Hey pallies, likes in yesterday's Dino-gram we shared with you how entertainer extraordinare Mr. Engelbert Humperdinck's deepest of deep, purest of pure amore of our Dino, and likes how he learned so much 'bout the whole business of sellin' a song to an audience. As Humperdinck put it so well, "A big lesson from Martin was to act out a song."
Likes we are in absolute agreement with Engelbert on this! In fact, one of the thin's that we have always been fantastically fanatical 'bout is how our most beloved Dino uses his whole body when he croons a tune....arms, legs, everythin'....likes 'specially the amazin' way he uses facial expressions to create the marvelous mood of each and every song that he sings.
Today, on this twelfth day of Dino-amore month, we wanna shares with you a swingin' set of groovy gifs that we boldly believe deeply demonstrates what Humperdinck put so wonderfully well in words. Below is a series of 34----count 'em---34 gifs taken from the vid of our Dino's croonin' of the romantico song "Always." Likes it took quite a bit of time to get each and every moment of the vid put into 5 sec gif format, but our Dino is always worthy of our bestest of best efforts, and we had the greatest of great Dino-time doin' it.
Likes take the time pallies to look at how Dino acts out this song and likes 'specially all the amazin' ways he uses each and every part of his fantastic face to create the magically marvelous mood of this musical treat of treats. Gif by gif, let our most beloved Dino enthrall 'n entrance you, endulgin' each and every supremely sensual sense that you potently possess as you ecstatically experience Dino bringin' you into his wonderful world and holdin' you there.
"Always" is one of our most fav of fav Dino-vid experiences, a croon filled with the deepest of deeper, purest of pure expressions of Dino-amore. And, pallies, likes how we resist sharin' the vid of Dino croonin' "Always" as we invite you to begin what we hopes will be an extraordinary experience of bein' loved on by our one and only Dino! Dino-entranced, DMP
"Always" indicates that our Dino is speaking to me personally!
Love, love, love this song.
And "Always Together," too.
Obvious reasons, and I'm sure that I subliminally chose my blog pseudonym because those two songs of our Dino's were (and are) precious to me.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW we likes just knew that you woulda offer some perfect patter on this Dino-post as we remember your touchin' 'n tender awesome association to this particular Dino-croon. We digs this vid so so much and we believe it is one of our Dino's bestest of best moments on the small screen. Always, always, always keeps lovin' our one and only Dino!
Happy Dino-amore day to youse and yours.
And a Happy Dino-amore Day to you, webmaster of the best Dino site on the web!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we thank you kindly for your appreciato, but of course, all the honor and praise goes to our one and only, most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
VERY cool post & Ms.AOW's compliment to our very own DMP is right on target!
Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Danny-o...but likes as we send to Miss AOW...all the honor and praise goes to our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin' Keeps shairn' our most most beloved Dino!
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