Hey pallies, likes Dino-winter-month is almost to an end and blends so so coolly into Dino-eve. Today ilovedinomartin shares a totally cool, hip, and oh so so randy vid clip from the Dino-show that put the accent on our Dino's partyin' on Dino-eve. Likes who better to celebrate the endin' of the ol' year and the comin' of the new then our swingin' Dino! This clip have been shared here before, but likes it certainly will continue to puts all us pallies into the swingin'est of swingin' Dino-eve-mood.
The vid clip has our Dino's bestest of best pallie Frank Sinatra throwin' a NYE party in his hotel suite, where 87 chicks and only two pounds of potato salad have gathered with Sinatra and Martin handlin' the food and females. As Sinatra and our Dino retire to Frank's bedroom they uncover Miss Ruth Buzzi a bit tipsy from an abundance of liquid refreshments. Great fun entails as Mr. Sinatra and Mr. Martin try to rid themselves of the buzzed Buzzi.
So, likes sit backs and enjoy these classic moments from the Dino-show and let the Dino-eve partyin' begins! Always, always Dino-celebratin', DMP
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happy Dino-eve Pallies!
Hey pallies, likes our days of celebratin' Dino-winter-month are drawin' to a close, and likes we find ourselves at Dino-eve....out with the old year and in with the new! Below are two delightful pixs of our Dino and Jerry as Father Time and the babe-in-arms. It likes seems hard to believe that these here pixs were shot to celebrate the comin' of 1952....61-count-em-61 years ago!
How fun to see our most beloved Dino decked out as Father Time...lookin' so wonderfully wise with his long flowin' robe and sickle...and Jerry dressed us as a new born ready to toot his horn....indeed the boys are certainly type cast! ilovedinomartin wishes all you pallies a swingin' and safe New Year's Eve and the bestest of best New Years!
Keeps checkin' in at ilovedinomartin for more of that great great Dino-action in the comin' year, and likes dudes be sures to stop by tomorrow to check out a new new series of posts from our swingin'est of swingin' Dino-holic Ed and his amazin'est of amazin' Dino-reflection reports, "Ed's Epistle."
And, likes most of all all your Dino-philes, likes KEEPS LOVIN' OUR MOST MOST BELOVED DINO! Dino-celebratin', DMP

Monday, December 30, 2013
Now, I can’t get the image of Rudy cruising down the Las Vegas Strip in a convertible with Dino, Frankie, Sammy, and other assorted Rat Packers.

Hey pallies, likes we just gotta sneaks in just one more Dino-winter-croon post before we leave Dino-winter-month here at ilovedinomartin. So, today likes we takes you to the groovy tagged blog, "Nitty Gritty Dirt Man - THE INCREDIBLY TRUE MISADVENTURES OF A HOME GARDENER," where a dude tagged Kevin hangs his hat.
While Dirt Man Kev is most often puttin' the accent on dirt of the garden kind, but likes durin' this wintery season Kev has shared a very very cool post on our most beloved Dino's swingin' croon of "Rudy, The Red-Beaked Reindeer. Simply simply digs it likes when Kev sez, "When I first heard Dean Martin’s very lounge-like version of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” I had to do a double-take. Did he just refer to Santa’s superhero as “Rudy”? Yes, he did — and that has raised Rudolph to a whole new level of coolness in my eyes."
Obviously our newest pallie Kev is likes totally totally into Dino-cool! We thanks "Dirt Man" Kev for sharin' his love of our great great man's great great version of "Rudy" with his readership. To checks it out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-coolin', DMP
Yule Tune: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Dean Martin)
When I first heard Dean Martin’s very lounge-like version of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” I had to do a double-take. Did he just refer to Santa’s superhero as “Rudy”?
Yes, he did — and that has raised Rudolph to a whole new level of coolness in my eyes. Now, I can’t get the image of Rudy cruising down the Las Vegas Strip in a convertible with Dino, Frankie, Sammy, and other assorted Rat Packers. Never mind joining any reindeer games — if Rudy is running around with this crew of heavy hitters, I have a feeling his nose is red because of one too many martinis.
Enjoy this Christmas classic, which someone cleverly linked with clips from the Rankin/Bass TV special, originally broadcast in 1964.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "How Sweet It Is"

