Likes many pallies, this dude's Dino-devotion came at his father's knee sayin'.."my dad was more of a Dean Martin guy." While this blogger finds greatness in each of the triumvirate...Dino, Sammy, and Frank....he shares his Dino-adulation by quippin'..."I still like Dean Martin better. He somehow seems less show-tuney to me, singing songs of more substance. His entire demeanor is one of composure always—it’s no wonder since The Pack itself grew out of the Humphrey Bogart circle. He seems more real than Sinatra, more vulnerable, but still insurmountable."
These are words of pure Dino-wisdom pallies....indeed our most beloved Dino does sings songs "of more substance," and no one ever has or ever will have "composure always" likes our amazin' man. And our Dino is the realest of the real...much much "more vulnerable," while bein' likes totally totally "insurmountable" in his stunnin'ly stellar presence!
Simply groovin' on this blogger insight into the wisdom found in our Dino's croonin' of "Little Ole Wine Drinker Me" comparin' it to Frank's "My Way" and Sammy's "I Got To Be Me." "makeverysong" shares the Dino-wisdom..."Some people have to persevere, some people must overcome; others can sit in a honky in Chicago and make light of life, if not themselves. It’s sad and funny and it’s got a killer hook as a refrain. Maybe it just comes down to seeing eye-to-eye. Some wine and the jukebox is an okay
philosophy by me."
Truly, truly Mr. "makeeverysong" gets "Martin" and is impartin' huge Dino-wisdom to his readers...sure to help many come to deeper, purer, and truer Dino-adulation for Dino-sure. ilovedinomartin shares our deepest of deep thanks to this blogger dude for speakin' so so boldly in his Dino-reflections. Also cool that he shares a vid clip of our great man singin' the great wine tune, as well as a clip with Robert Mitchum from a 1975 Dino-special on NBC....a particular clip that I have never seen before, but that includes so so much worldly insight from our worldly wise man.
To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. How how magnificant to keep findin' pallies who are keepin' the fire of Dino-passion roarin' all over the web! Dino-devotedly, DMP
Little Ole Dean Martin Fan Me
September 20, 2011 by makeeverysong
Dean-o in studio

Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. were the leaders of The Rat Pack, but social and historical emphasis narrows it from there. Sammy Davis Jr. was more eccentric and versatile, his music was not as prominent a part of his fame as for the other two. Also, he was blazing a trail finding an audience with both blacks and whites, a process that was not without its hardships. Of the other two, Frank Sinatra is overwhelmingly more popular as a pure singer. Their popularity in their prime seems to have been fairly even, but different. Martin, like Davis Jr., was iconic in many ways outside of music. I’m not licensed to give a history lesson on the Rat Pack, but it’s clear whatever their roles were back in the day of bright lights, Ol’ Blue Eyes is the strongest enduring legend.
I still like Dean Martin better. He somehow seems less show-tuney to me, singing songs of more substance. His entire demeanor is one of composure always—it’s no wonder since The Pack itself grew out of the Humphrey Bogart circle. He seems more real than Sinatra, more vulnerable, but still insurmountable. The gimmick of songs like “That’s Amore” I can overlook, though maybe I should do more than simply overlook given its immense popularity. There are two songs that really elevate Martin over Sinatra for me, and this is done in the daunting presence of “My Way.”
The songs are “Everybody Loves Somebody” and “Little Ole Wine Drinker Me.” The first is probably his best. It’s a love song of the highest order, the feeling transcends the individual, or couple, and pervades the vast cloud of everybody, as it must. The second is perhaps less well known. After hearing it, it may make my claim that he is more “real” a bit obvious, but it’s nonetheless valid. This is not a classic love song, or a love song at all. It’s almost as if this song is an honest parody of “My Way” or Davis Jr.’s “I’ve Gotta Be Me.” Some people have to persevere, some people must overcome; others can sit in a honky in Chicago and make light of life, if not themselves. It’s sad and funny and it’s got a killer hook as a refrain. Maybe it just comes down to seeing eye-to-eye. Some wine and the jukebox is an okay philosophy by me.
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