & some TRUE PURE passion to show youse how to LIVE!!!
SALUTE to Dino-Amore Month...SALUTE to Richard & Elizabeth...& SALUTE to our pal, Dino!
Just in time, I found you just in time
Before you came my time was running low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, no where to go
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Before you came my time was running low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, no where to go
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
As usual Danny G. you hit one out of the ball park. There is nothing better on a Sunday morning, or any time, for a sweet song from Dean Martin. Thank you my friend for a wonderful tune and your continued hard work.
Have a nice week.
Our Dino's rendition of this tune always makes me smile.
Always amazed at how the powers that be can take a vocal track from way back when and strip it from the original master( Recorded May 17, 1960), add a new arrangement and 47 years later you have a new version of the same song. I'll bet even Dean would be amazed.
Did anyone see the opening to Hawaii Five-0 on Friday February 12th? It was a Valentines Day themed show. The opening featured Dean's biggest hit "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime". No dialouge simply the first and last verses of the song seamlessly put together. The video is here:
So freakin' cool!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for sharin' the story behind this updated Dino-croon...a Dino-detail that we didn't know. It's ubber cool update, but we gotta 'fess up that we still goes absolutely ape over the version that our Dino and Miss Judy Holliday sing in "Bells Are Ringing"...the original source of the Dino-croon! Keeps lovin' and sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
Glad youse dug the Dino, pallies!
Hey there, Deanspalley...
I just checked the Hawaii 5 0 link that youse so cooly provided...& man o man...SUPER COOL INDEED!!! Thanks for sharin'!
Deans Palley,
I finally found time to watch that video clip. What a gem!
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