Today's Serenade, "How Sweet It Is", seems to fit PER FECT LY for the final Dino-croon of twenty thirteen. It TRULY was a SWEET SWEET year for ALL us Dino-holics & new Dino-philes in trainin'!!!
So so many new variations of Dean were bein' thrown our way every month! From the releasin' of the FULL set of "Dean Martin Roasts" right up to Dino's rad rendition of "Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow" bein' OFFICIALLY named as "most played Christmas jam of the year!"
Get's me SO SO excited to see what 2014 will bring our way!!!
Now, if any of youse manage to stay up late 'nuff to ring in the new year...I want youse to do like my VERY sweet sweet Grandmother, Nana G, would do EVERY time that midnight ball would fall. We would open the front door to let the old year out & welcome the new year in! Starts thins' off on the right track!
Well pals, let's get to the croonin'! Turn this one WAY up! Here's to 2013...how sweet it was!!! Salute!
How sweet it is hearing a nightingale
Echo would call to his mate when the night shadows fall
How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows
Where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow
Echo would call to his mate when the night shadows fall
How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows
Where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow
How sweet it is all of those lovely things
But darling they can't compare with dreams I share with you
I know the glow of love in our hearts like the stars forever will shine
How sweet it is to know that you're mine
But darling they can't compare with dreams I share with you
I know the glow of love in our hearts like the stars forever will shine
How sweet it is to know that you're mine
How sweet it is hearing a nightingale
Echo will call to his mate when the night shadows fall
How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows
Where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow
Echo will call to his mate when the night shadows fall
How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows
Where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow
How sweet it is all of those lovely things
But darling they can't compare with dreams I share with you
I know the glow of love in our hearts like the stars forever will shine
How sweet it is (How very sweet it it)
How sweet it is to know that you're mine
But darling they can't compare with dreams I share with you
I know the glow of love in our hearts like the stars forever will shine
How sweet it is (How very sweet it it)
How sweet it is to know that you're mine
Saturday, December 28, 2013
"King of Cool" Entertainer Dean Martin 1995 Westwood Village Cemetery
Hey pallies, likes if memory serves us correctly, the folks at "Los Angeles Morgue Files" yearly homage our Dino on his date of death by sharin' a very very Dino-honorin' post of prose and pixs at their pad. And, likes ilovedinomartin has shared their reflections before. But, we are always thrilled to be able highlight the many and varied sites on the good ol' web that are faithful to the memory of our most beloved Dino each year at this time.
One of our dreams is to one day be able to make pilgrimage to our Dino's place of rest and pay him the respect that he truly truly due. Until we are able to do this, we are thankful to the pallies at "Los Angeles Morgue Files" for presentin' this deeply dignified post of remembrance to our King of Cool.
ilovedinomartin thanks those in charge of the "Los Angeles Morgue Files" for payin' such a touchin' tribute to our Dino each year at the anniversary of his passin' from our presence. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Only Devoted To Dino, DMP

Dean Martin (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was an American singer, film actor and comedian. Martin's hit singles included "Memories Are Made of This," "That's Amore," "Everybody Loves Somebody," "Mambo Italiano," "Sway," "Volare" and smash hit "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?" Nicknamed the "King of Cool," he was one of the members of the "Rat Pack" and a major star in four areas of show business: concert stage/night clubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television.

Decline and death
On March 21, 1987, Martin's son Dean Paul (formerly Dino of the 1960s "teeny-bopper" rock group Dino, Desi and Billy) was killed when his F-4 Phantom II jet fighter crashed while flying with the California Air National Guard. A much-touted tour with Davis and Sinatra in 1988 sputtered. On one occasion, he infuriated Sinatra when he turned to him and muttered "Frank, what the hell are we doing up here?" Martin, who always responded best to a club audience, felt lost in the huge stadiums they were performing in (at Sinatra's insistence), and he was not the least bit interested in drinking until dawn after their performances. His final Vegas shows were at the Bally's Hotel in 1990. It was there he had his final reunion with Jerry Lewis on his 72nd birthday. Martin's last two TV appearances both involved tributes to his former Rat Pack members. In 1990, he joined many stars of the entertainment industry in Sammy Davis, Jr's 60th anniversary celebration, which aired only a few weeks before Davis died from throat cancer. In December 1990, he congratulated Frank Sinatra on his 75th birthday special. By 1991, Martin had unofficially retired from performing.

Martin, a life-long smoker, died of acute respiratory failure resulting from emphysema at his Beverly Hills home on Christmas morning 1995, at the age of 78. The lights of the Las Vegas Strip were dimmed in his honor. He is buried at Westwood Village Memorial Park.

One of our dreams is to one day be able to make pilgrimage to our Dino's place of rest and pay him the respect that he truly truly due. Until we are able to do this, we are thankful to the pallies at "Los Angeles Morgue Files" for presentin' this deeply dignified post of remembrance to our King of Cool.
ilovedinomartin thanks those in charge of the "Los Angeles Morgue Files" for payin' such a touchin' tribute to our Dino each year at the anniversary of his passin' from our presence. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Only Devoted To Dino, DMP
"King of Cool" Entertainer Dean Martin 1995 Westwood Village Cemetery

Dean Martin (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was an American singer, film actor and comedian. Martin's hit singles included "Memories Are Made of This," "That's Amore," "Everybody Loves Somebody," "Mambo Italiano," "Sway," "Volare" and smash hit "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?" Nicknamed the "King of Cool," he was one of the members of the "Rat Pack" and a major star in four areas of show business: concert stage/night clubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television.

Decline and death
On March 21, 1987, Martin's son Dean Paul (formerly Dino of the 1960s "teeny-bopper" rock group Dino, Desi and Billy) was killed when his F-4 Phantom II jet fighter crashed while flying with the California Air National Guard. A much-touted tour with Davis and Sinatra in 1988 sputtered. On one occasion, he infuriated Sinatra when he turned to him and muttered "Frank, what the hell are we doing up here?" Martin, who always responded best to a club audience, felt lost in the huge stadiums they were performing in (at Sinatra's insistence), and he was not the least bit interested in drinking until dawn after their performances. His final Vegas shows were at the Bally's Hotel in 1990. It was there he had his final reunion with Jerry Lewis on his 72nd birthday. Martin's last two TV appearances both involved tributes to his former Rat Pack members. In 1990, he joined many stars of the entertainment industry in Sammy Davis, Jr's 60th anniversary celebration, which aired only a few weeks before Davis died from throat cancer. In December 1990, he congratulated Frank Sinatra on his 75th birthday special. By 1991, Martin had unofficially retired from performing.

Martin, a life-long smoker, died of acute respiratory failure resulting from emphysema at his Beverly Hills home on Christmas morning 1995, at the age of 78. The lights of the Las Vegas Strip were dimmed in his honor. He is buried at Westwood Village Memorial Park.

Friday, December 27, 2013
Of all the artists, Dean Martin was the master of holiday songs.
Hey pallies, likes we here at ilovedinomartin loves the many and oh oh so varied ways that our Dino is homaged on the web, includin' each year at the time of the anniversary of his departure from our immediate presence. Today we takes you to the blog of Radio Station Classic KRXB Country 1000, Sioux Falls, South Dakota where radio show host Mr. Mark Tassler has scribed a touchin' tribute to our most beloved Dino tagged, "He Died On Christmas Day."
We here at ilovedinomartin truly truly appreciate not only the depth of Mr. Tassler understandin' of our Dino, but also his remarkable way of puttin' pen to paper in renderin' his tender tribute to our great great man. We were particularly struck by how Mark ties our Dino's passin' to the wintery season when he so profoundly posts, "Of all the artists, Dean Martin was the master of holiday songs. Today his music is heard everywhere at Christmas time still." Thus remindin' all us devotees of Dino that it seems just right that our King of Cool would depart us at the peak of the season where his music still rules supremely supreme!
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Mark Tassler and all the pallies at KRXB for honorin' our Dino in this purely devotional way. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. In The Name Of Dino, DMP
He Died On Christmas Day
By Mark Tassler
Enjoying all the wonderful songs of Christmas at this time of the year is always a treat. Many of them instantly bring back many memories for us.
It’s the original classics that really do it. You hear those voices of the singers from years ago and realize how great they really were.
Of all the artists, Dean Martin was the master of holiday songs. Today his music is heard everywhere at Christmas time still.
Dean singing ‘Let It Snow’, ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’, ‘Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer’ and many others makes the season official. It wouldn’t be Christmas without it.
Dean’s music is so alive and always will be. It almost makes him seem alive today.
But he’s not. Dean Martin died on Christmas Day 1995.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
"Ed's Epistle.....Remembering Dino This Christmas"
Hey pallies, likes I gots the bestest of best news to share with all youse Dino-philes on this day after Dino-winter-day. Likes first, we here at ilovedinomartin hopes that each and everyone of you Dino-holics have a
very very special day of Dino-remembrance yesterday, a day full of the happiness that only Dino brings.
And, now to share the swankest of swank Dino-news. Our Brother in Dino, Ed, of Ed's Epistle' fame is goin' to return to spreadin' his most powerful prose on the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino here at ilovedinomartin.....in fact, he has what I can tell you is one of his best Dino-efforts yet, just waitin' in the wings to be spread on the pages of our humble little Dino-blog.
In honor of this most wondrously wonderful Dino-news, we would like to share with all youse followers of our Dino a post that Ed first scribed for Dino-winter-day 2009. In his profoundly personal way, as only Ed can do it, he shares with us how deeply the passin' of our Dino effected him, and how only a few months later, the man who introduced him to our King of Cool, his wonderful Dino-devoted father, also followed Dino beyond the grave.
It is with the greatest of great pleasure that we again share, "Ed's Epistle.....Remembering Dino This Christmas".......some of our Ed's most Dino-hearted sentiments ever. Thanks Brother Ed for helpin' to bring so so much Dino-light to our Dino-paths! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Christmas is time of mixed emotions. Early childhood memories are filled with trees, lights, and gifts. Dino on the turntable and family in house. These are the days were the basis of all future life moments are compared.
Things evolve as one ages. Times of receiving are replaced with times of giving. Times of being with family are replaced with times of remembering family. We settle for good health rather than good gifts. Memories and present family we rely on to get through present day ills and worries.
Family and friends who in the past filtered out the bad and rang in the good are no longer with some of us. Time for reflection and hopes for the future will fill my holidays.
Dino slipped away from us on a Christmas morning some fourteen years ago. Exited quietly on the most tranquil morning of the year. Typical Dino to duck out when no one was looking. Not wanting the attention, the spotlight. It was Christmas morning 1995, while Dino song filled the world’s airways, and hearts with his voice, his soul left this earth. Dino going Splitsville from his own party to catch a late western, Christmas morning he left to go the big bar upstairs. He knew no one was looking, I'm sure. The Rat Pack lost it's cool.
The world turned a page, started a new chapter.
When the image of Dean flashed on the screen, the family paused to watch. It's not good when a show is interrupted for a special announcement, on Christmas morning of all times. Worse when the image is the one you associate your childhood with. The smile happy, the voice song, the laugh fun, the face Dino.
Part of the collective American soul died that morning.
Fortunately, the spirit of Dino has grown bigger since his passing. Dino is as big as ever. His is now the rank of legend. Dino owns the Cool recipe. He copyrighted 'sigh'. He's untouchable. He lives in memory, on screen, and in voice. Frank may have done it his way, but Dino did it our way. We get it. Christmas is tonic. Some parts happy, some sad, some hopeful, some remorseful. All mixed together makes you humble. I am fortunate for what I had, and what I have. Make someone feel that this season. Create some memories, play some Dino. Today is tomorrow memories.
To all of your family and friends, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you're season are is filled with Dino, and your heart with happiness!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Ed's Epistle.....The 12 Days Of Dino

Hey pallies, likes man-o-man pallies likes are we in for likes the most special of special Dino-winter-day tributes that any only-devoted-to-Dino dude coulda ever desire. Hot off the presses comes our greatest of great Dino-phile Ed of Ed's Epistle fame's superbly scribed Dino-reflection, "The 12 Days Of Dino."
Truly, truly there has never ever been anyone more deeply devoted to our Dino AND more in-the-Dino-know then our Dino-bro Ed. Our Ed profoundly proves this with all the amazin' Dino-facts and figures that he has assembled in his powerfully prosed parody of the 12 Days of Christmas.
ilovedinomartin thanks our brother in Dino, Ed, for this from-the bottom-of-his-Dino-heart trib to our most beloved Dino on Dino-winter-day 2013. We just know it is gonna stand as a new supreme standard of passionate prose in amore of our man of Amore....our one and only Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Ring-a-ding, Ho-Ho, and all that other Merry Jazz, baby! The Holli-Dino-Days are upon us like Santa Clause on a snowy roof pally. Tis the season of Dino-music, Holiday movies, family, merriment, and all sounds and sites that make these times special. The year has been great, and grand finale is a doozie! The voice of the season has been declared OH-ficcialy ladies and gentlemen, and it's our Dino. "Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow". Now I don't know a better way to finish off this year with that Dino-news!
Ah, the Holidays. During these times a pally gets to dreaming, thinking bout the memories that makes these days so special. The glow of dusk on Christmas eve, the dawn of Christmas morn. The anniversary of the Passing of our Dino, I reflect on this 18th year A.D., After Dino., to remember some of the things he's brought us.
And in the spirit of the season, I've put together something little to remember our Dino this Christmas. Behind the gifts, past the tree, under the stars, Dino flows through the ether. Like the air we breathe, he is everywhere. I celebrate this Christmas with the ones I love, and listen to man who's helped all of us enjoy the holidays a little more every year.
I present you The 12 Days Of Dino…
On the 1st Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
A Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 2nd Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 3rd Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 4th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 5th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 6th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 7th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 8th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
8 Motion Picture Herald Awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 9th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 Motion Picture herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 10 day of Christmas our Dino gave to us.
10 years o' Martin n Lewis
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 motion Picture Herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 11th Day of Christmas our Dino gave to us...
11 years of a Dino 'roastin'
10 years o' Martin n Lewis
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 Motion Picture Herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
On the 12th day of Christmas our Dino gave to us…
12 Golden records
11 years of a Dino 'roastin'
10 years o' Martin n Lewis
9 Dean Martin Show seasons
8 Motion Picture Herald awards
the 7th Day of June
6 hundred songs
5 Chapels in the moonlight
4 Emmy Award nominations
3 Hollywood stars
2 Billboard #1 songs
and a Golden Globe for Best TV Male Entertainer
Our Dino Wishes Us A Merry Christmas
Hey pallies, likes the year was 1994, the season was wintery, and our Dino was steppin' out of one of his favorite waterin' holes when a dude with a vid camera runnin' asked our most beloved Dino to say "Merry Christmas" to all his beloved devotees. And, our gracious, gracious great man does indeed to just that.
The video below captures that moment in time....just 'bout one year before he would leave our planet forever on December 25, 1995. To ilovedinomartin this is indeed a very bitter-sweet sort of remembrance. It is very very clear from this vid that our Dino was in much physical decline at this stage of his life. And, likes as much as we are grateful to hear his wintery greetin' to all us pallies, we are also sad to see our King of Cool in such decline.
ilovedinomartin thanks our Dino-devoted pallie Danny G. who put us on to this rare Dino-moment so that we coulda shares it with all of youse Dino-lovers. We here at ilovedinomartin wish you a day full of lovin' Dino-remembrance as we pay our deepest of deep respect to our most beloved Dino on this remembrance of his passin' from our presence. Dino-honorin', DMP
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Marshmallow World"
Hey there pallies...Happy Winter! Now I knows that we here at the COOLEST little blog on the net have been celebratin' Dino-Winter month for weeks, however...now it's official! Bring on the snow! Bring on the icicles! Bring on the snowmen!!! Hahaha, I'm gettin' into this whole wintery scene pals!!!
Well this Serenade came to me SO SO easily! When I thinks of Winter...there is truly ONLY one tune that comes to mind. "Marshmallow World" is THE definin' jam of the season. Get's no cooler. Get's no smoother.
Yea yea I know...the vid quality is a little lackin' but hey...what do youse expect for 1975? Anyways, Dean still rocks this tune to Dino-perfection!
So laid back! It was such a different world back then pals. Let's step back into yester-year, just for old times sake...grab a drink & a smoke... & leave your worries in 2013. Dosen't get ANY better! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!
It's a marshmallow world in the winter
When the snow comes to cover the ground
It's the time for play, it's a whipped cream day
I wait for it the whole year round.
Those are marshmallow clouds being friendly
In the arms of the evergreen trees
And the sun is red like a pumpkin head
It's shining so your nose wont freeze.
The world is your snowball, see how it grows
Thats how it goes whenever it snows
The world is your snowball just for a song
Get out and roll it along
It's a yum-yummy world made for sweethearts
Take a walk with your favorite girl
It's a sugar date, what if spring is late
In winter it's a marshmallow world.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
..... when he starts referring to the lovable Rudolph as Rudy like he's an old drinking buddy and if you listen closely it does sound like scotch glasses are clinking in the background.
Hey pallies, likes while we now know that our most beloved Dino's ver-si-on of "Let It Snow" has the most air plays of any seasonal song, the Dino-croon that we have personally heard the most often is our Dino's most most delightful croonin' of the reindeer with nose of red, and likes today we share with you a most most delightful reflection "on Dean Martin's Rudolph the Red Dicked Reindeer" from the blog "Enjoying the View.. One Day at a time."
Scribed by a dude from Brooklyn, NY tagged Righetti, this post explores exactly what our most beloved Dino crooned as he ended his most unique ver-si-on of "Rudy" usin' a German accent. Instead of goin' into great detail 'bout the provocative proposition below, we simply asks youse to checks it out for yourself and render your Dino-opinion.
We are certain that this particular Dino-devotion outta evoke some very evocative Dino-patter from all youse Dino-philes....so likes chimes in dudes ON your Dino-reflections on this matter. ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Righetti for what may very well be our most debated Dino-gram of this 2013 Dino-winter-season. To checks this out in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Thursday, December 12, 2013
take on Dean Martin's Rudolph the Red Dicked Reindeer

A buddy mentioned to me the other day how American Icon Dean Martin snuck one past the American censors for a half a century with his rendition of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. He swears that at the end of the song, Martin, who appears to be completely sloshed, sneaks in a Rudolph the Red Dicked Reindeer right as the song cuts off. Of course, this is the kind of thing that the high-paid reporters at TOR take very seriously, so we've gone on the hunt listing to every rendition of that classic. First of all, the Rat Pack in the early 60's were as big as it got and it would be no surprise to anybody that there wouldn't be anybody who could have stopped Martin from doing what he wanted to do. Secondly, with the way technology worked back then, it could easily have gotten past somebody and now has been playing on radio stations in heavy rotation for 50 years.
We put on some high-fidelity earphones and searched YouTube and found a great version.
My buddy is 100% right about the fact that Martin is completely inebriated throughout the song as he ad libs his way through much of it and is slurring his words from the first verse on. The YouTube version I have has a cartoon playing over it but it's not hard to imagine old Dino playing a little grab-ass with the girls in the background chorus singing the bridge about half way through the song. You can tell he's going to go off the deep end when he starts referring to the lovable Rudolph as Rudy like he's an old drinking buddy and if you listen closely it does sound like scotch glasses are clinking in the background. It gets a bit more bizarre even before the final fateful verse, as Martin goes into this crazy German accent with the line "Rudolf wiz your nose zo bright, won't zhou guide mine sliigh zoonigt." He recorded this song in 1959, so the scars of WWII were probably just receding a bit, yet he seems to poke a bit of fun at the Krauts on the other side of the pond. You'd think that was the ultimate move until he goes into the final line in question and it does appear that Dino sneaks in a Rudolph the Red Deeked reindeer like a drunk dude tries to sneak one in the five hole of his equally drunk girlfriend
Scribed by a dude from Brooklyn, NY tagged Righetti, this post explores exactly what our most beloved Dino crooned as he ended his most unique ver-si-on of "Rudy" usin' a German accent. Instead of goin' into great detail 'bout the provocative proposition below, we simply asks youse to checks it out for yourself and render your Dino-opinion.
We are certain that this particular Dino-devotion outta evoke some very evocative Dino-patter from all youse Dino-philes....so likes chimes in dudes ON your Dino-reflections on this matter. ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Righetti for what may very well be our most debated Dino-gram of this 2013 Dino-winter-season. To checks this out in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Thursday, December 12, 2013
take on Dean Martin's Rudolph the Red Dicked Reindeer

A buddy mentioned to me the other day how American Icon Dean Martin snuck one past the American censors for a half a century with his rendition of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. He swears that at the end of the song, Martin, who appears to be completely sloshed, sneaks in a Rudolph the Red Dicked Reindeer right as the song cuts off. Of course, this is the kind of thing that the high-paid reporters at TOR take very seriously, so we've gone on the hunt listing to every rendition of that classic. First of all, the Rat Pack in the early 60's were as big as it got and it would be no surprise to anybody that there wouldn't be anybody who could have stopped Martin from doing what he wanted to do. Secondly, with the way technology worked back then, it could easily have gotten past somebody and now has been playing on radio stations in heavy rotation for 50 years.
We put on some high-fidelity earphones and searched YouTube and found a great version.
My buddy is 100% right about the fact that Martin is completely inebriated throughout the song as he ad libs his way through much of it and is slurring his words from the first verse on. The YouTube version I have has a cartoon playing over it but it's not hard to imagine old Dino playing a little grab-ass with the girls in the background chorus singing the bridge about half way through the song. You can tell he's going to go off the deep end when he starts referring to the lovable Rudolph as Rudy like he's an old drinking buddy and if you listen closely it does sound like scotch glasses are clinking in the background. It gets a bit more bizarre even before the final fateful verse, as Martin goes into this crazy German accent with the line "Rudolf wiz your nose zo bright, won't zhou guide mine sliigh zoonigt." He recorded this song in 1959, so the scars of WWII were probably just receding a bit, yet he seems to poke a bit of fun at the Krauts on the other side of the pond. You'd think that was the ultimate move until he goes into the final line in question and it does appear that Dino sneaks in a Rudolph the Red Deeked reindeer like a drunk dude tries to sneak one in the five hole of his equally drunk girlfriend
Friday, December 20, 2013
..... Dean Martin's scotch-soaked 1960s take on his Christmas album sealed the deal.
Hey pallies, likes by now the entire Dino-universe is celebratin' that our great great man's great great wintery croon, "Let It Snow" is the numero uno seasonal selection of 2013. And, Dino-holics likes youse and us are simply enthralled and enraptured by this bestest of best Dino-news!!!!!! Well, likes even before this amazin' news broke a pallie tagged "hallcommajon" blogged his devotion to this particular Dino-tune at the blog "College Humor."
Likes all we coulda discover 'bout Mr. "hallcommajon" is that he describes himself as " a short man who enjoys reading funny things." Well this dude musta also enjoys scribin' funny thin's as well, 'cause his patter of Dino-devotion for our Dino's croonin' 'bout snowin' is very very fun indeed dudes! We here at ilovedinomartin simply simply grooves on "hallcommajon"'s Dino-reflection....".......... Dean Martin's scotch-soaked 1960s take on his Christmas album sealed the deal."
So pallies, likes how cool pallies likes in this Dino-winter-month to be able to share with youse 'nother pallies diggin' of the numero uno winter croon of 2013.....our most beloved Dino's magnificent ver-si-on of "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow." We salute Mr. "hallcommajon" and all the pallies at "College Humor" for honorin' our most honorable Dino in this way. As usual, to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-wintery, DMP
Oh, man! Don't you just feel all Christmas-y listening to that? Can't you just see the tree and the lights and the presents? Wait . . . Those things aren't in the song? In fact, there's nothing at all about Christmas in there? Nope. This lovely song is purely and simply about staying in and boning on a cold night. We'll admit that's a hell of a good plan, but it's not (necessarily) a Christmas plan.
Songwriters Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne were suffering through the 1945 L.A. heat wave while wearing 1940s men's fashions. To take their minds off the lung-shriveling heat, the two decided to write a song about winter. They swapped stories about being stranded by snowy weather, which to their heat-crazed minds had begun to seem like a beautiful idyll rather than the uncomfortable pain in the ass anyone who has lived through it knows it to be. They eventually developed the idea of a song about two lovers being snowed in together because nothing can't be improved with a little hubba-hubba. The song was released just after Thanksgiving. It kept selling long after Christmas, well into February, which makes sense, seeing as how it's a much more appropriate Valentine's Day song than Christmas song. However, by the 1950s, the song was firmly associated with Christmas, and Dean Martin's scotch-soaked 1960s take on his Christmas album sealed the deal.
Send Some Dino-wintery Wishes
Hey pallies, likes on this 20th day of Dino-winter month, ilovedinomartin shares with youse some Dino-seasonal ecard possibilities courtesy of the dudes at www.dean-martin.de....a German Dino-devotional site. Likes gotta 'fess up that we ain't sure if this pad is still functional, but it's worth givin' the ol' Dino-try.
I thought all you Dino-philes woulda grooves to see these great Dino-seasonal graphics and likes might just want to add 'em to your own special Dino-decorations...for example, perhaps includin' 'em in an email to one of your pallies.
ilovedinomartin thanks the dudes at www.dean-martin.de for creatin' these and many other Dino-decorative images. To checks this out in the original format, simply clicks on the tag of these Dino-thoughts. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-absorbed, DMP
Dino-wintery Greetin's From Our Pallie Miss AOW

Hey pallies, likes today we are simply pleased as some spiked Dino-punch to shares with all you Dino-devotees our Miss AOW's Dino-wintery wishes. Faith readers of ilovedinomartin know Miss AOW's long standin' passion for our most beloved Dino, and today at her politico blog "Always On Watch" she has spread the news to her readership of our Dino's toppin' the 2013 ASCAP Holiday Song List with "Let It Snow".....includin' a nod to our humble little Dino-home.
So checks it out pallies, Miss AOW shares a few facts and figures and includes youtube vids of our Dino croonin' his numero uno seasonal song as well our masterful man's magnificant rendition of "Silent Night."
ilovedinomartin thanks our pallie of pallies, Miss AOW, for her support of the Dino-efforts here at ilovedinomartin, as they are very very much appreciated. To checks out Miss AOW's post in the flesh and see what she is up to daily, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Dean Martin At The Top Of ASCAP's 2013 Holiday Songs List
According to Vintage Vinyl News (hat tip to I Love Dino Martin, a site that I visit almost every day):
The list of the top ten 2013 holiday songs is HERE.
Dean Martin's version of "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" is the most popular rendition of the 1945 popular tune by lyricist Sammy Cahn and composer Jule Styne. The version below has received over 17,695,727 views atYouTube since 2008:
Christmas is certainly a time for sacred music — music that honors the birth of the Christ Child. Indeed, Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
But Christmas is for fun, too! Some of the old popular tunes are an important part of enjoying this Season, and Dean Martin recorded several holiday and Christmas songs on two different albums: A Winter Romance (1959) and The Dean Martin Christmas Album (1966).
In 2002, after the deaths of Dean Martin (1917-1995), Frank Sinatra (1915-1988), and Sammy Davis, Jr. (1925-1990), Christmas with the Rat Pack was released and included the following omission from Dean Martin's other holiday albums although the song was included on Frank Sinatra and His Friends Want You To Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (1963):
Since November 1st, 2013, "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow"! has aired more times than any other holiday song this season, ending the four-year reign of previous list-topper "Sleigh Ride."...
The list of the top ten 2013 holiday songs is HERE.
Dean Martin's version of "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" is the most popular rendition of the 1945 popular tune by lyricist Sammy Cahn and composer Jule Styne. The version below has received over 17,695,727 views atYouTube since 2008:
Christmas is certainly a time for sacred music — music that honors the birth of the Christ Child. Indeed, Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
But Christmas is for fun, too! Some of the old popular tunes are an important part of enjoying this Season, and Dean Martin recorded several holiday and Christmas songs on two different albums: A Winter Romance (1959) and The Dean Martin Christmas Album (1966).
In 2002, after the deaths of Dean Martin (1917-1995), Frank Sinatra (1915-1988), and Sammy Davis, Jr. (1925-1990), Christmas with the Rat Pack was released and included the following omission from Dean Martin's other holiday albums although the song was included on Frank Sinatra and His Friends Want You To Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (1963):
Thursday, December 19, 2013
An Irving Allen Production: Money Man of the Dean Martin Matt Helm Films

Hey pallies, likes here's a bit early Dino-winter-day present for all youse Dino-holics that likes can never ever gets 'nough of our Dino as spyster Matt Helm. From the swingin' blog, "The Scott Rollins Film and TV Trivia Blog" comes news of the death of Mr. Irving Allen on December 17th, 1987 at age 82. We extend our condolences to Allen's family and friends on his passin'.
The connection between Mr. Allen and the Matt Helm quartet of swingin' spy flicks is that Allen was, as Mr. Rollins suggests in the tag of his post, the money man behind the Matt Helm series of big screen capers....the producer of all four films. In celebration of Allen's role in bringin' the series to the masses, Scott has put together an absolutely massive essay of prose and pix mostly dedicated to our Dino as Matt Helm.
What a sweet sweet Dino-treat it is indeed dudes to indulge in the remarkable riches that our new pallie Scotty is servin' up as he matches sensational stills from each of the Matt Helm flicks with revelatory remarks to enrich the pixs. It's like a box of the bestest of best Dino-treats just waitin' to be savored and enjoyed one at a time.
Likes we here at ilovedinomartin are thrilled to be sharin' our pallie Scotty massive massive Dino-devotion with you, and gotta 'fess up that we are intrigued by the fact that the Matt Helm Lounge DVD set as gone out of print (see related article shared here recently) just a few before the death of producer Mr. Irving Allen.
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Scotty Rollins for this remarkable review of the Matt Helm Capers...certainly helpin' his readership into a deeper devotion to our Dino. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
No, not Master of Disaster Irwin, but Irving Allen, Master of Matt Helm spoofs. The producer of the late 1960's swinging secret agent film series died on December 17th, 1987 at age 82.
Allen produced all 4 of the retro classic, unfaithful versions of novelist Donald Hamilton's killer counter-agent (much tougher and realistic in the books): THE SILENCERS (probably the best of the bunch), MURDERERS ROW, THE AMBUSHERS (the weakest of the set) and my personal favorite THE WRECKING CREW.
Stella Stevens steals THE SILENCERS from Dean with her deft combination of sex appeal & comic timing as the klutzy Gail Hendricks
Ann-Margret slayed in MURDERERS' ROW
Martin is stuck on Elke Sommer
Allen did the Helm films after his producing partnership with Albert R. 'Cubby' Broccoli dissolved over whether or not to make Ian Fleming's James Bond books into films.
Broccoli was keen on it and Allen wasn't.
That ill-advised decision cost Allen millions!
Allen's secret agent films had Martin playing a parody of Bond (and himself!) with lots of in-jokes, corny acronyms for organizations (I.C.E. for Intelligence Counter Espionage and BIG O for Bureau of International Government and Order ) and a bevy of Slaymate beauties.
My faves from the Matt Helm quartet of movies:
The Helm hotties
Daliah Lavi and Stevens are in top form in THE SILENCERS
No one can silence me from saying that Cyd Charisse looked hot even in her ''Riddler from BATMAN crossed with a nightclub stripper'' costume
Dino had his hands full with Camilla Sparv & A-M in MURDERERS' ROW
Sexy Senta Berger tries to blend in with bushes in THE AMBUSHERS
There's a method to Janice Rule's madness in evil Albert Salmi's death scene
I'm guessing they're the only 2 method actors to appear in a Matt Helm flick
Elke Sommer and Sharon Tate wrecked Dino in
The comely duo played roles very similar to Daliah Lavi & Stella Stevens in
Nancy Kwan as bad babe
Yu Rang in CREW
The memorable fight between Tate & Kwan in WRECKING
was staged by...
...the legendary Bruce Lee
Tina Lousie, as gypsy dancer Lola Medina, goes out with a bang in
Let's not forget recurring honey Beverly Adams, as the aptly named Lovey Kravezit,
who popped up in the first 3 Helm films
The only thing Dino's Helm craved more than Lovey was booze...
...and his Slaymates of course
The Helm Arch-Villains
Victor Buono (!) as Tung-Tze in THE SILENCERS
The half Italian Buono as an Asian?
Odd, but he does a wonderful hammy job
Karl Malden (!) as the accent-changing Julian Wall in MURDERERS' ROW
The Serbian/Czech Malden as a...damn, I'm not sure what nationality Wall was-
Malden spoke in a different accent for each scene!
Odd, but he does a wonderful hammy job
Albert Salmi (!) as Jose Ortega
The Finnish Salmi as a Central American?
Odd, but he does a wonderful hammy job
Nigel ''Schedule'' Green (!) as Count Massimo Contini in THE WRECKING CREW
The British Green as an Italian!
Odd, but I'd watch Green do anything with that great voice of his (Why didn't they make him a Lord? Lord Henry Wythe-Smoot?)
The Helm Henchman
Robert Webber as Sam Gunther in THE SILENCERS
My fave, Tom Reese as Ironhead in MURDERERS' ROW
Will Ferrell in THE AMBUSHERS
Just Kidding!
Chuck Norris as Man in The House of Seven Joys in THE WRECKING CREW
Not kidding, that's Walker:
Texas Ranger
MacDonald, Matt Helm's Boss
2 great character lugs played the gruff I.C.E. honcho who was always pestering photographer Helm to come out of retirement and save the world.
James BARNEY MILLER Gregory did the first 3 instalments with aplomb and John DIRTY HARRY Larch filled in admirably in the final Helm entry.
Gregory and Dino
Larch with Martin and Sharon Tate
THE SILENCERS opening credits
Spoiler Alert! Tina Louise's death scene in THE WRECKING CREW
Wonder Woman on TV's MATT HELM
Allen Quotes:
''I make films to appeal to the lowest common denominator. ''
''You can't afford to be a rat in a rat race.''
''I wouldn't see my own films. I've got more taste than that. Does Barbara Hutton by her jewelry at Woolworths?''
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